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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    and the wife asked for a new kid

    Cute! My wife brought home a mastiff boxer mix last week, cute now until she grows up! Lord help us haha.
  2. muledeerarea33?

    22 lr

    I'm not stocking up for an invasion or a revalution, most of the 22 I have was bought in bulk many years ago before the current crisis. To answer you question though, I would rather have 22 ammo for killing small game and in some cases big game, for quietly killing the enemy at hand, and for trade if an episode such as a "red dawn" ever happened in this country. They'll pin point your big bore long before they will a 22.
  3. muledeerarea33?

    Truck? - Paint, Wrap, Dip?

    I think a company out of phoenix does our parts truck wrap for around $2000, but our parts trucks never leave the pavement.
  4. muledeerarea33?

    Truck? - Paint, Wrap, Dip?

    LIne X is good stuff but if you did your whole truck in it it'd add some serious weight!! I'm kinda wondering how a wrap would hold up to scratches and tree limb debris as well?
  5. muledeerarea33?

    whats your back up plan?

    back packing trip around the south of France, wine tasting in Naples, then jet setting to Australia to snorkel the Great Beerier Reef. Maybe a quick stop in Argentina for red stag and some dove hunting.
  6. muledeerarea33?

    Cabelas Card just Canceled - Fraud

    Sounds like you've listened to Dave Ramsey a time or two. never heard of him til I looked him up today. Sounds like a smart guy lol
  7. muledeerarea33?

    e- caller for elk

    I messed with some goulds this week with the fox pro, they responded well but the cow and 3 mule deer at the water tank spooked them.
  8. muledeerarea33?

    Cabelas Card just Canceled - Fraud

    And easy to apply online?? I guess if you say so! The only issues I've ever heard about the draw have been from online credit card appliers. I don't remember several threads, several pages long about the guys who use money orders to apply. Only issue with paper apps is if the guy applying messed up, or the chance g&f messed up which happens but not as often as CC issues.
  9. muledeerarea33?

    Cabelas Card just Canceled - Fraud

    I'm gonna have to do like others have said, prepaid money card or use the debit card. When it goes all online of course.
  10. muledeerarea33?

    Cabelas Card just Canceled - Fraud

    Not trying to offend anyone here but I was brought up on the mindset, if you don't have it don't spend it. I'm lower middle class but I'm building my house cash, my trucks are paid for with cash, my groceries and "fun spending" are cash, and most importantly my hunting licenses and tags are CASH! I do have a credit card incase I need it and use it for gas twice a month just to keep it active. I may be alone but I feel we need to get back to our roots and use what we have at the time. I'm sorry your card was canceled because of theft, I don't for any reason feel its your fault, but when it comes to important things, cash is king!
  11. muledeerarea33?

    Ammo in a gun safe?

    Any bulk ammo I have is on top of my safe. All my powder and loading equipment is in my reloading shed.
  12. muledeerarea33?

    salt or corn?

    Thank you akaspecials. You mentioned small town living in an earlier thread, I live in a small town now and grew up in a small town. There was and is a "good ole boy code" but stealing or trying to justify different forms of stealing was never part of it. If you feel it neccesarey to call g&f about corn being placed.then so be it. It doesn't make it entirely illegal. I'm glad your able to see both sides of mountain now.
  13. muledeerarea33?

    fiberglass water tank

    A bit far for me, thanks.
  14. muledeerarea33?

    1991 Toyota 4x4 Low Mileage

    I love how Toyota pickups in 4wd make everyone's red rockets get hard and wet!!! I understand, really I do! I can't wait til t I decide to sell my 06.
  15. muledeerarea33?

    fiberglass water tank

    Where you located?
  16. muledeerarea33?

    game and fish gun down endangered red squirell

    And people call me crazy for cooking gourmet jackrabbit dishes!! Sometimes the small game beats out the big game.
  17. muledeerarea33?

    New guy from Oregon

    Welcome. If you need help with your javi or coues hunt let me know. I'm far from the best of the best on this site but will do what I can.
  18. muledeerarea33?

    I need some help!!

  19. muledeerarea33?

    ltb a stock

    I figured he'd be parting it out by now, maybe after having to cut the barrel he'll be more mindful of his safety haha!! Tell him to keep the wax out of that new 06 he just got!!
  20. muledeerarea33?

    ltb a stock

    Well that's good! Wasn't sure what he was gonna do with it.
  21. In general, what do you all think of the 300 rum? Is it worth the extra powder and cost over a 300 win mag or 7mm? Is it more of a preference or a want, or is actually much more superior at 1000+ yards? I have got to 1000 with my 223 wssm (just for fun) I only ask because I'm looking to do a big mag. I've always thought the 300 rum is a bit much but is it really?
  22. muledeerarea33?

    Bank Card Cancelled!!

    money orders are fairly safe.True from theft. Always a chance of making a mistake on app though. your right on that point! I loved when they had the app online a few years ago where you could type all your info in and the print it out. Helps those of us with bad penmanship.
  23. muledeerarea33?

    ltb a stock

    Pm 25-06, his boy might be parting out a mossberg?
  24. muledeerarea33?

    Bank Card Cancelled!!

    money orders are fairly safe.
  25. muledeerarea33?

    salt or corn?

    I don't place salt or corn and only have one camera that I use on occasion but if one of your buddy's took it and left a note I'd be sure to get it back! How dare them for believing they are above the law! Just like me writing you a ticket for being double parked with no authority, laughable at best!