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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?


    But really, my buddy is all about guitars, I'll show him this.
  2. muledeerarea33?


    HEADACHE.... You gotta speak English!!!! Stinky ebay beef? Duncan donuts bridge? And warbird is a lazzeroni cartridge for goodness sake!!! Kids these days. Sheesh!
  3. muledeerarea33?

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    2 AZ antelope? dang!! that's great at your age.
  4. muledeerarea33?


    Hahaha!!! I'm flattered!
  5. muledeerarea33?


    I put in the last day too. All I'm saying is if you count on the "agency" to get it right, you might as well take your app and shove it up your pee hole. They will give you an extension to pull it out but it's not fun either way
  6. muledeerarea33?


    I wait til the last day every year just like trphyhuntr does, but I drive to the g$f office, drops mine off, BS with the guys, and stop and have a few Pat's chili dogs on my way back to work. If you wait til the last day "because it should work" or because "I paid more this year than last" or because "I wanna test the system" then your a naive fool! Don't complain if it doesn't work! Should it work?? heck yeah it should!!! But I live in reality, not a life of "shoulda"
  7. muledeerarea33?

    Stuff handed down from parents/grandparents.......

    Well, I suppose I better respond too. After all, I am the muse for this topic haha. My pops has given me weapons, camping gear, chain saws, tools, vehicles, fishing stuff, etc. my mom gives the wife and I something new every time we go up to visit. From rolling pins to a fry daddy to our new automatic cat box with a years supply of cat litter!! They've always tried to make our life better than theirs and at the same time we've always worked hard for what we have or have gone without. Knowing this, they hand down items knowing we will cherish them far more than if they had just bought it new and handed it to you. I suppose the best thing I've ever got from any family member, like others have posted, is a good work ethic, honesty, strong morals, a since of purpose, and the ability of free thinking. With all that, who really needs "stuff"? (Stuff is awesome though!!)
  8. muledeerarea33?

    My sleeping bag sucks/// Which one to get

    thank god for dads and moms down sizing/thining out! My pops has kept me in nice gear ever since he retired and doesn't get out as much.
  9. muledeerarea33?

    Hunting's Next Perversion

    OH!! Haha I get it now! Had to rack brain for a minute
  10. muledeerarea33?

    750 - 1000 wolves planned in Az; meeting planned this weekend

    Thanks for the info. I guess my point way that murfys69law forgot to mention the other towns you drive thru after safford! Haha. I've been on the 4 drag several times.
  11. muledeerarea33?

    Stand up guy

    He's a stand up guy, tons of info in his brain about all things history!
  12. I listened to a radio broadcast today in Tucson. This morning was John Wayne with a "kinda song" and this evening they had one of the men that was there in '44. Sadly he died a few months ago and it was a re broadcast. But that guy recounted every detail of when he was there, very good broadcast.
  13. muledeerarea33?

    Big Horn Draw Odds

    I won't be able to hunt it this year if I drew a tag, bonus point is the next best option. I believe in luck as much as the other guy but usually it's him pulling the trigger and me helping on the pack out. Good luck to all on the sheep draw.
  14. muledeerarea33?

    5A Archery Bull hunt

    I'd like to see the buck that your screen name represents!
  15. muledeerarea33?

    Big Horn Draw Odds

    Haha!! I should of said max points for a particular unit! Unless you buy the auction tag, it's guaranteed for sure.
  16. muledeerarea33?

    750 - 1000 wolves planned in Az; meeting planned this weekend

    I thought the 4drag was north of morenci?
  17. muledeerarea33?

    Big Horn Draw Odds

    I just bought another bonus point this year, got several years before the guarantee tag
  18. muledeerarea33?

    two tone Rolex submariner

    pawn stars!!!
  19. muledeerarea33?

    1000 posts...

    I don't use fingers, I prefer pouring fists (i got some big fists!!) 2 fists and some sorta lime soda or water works, I missed my 1000th too, probably due to the fists??
  20. muledeerarea33?

    My sleeping bag sucks/// Which one to get

    Teton two person bag. Great with two people, even better when folded in half for one.
  21. muledeerarea33?


    Snapshot. I could only "like" your last post once but if I could like it a million times I would!!! I'm getting tired of being called a racist. Biggot, narrow minded, or "oh wow!! You just said that!! Heck yeah I said it! I'm an individual American, not a fuc$ing sheeple like most of society! It doesn't make me a racist, radical, predijuce, or anti American. It makes me my own person with my own thoughts and actions. To bad the agenda and media frown upon anything that isn't theirs.
  22. muledeerarea33?

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    My dad and uncle talk to each other in their sleep. Even if their in separate houses they will argue with each other while sleeping (it's F'ing weird!!!) when we hunt or camp together I try to sleep far far away from the noise.
  23. muledeerarea33?

    State record?

    And you can't tag after the season end date per state law. Unless special circumstances. Either way, if its the one you shot, I'd show it off no matter how long after the shot I found it.
  24. Haha!! I noticed the squiggle deal over the A.
  25. Did the azg&f spell Arizona wrong?