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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    Hit A Snag

    whats a good non NSAID to take? Or are you referring to narcotic pills?
  2. muledeerarea33?

    Jaguar Play

    I thought jaguar play meant they'd be ripping a rabbit in half or something. Sad now.
  3. And I would bet Adam doesn't accept a dime of the "reward" money! Except shipping costs maybe. Stand up guy!!
  4. muledeerarea33?

    Need opinions on a new sidearm

    I've done tests with the judge is ballistics gel. I've always hated the gun but my mother has always wanted one. Two years ago it was her birthday present. I tried to prove a point about how worthless it is but I was surprised! The Winchester 410 with the 3 disks and buckshot penetrated almost 12", long colt ammo went 14", bird shot just broke the surface, and the 454 went 17" all shots at 15 yards. That being said I would still recommend almost any 9mm-45acp in semi auto. My wife shoots a ruger 9mm flawlessly, I love my 1911. The judge is big to carry. Home defense will always be a shotgun. And like .270 already said... A lot of flesh has died with a .22 or .22 mag. My favorite to carry.
  5. muledeerarea33?

    adjustments relating to a muzzle brake?

    Why brake a .308?
  6. muledeerarea33?

    Would you hunt alone?

    Since around 8yrs old I was allowed to camp, fire, tent etc. about 500 yards from the house. Mom and dad could see me so it was ok. First hunt (so I'm told) when I was 6 months old. Camped in the back yard from about 4-5 yrs old (usually got scared and ended up inside by midnight) I've had plenty of alone trips and even more alone trips with a loyal dog. Only hunted in a group with family growing up and it was good. In my twenties hunted alone mostly, now on my thirties I have a very loyal hunting partner who I trust my life with and he has helped a lot with moral support and just plain ole strength. I won't discount either style of hunting. You just have to find the one that you like and be willing to change it up if you need to.
  7. muledeerarea33?

    85" WY Antelope 600 YARD KILL SHOT VIDEO!!!

    I love the beginning warning!! And the bent brim orange hat! Haha
  8. muledeerarea33?

    Coues deer, unit 27.

    Just south of alpine to Clifton, 191 to 3-way and up to NM on the left side. Mattys281 said it best!!
  9. muledeerarea33?

    Cited by AZGF

    Shitbird!! I've gotten excited by many but never shot one. Since we were little the name "shitbird" was instilled in us.
  10. muledeerarea33?

    Cited by AZGF

    What's the statute of limitation for a cactus wren??
  11. muledeerarea33?

    Hunting license

    Pioneer license is free, lifetime license is what's costs big bucks (depending on age)
  12. muledeerarea33?

    Chiricahua scouting

    Eastern side of the mountains country looks like only dead men would walk it. Check there
  13. muledeerarea33?

    bear hunting dangerous?

    1 in 1000 you even see a bear! If you do it will be more afraid of you than you of it.
  14. muledeerarea33?

    Scouting and the GFD?

    You could carry them in the field if you wanted to. No different than being out with a rifle or pistol.
  15. muledeerarea33?

    Colorfull Campfires

    What's 2" copper pipe cost these days? 100 bucks or so? And are the fumes from the hose toxic?
  16. muledeerarea33?

    When you don't have a Leopard foot, make one

    Looks legit to me.
  17. muledeerarea33?

    processors or vultures

    7 yr old post brought back to life, a new record I believe!!
  18. muledeerarea33?

    Career advice?

    I know the feeling of taking over a family business. I could of bit with the "family" issues involved I decided not to. I however still work in the se career field. Unless your a doc or engineer, 3 things that will always be needed.... HVAC, auto repair, and roofs/carpentry. May not pay the best at times but always in demand
  19. muledeerarea33?

    January archery deer!

    Yay!! Go archery 2015!
  20. muledeerarea33?

    Unit 33 Question: Oracle Ridge

    One side is oracle ridge mine property if its where I'm thinking? Still huntable though
  21. I would LOVE!! To have this as a meat locker butcher room! But I'm poor so yeah, that's my idea for it.
  22. muledeerarea33?

    23north archery hunt early youre thoughts!!??

    These, are the days of our lives.
  23. muledeerarea33?

    Quick help on regs

    Even if the grass is 2foot high most paved roads get mowed once a year, at least5 or so feet from the pavement. Some dirt graded roads get the same treatment. To save the hassle... If you happen to have a monster off the road that you can't pass up. Drive up the road aways then sneak off the road, shoulder, past the fence, whatever.. And get a guaranteed legal shot. Quite a few years ago they had a motronic decoy set up on the mule creek road about 80 yards off the highway. I stopped and got off the road more than legal distance and snuck to about 50 yards. Before I could shoot people started jumping out of the bushes and scared the crap out of me!!! They set it up for poachers and since I actually did it the right way I would have shot the fake deer in a direct line of where they were hiding!! I was pissed because they were completely ignorant and unsafe about the set up they had.
  24. muledeerarea33?

    Phone Camera Digiscope Adapter

    Is the android camera on your galaxy similar to an iPhone? The camera on my iPhone 3 is on the extreme top right side. I've been wondering how to make it centered on my binos without having to hold it and steadily adjust it by hand
  25. muledeerarea33?

    my son's first antelope

    I love the fact that you sat back and let him make the choice. Good job to both of you!