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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    Anyone need something picked up/ delivered?

    How bout I pick you up an AA book. "Hi, my names terry and I have a problem"
  2. muledeerarea33?

    Find the .50 caliber Round...

    Are you in an area that used to be a military firing range? If so, do you know the history?
  3. muledeerarea33?

    Pics from the "Petting zoo"

    Nice pictures
  4. muledeerarea33?

    Chevy dura max vs vw touareg

    Do you realize how many stop sale recalls VW has? Most folks never hear about them. Their one of if not the biggest auto manufacturer in the world but they never make the news with their many recalls,
  5. As far as "squeaky clean" forests goes... Is it not better to have brush, dead trees, and debris cleaned up to help prevent the spread of wild fires? Do you folks who live in the forest keep your property cleaned up and any combustibles away from your home (wood, brush, burn pile,trash, etc)?? If your keeping your own property safe then why shouldn't the forest service "us" keep the rest of the land clean to help prevent the spread of these huge fires? I'm not arguing the ignorant factor of flat landers or high elevation folks, but isn't it better to be pro active than reactive?
  6. muledeerarea33?

    What time is it?

    I was guessing its peanut butter jelly time? Anyone? No? It's ok, I'm a pint of burbon in right now, have fun!!
  7. muledeerarea33?

    Chicken Thief Exposed

    Pretty cat, the skull would look great hanging on the coop!
  8. muledeerarea33?

    How Big is the bull?

    Gazelle isn't native to AZ, shoot it now!
  9. muledeerarea33?

    Bobcat Rug

    I love the cat rug!! But your missing the tire tracks over it, the broken bottle of fireball, and the mug shot!!
  10. muledeerarea33?

    How Big is the bull?

    449 easy, no guessing needed!!
  11. Are you a champ hunter or do you qualify for a cross bow in the archery season?
  12. muledeerarea33?

    Would you take your kids to hunt down south?

    I live in the southern units and see evidence all the time but haven't ever had trouble that I wasn't able to handle or avoid.
  13. muledeerarea33?

    Would you take your kids to hunt down south?

    I'm sure medical marihuana hasn't touched the drug runs, I have no proof but I'm guessing it might be 1% I'm not saying you can run around southern AZ like Lenny or simple jack, I'm just saying, like everyone else has said, it's not as bad and TV makes it sound (for a hunter)
  14. muledeerarea33?

    Would you take your kids to hunt down south?

    Honestly, the majority of BP agents I run into are "American Mexicans" and are good folks who don't want to kill me? I've never felt threatened or belittleled by them either. Should i?? Usually I stop them at the gas station or store and ask questions about the area, I've never felt like I was waiting their time (probably am but they never act like it) oh, and I know know some white agents too, which race of American should I worry more about because I'm confused?
  15. muledeerarea33?

    How accurate is a GPS unit?

    I don't own one and haven't really played with them before, I'm trying to put up around 3000' of fence on my property line. If I marked the location on one end and the other, would it give me a straight line? I'm going about a foot in on my side of the property so is the margin of error more than a foot? I'm tryin to avoid the string line method. Thanks.
  16. muledeerarea33?

    Aoudad/ Barbary sheep in arizona

    it's actually not very far from their home range.
  17. muledeerarea33?

    WTB: Youth rifle for deer

    My first carry rifle was an ithica lever action single shot .22, it had been passed down thru all my cousins and me. It taught us how to keep a gun nice and clean (while we beat up that .22) to this date I've given it to 3 friends for their kids and should be getting it back within the year I think? All of us started around ages 3-5. If you've had your son shooting for a length of time I'd recommend any non mag rifle from .243 to 06. If he's a big boy and has practice, might as well try and find anything affordable. I started with a .270 went to an 06, 300 win mag, etc. now I'm back to my .243.
  18. muledeerarea33?

    Never underestimate a house cat

    Heck yeah!! I know my cat beats up on our three dogs. We only employ barn cats raised to work. Good job cat!!
  19. muledeerarea33?

    Aoudad/ Barbary sheep in arizona

    I saw what I thought at the time was domestic sheep/goat, near NM last year. I suppose I shoulda looked a bit closer.
  20. muledeerarea33?

    How accurate is a GPS unit?

    Blade, it's a good survey, marked with brass tags, and recorded. I personally watched them do it in 2008 and I put a t post one foot in on the corners a day after the survey.
  21. muledeerarea33?

    2011 Polaris Ranger Crew 500 $7000

    Haha!! I love the self bump! Another bump for a guy I don't know but isn't afraid to bump themself.
  22. muledeerarea33?

    How accurate is a GPS unit?

    Thank you Edge for your knowledge, it's a small world when you live rural.
  23. muledeerarea33?

    How accurate is a GPS unit?

    barbed wire, marked with t-posts. Already a foot inside my property line on the corners.
  24. muledeerarea33?

    Sold 9000 pounds of antler

    wow!!! Wtf is wrong with you?? The guy started a business and did well, your gonna dung all over what he's done? Maybe I don't know what's going on and maybe your just a hunk of flaming crap, I don't know? If he mess's up or screws someone then bash him. Until then.... STFU!