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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    Find the shed

  2. muledeerarea33?

    First Time Smokin'

    If you wanna get fancy buy a rib rack, it's a cage type deal that cooks them on their side, I have had good results! As far as game meat and smoking.... Like everyone has said, needs more fat. I've had good results with deer sausage (because its cased and mixed with pork) also dove. On a cake pan, marinated dove with green chili and onion, bacon latticed on top, loose tin foil cover. About 30 min at 250 then uncovered for 15 min til the bacon is brown. Best smoked dove I've had. I use the same type of side draft barrel smoker with real wood. Alder for fish, pecan or cherry/apple for pork, and mesquite/hickory/pear for beef or poultry.
  3. muledeerarea33?

    Louis Zamperini - Another Hero is gone

    This man was an absolute hero! We are losing a great generation everyday, the majority of them are already gone. The folks who fought in WWII and Korea are the generation that I most respect, both grandpas and a great uncle were in WWII, all three are now gone but they're the men who shaped our family. One great aunt still lives and I love hearing her stories over and over again about the good and hard ole days. It's a sad state of affairs today. Still have good folks but not an entire country full.
  4. muledeerarea33?

    Behold...the future of our country

    I don't want to believe they're all serious but sadly they probably are?
  5. muledeerarea33?

    Monsoon is here!

    where do you live 520HUNT? those mountains look familiar.
  6. muledeerarea33?


    I got one too?? And I've never ever used a credit card to put in for any draw.
  7. do you know if they're gonna take the show on the road? I mean for the rest of the state that doesn't live in the big city? Lots of small town guys would love to attend meetings but driving to Phoenix is not an option. That's what bugs me about alot of the decisions, I know sometimes they travel but will they with this one?
  8. muledeerarea33?

    Unit 33, 2450 Coues tags!

    i agree with most of what you say. Except this is Southern Arizona, water is the biggest issue here, is it far from roads?,yes but alot is close to roads too. It's a far cry from the upper west coast that has moisture and food to support the tag numbers for years to come. A few years of heavy drought and half of az is done.
  9. muledeerarea33?

    Potable Drinking Water Fill -up in Show Low/Pine Top???

    Gotta agree with firstcoues! I didn't know that was still free and accessible. I've drank that water for almost 30 years. Always cold and clean.
  10. muledeerarea33?

    Potable Drinking Water Fill -up in Show Low/Pine Top???

    pull into show low lake and act like your gonna camp, fill up and go.
  11. muledeerarea33?

    1990 Toyota SR5 4X4 3.0L V6 - SOLD

    but bump up the price about a grand before you go to craigslist.
  12. muledeerarea33?

    Triclawps/ Claw questions

    I don't use a claw but I do shoot off of my tri pod with the plate and a rag to keep my stock from scratching. Works good and never messed up my tripod head. I imagine the claw would transfer more recoil energy however I think you'll be fine.
  13. muledeerarea33?

    any coin guys here. have some old fireign ones

    I e got a few I'm curious about too
  14. muledeerarea33?

    NM vs AZ

    Went to New Mexico on vacation several years ago. For the most part I loved it! We visited almost the entire state a day at a time. The weird parts were seeing a man dressed like a woman on a date with a man in Santa Fe. A swinger couple trying to proposition my mom at the restaurant on top of Sandias after riding the tram up. And getting in trouble by MP's for taking a coffee can of white sand from the side of the highway. Other than that I kinda like NM.
  15. muledeerarea33?

    rock-n-rollin' earthqqqqquake baby! 10pm on the dot...

    Probably on the old secret base out there, the government doin some testing.
  16. muledeerarea33?

    Things are shaking tonight

    Didn't feel a thing here in benson.
  17. muledeerarea33?

    Catfish Time x2

    Nice!! Wish we had that luck last weekend we were up there
  18. But why are they charging extra for these privelages? If they want to do all of this it should be for everyone.
  19. muledeerarea33?


    I'm guessing you like the blue ones?? Haha!!
  20. muledeerarea33?


    I'm sure a few guys on here would buy the undies.
  21. muledeerarea33?

    Tucson area help

    But it turned out that they had actual women up there!
  22. muledeerarea33?

    Tucson area help

    When I lived in Wyoming I was told I'd have to buy some high rubber boots big enough for Sheep legs to fit.
  23. muledeerarea33?

    Tucson area help

    Yeah, it just turned weird. My original offer still stands, and no sheep and shared sleeping bags involved. People now a days! Goodness haha.
  24. muledeerarea33?

    Meeting the In-Laws.....

    Was in show low last weekend and stopped at Walmart, left the dog and wife in the truck. When I came out the wife was still laughing about how the dog bit a guy who tried to drop some literature thru the half opened window. We're both raised catholic, neither practice it but have a love for god, country, and our fellow man. We choose to spend our Sundays and Wednesdays doing outdoor activities than in a stuffy building dressed up. I've found more godly virtue in my hikes around the house than I have in the church building. To each their own, believe or don't, just don't force it on me.
  25. muledeerarea33?

    Tucson area help

    Hahaha!!! I love a good joke, but if it ends like I think yours does I'm not in to it! But I'll camp with you elkaddict, are you pretty???