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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    AR lower. Updated!

    I have either a stag, complete factory lower, or a home built rock river lower for sale. Stag is complete as mentioned, rock river is missing the buffer tube retainer and the rear take down pin. Have a complete lower kit to sell along with it if needed. $400 for either or BO.
  2. muledeerarea33?

    My graham, Riggs lake

    One buck, small 2 point. And no bugles. Blew on the cow call a few times just for fun. Did see elk tracks at the lake though. The roads closed during the OTC hunt so they'll be safe from most hunters. Unless the horse back or walk in
  3. muledeerarea33?

    AR lower. Updated!

    Still for sale
  4. muledeerarea33?

    Goose Recipes??

    I feel for you Teel, I'm guessing you can whoop almost any man on this sight, simply because your a country woman!! Don't be discouraged with cwt.com, we're all kinda, umm, that way.
  5. muledeerarea33?

    1930s to 1940s wood/coal cabin stove

    Haha!! Inside joke bud, you know that!! We've canned a lot of stuff on a stove that looks like that and I would say 750 is a steal for a stove like this!
  6. muledeerarea33?

    My graham, Riggs lake

    The wife tools lots of pics as wife's do! Lol. I don't know how to post them either way. A picture is worth a thousand words but the actual experience is priceless!!!! Go see it for your self before the road closes!!!
  7. muledeerarea33?

    1930s to 1940s wood/coal cabin stove

    Who's the maker? Makes a huge difference on value. Dead kittens
  8. muledeerarea33?

    Campfire wood cutting in forest.

    I read on their website that wood for camp use does not need a permit. What I couldn't find was what is legal? Any dead and down pine, oak, aspen? Anyone know?
  9. muledeerarea33?

    Javelina Processing

    +1 on partially frozen for game meat, chicken, or pork. I use a hand grinder and get thru 10-15lbs before I'm tired or the meat starts to heat. I grind my own beef burger and just grind it thawed it whatever size it is. If it starts to slow down or stick on the worm a handful of ice will push it thru.
  10. muledeerarea33?

    Campfire wood cutting in forest.

    I burn southern oak at home. And yeah it takes a bit to get it going. In a fire pit it's gotta be hot to get hot! In a pot belly stove it burns good all night. If you cut the stuff that has a hole in the center it splits and burns good.
  11. muledeerarea33?

    thinking its "funny" to kill a deer

    Az lance is free to feel whatever he chooses. I'm not judging anyone on emotion. I judge on stupidity, lack of common sense, and wrong doing. So far he just expressed his emotions, his choice, I have mine.
  12. muledeerarea33?

    thinking its "funny" to kill a deer

    Took a head shot once. Animal dropped in its tracks. 80 yard shot with 180gn 06. Excited, I walked up to it only to find I had blew its jaw clean off and it was lying head up hill, lifting it's head choking and gasping for air as it looked at me choking on blood. I slit its throat and ended the suffering. My happiness went to empathy after that 80 yard walk. I always say a prayer and thank god for my kill, that time I apologized for my mistake as well. Empathy quickly turned back into happiness and maybe some laughing and fun but not because of my bad shot, because of the joy of the hunt and the kill.
  13. muledeerarea33?

    Campfire wood cutting in forest.

    Sounds good, I'll bring the chain saw. And yeah, I hate pine but heat is heat!
  14. muledeerarea33?

    AZGFD License "Simplification" Bull****

    So are you another college guy who's doing a study about the responses you get here? Like the last guy a week or so ago??
  15. muledeerarea33?

    best cooler canyon or yeti

    I didn't think folks where your at used coolers, just threw it in the truck bed and defrosted on the intake manifold in the morning haha!
  16. muledeerarea33?

    My browning 243 about do for new barrel

    So when a machinist at a gun shop threads a barrel, they use the lathe with the threads per inch set up? They don't have a die to thread a barrel? Forgive my ignorance, I figured that they could cut it to spec and then chuck up a die for the thread cut? Die cost isn't a complete deal breaker, I have dies at work up to 32mm in .75-1.75 thread pitch.
  17. muledeerarea33?

    Spring draw extended to Oct 16th

    Good to know, wasn't sure if they switched it up yet or not
  18. muledeerarea33?

    Spring draw extended to Oct 16th

    Ok I'll start, your a douche. without name calling, lets be constructive.
  19. muledeerarea33?

    Spring draw extended to Oct 16th

    I'm not a basher and support G&F on many things. Extended dead lines is not one of them. Fix the problem internally and end it. Extensions are expected when the system fails and fails and fails! They have to give a day or two. It's funny how everyone gets their apps thru on extension days but the week or so before the deadline it took half a day for some. Again, I'd love to hear a stat on apps applied for just on the deadline days. If you hunt has left overs great, but when it's winter, spring, and fall deadlines being extended, most hunts have no left overs.
  20. muledeerarea33?

    best cooler canyon or yeti

    Either or. Canyon is an AZ local which is a one up. I recently bought a pelican 95q. Put 6 bags of ice and 3 frozen gallon water jugs in it for 7 days. Left in the sun. Opened after 5 days, 80% of the ice remained, 98% of the jugs still frozen. After 7 days had 50% ice and maybe 60% ice in the jugs. It was 80-90 day time and 40-50's at night. Sun for 8 hours a day.
  21. muledeerarea33?

    Who we are...why we hunt.....agree?

    Very nice answer. I do agree that a percentage of the population is just trying to bait hunters into a conflict. True it's usually not worth a response but meat eaters Steven Rinella gave an excellent response to a clear anti hunter awhile ago. It was posted here a year or so ago. Can't find the link.
  22. muledeerarea33?

    Who we are...why we hunt.....agree?

    "People ask, why I hunt" I imagine since he's a public figure that he gets asked this thru comments and feedback. I've never been asked that question in day to day life (that I can recall?) I tend not to associate with anti hunter. I am cordial with all people due to work usually don't get into politics or lifestyles unless they bring it up. How many have been asked this question and how did you respond? What situation were you in when it was asked?
  23. muledeerarea33?

    Spring draw extended to Oct 16th

    I thought they got rid of the outside company and started doing their own website/draw? Has that not happened? I hate new age stuff. I love paper apps. I'd like to see the stats on how many apps get applied for in just the extended time.
  24. muledeerarea33?

    OK, who does this?

    first world problems!