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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?


    Is it a full body or just half? Looks amazing!
  2. muledeerarea33?

    Pull a ford or dodge out of a ditch

    Sounds like a great truck!!! Your title got me laughing! Haha. I pulled a 3/4 ton dodge cummins out twice with my Tacoma! When your stuck, you usually just need a little help to get movin again
  3. muledeerarea33?

    What insurance do you use?

    We have progressive. We had Allstate and State Farm and esurance and I even had mike Pearce insurance when I first moved to Tucson. Their political views really mean nothing. All big insurance groups are out to make money (I don't blame them) and as much money as they can!! Sure, certain agents or brokers may be sportsmen or believe in a certain cause but that doesn't mean the policy they sell from a certain company doesn't have different beliefs. All you can do is support your agent/broker and hope for the best. BTW... My progressive lady has more elk and deer mounts on her wall than I do.
  4. muledeerarea33?


    An uncle of mine bought a really nice off road trailer similar to the ones shown. He tows it with his jeep into some nasty places. I believe he paid around 10k, the company matched the rims and tires and the paint on his rubicon. Nice little set up for getting way in the back country.
  5. muledeerarea33?

    Find the deer!!

    I found all 6
  6. muledeerarea33?

    Stolen Bow update- got the bastards

    Itemized list. so an itemized list isn't subject to a deductible?
  7. muledeerarea33?

    Tag came in the mail!

    I just wants refund check so I can buy another OTC tag!
  8. muledeerarea33?

    Stolen Bow update- got the bastards

    joeeden, could you please explain what scheduling is?
  9. muledeerarea33?

    Remington R15 for sale

    I've shot 556 out of mine with no issue, haven't shot any steel cases. I mostly load 223 for it though.
  10. muledeerarea33?

    Cool show on PBS 7 pm....Touching the Wild

    Starts at 8pm on direct tv here where I'm at, got it recorded.
  11. muledeerarea33?

    24A early hunt

    Did anyone here draw one of the 5 tags?
  12. muledeerarea33?

    question on truck leveling kit

    +1 on the shocks, the Truxx kit is the best out there I think and they're out of Tucson.
  13. muledeerarea33?

    Our Back Yard Showdown

    yes it is
  14. muledeerarea33?

    Our Back Yard Showdown

    sounds similar to what Bobby Martinez and his family went thru (going thru)
  15. muledeerarea33?

    Finished fake rock.

    Even though I'm not a fan of the cactus color, you did 1000% better than I could! Mine would come out orange purple or something haha!
  16. muledeerarea33?

    Finished fake rock.

    The rock looks like a rock, good job. The cactus looks likes its been in a heavy rain fall for over a year! A bit to much green.
  17. muledeerarea33?

    Puppy and gunshots

    Never had an issue in the past getting a dog used to gun shots but this new one is skidish. She's 3 months old, never abused or around guns before. I'd like some methods from those of you that do it. Thanks.
  18. muledeerarea33?

    Puppy and gunshots

    She's not a bird dog or working dog. Just a family pet.
  19. muledeerarea33?

    Puppy and gunshots

    I put my ear muffs on her (she got used to them) used a 22 short, had her in the back yard I started around 50 feet away, giving her treats and attention after every shot, and worked til she was sitting next to me. She's fine with the muffs. I removed the muffs and held one ear against my leg and covered the other with my hand. That's when it all went wrong. Did I rush it? I've taught 4 other dogs this way and all have been fine.
  20. muledeerarea33?

    Water holes

    I've had one or two cows empty my 35 gallon quail tank in 30 min or less! Cattle love free water.
  21. muledeerarea33?

    Sunglasses as Camera Filter...

    That's either cool or I'm on a real bad acid trip... Guess it's cool either way.
  22. muledeerarea33?

    H&R Model 649 22mag/22LR

    Pm sent
  23. muledeerarea33?

    Thunderbirds are here.

    I work 2 streets from the base, loud as heck today!!
  24. muledeerarea33?

    Unit 28 OTC Elk

    They're in there. Most people who know where they frequent won't say a word about the where abouts.