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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    34a Mule Deer

    I was ready in 34a a few years ago. We walked to the top of a ridge before daylight. As day break came we spotted deer and 5 separate hunting groups walking up the same hill, none knew the others or us were there til it was too late! Did that for a few days then just had fun listening to radio convo about how we were in "their" spots lol. Fun hunt but haven't been back since. Good luck though! Lots of guys do good there.
  2. muledeerarea33?

    260 rem vs 7mm-08 vs 243 vs ?

    Just bought Norma brass for the 243 I have. 100 grain Sierra bt spitzer shoots well. Fire formed 50 rounds with 38 grains of 4350 then loaded 20 at my normal of 42.5 shot .5 at 100 and 3" at 400.
  3. muledeerarea33?

    Found Backpack in 34A

    Good job fella. It's nice when an anti-thief comes around!! Thank you for being human!!
  4. muledeerarea33?

    Border Stories

    It's not harsh at all!! Have you seen the prisoners cleaning up the road ways? Not sure if its cheaper to do that before they're sent back but I assume it costs extra if the make them clean up. Bathrooms, water lunch etc. since its left to rot now it'd cost to clean. And they pay the coyotes because its 10% the cost of coming legally and it's probably a 90% success rate of making it. Sad but true.
  5. muledeerarea33?

    unit 21 opening day,scouting pays off

    About as pretty as they come, congrats
  6. muledeerarea33?


    Heck of an offer right there!!
  7. muledeerarea33?


    That sucks!! I'm sorry to hear hear. Why was his wallet in the truck?
  8. muledeerarea33?

    Very unusual find the deer photo....

    Oh! The real deer! I see her ears. Very well hidden.
  9. muledeerarea33?

    Very unusual find the deer photo....

    The rear lid of your jeep!!
  10. muledeerarea33?

    Blaze Orange

    I suppose I should of worded it different. If your wearing a color that isn't close to what nature has provided in your hunting area then the contrast will make you stick out like a sore thumb. Not saying to wear high dollar camo, or even camo at all. Just browns and greens that sorta blend in.
  11. muledeerarea33?

    Blaze Orange

    deer are color blind... lol! James I don't get the joke?
  12. muledeerarea33?

    Blaze Orange

    Are you from sinaloa? Simon essay!!!
  13. Lark, you probably know this spot, it's less than an hour from your stomping grounds but I'm not gonna publish directions.
  14. muledeerarea33?

    Just curious...

    Good explanation huntharder. Or if you know some good land for an eastern whitetail hunt but really want to hunt javi, for some reason. Then a few guys can trade info or "guide" each other in their respective states/areas.
  15. A very old and very descriptive pictograph where I grew up used to stand proud for those who knew it was there. Lots of picnics, night rides, and "driving school" trips have been taken to this spot. Now all the pictograph's are high lighted in chalk, paint or whatever. I don't blame the internets but it was pristine before forums existed! And to all the hater crazy guys out there, yes this is a forum and yes I use it.
  16. muledeerarea33?

    How go you all cook venison roast

    You make perfect sense and that's about what I was thinking. So if you want to braise a lean roast, a roast that will be dry even after braising. Not talking moisture dry, but more dry to the taste. Would you add beef tallow? Or just enjoy the meat for what it is, lean fat free(almost) organic wild game? I've also tried cooking cherrie, wine, stalk, and roasting bags. Even with birria and cabeza it seems dry. I understand its the nature of the meat and I'm not trying to compare it to beef or pork.
  17. muledeerarea33?

    How go you all cook venison roast

    I like both those ways, and its always tasty! It seems dry when I do it those ways though.
  18. muledeerarea33?

    Replacing a Radiator

    that stuff definitely works as advertised! Great for emergencies. The chance you take is clogged passages, clogged heater core, and getting stuck in the thermostat not allowing it to open and or close. Doesn't always happen but I've done more than a few engine jobs because of radiator stop leak. But again, it has its purpose and does as advertised.
  19. muledeerarea33?

    Replacing a Radiator

    Performance radiator or az radiator or any other companies offer reasonable priced reman cores. If its been in there awhile just for peace of mind go head and replace it. Always good to do a T-stat and hoses at the same time if they're aged. Once you're done just fill it 50/50 and burp it. It'd be best to have a shop do a correct flush after that to get all the old coolant out and fill with new but no a big deal if you don't. If you do though, it's best to bring them the Coolant and use a distilled water. Regular water (and air from checking your Copland level) can oxidize the system, over time causing clogs and leaks. But in just anal about my maintenance.
  20. muledeerarea33?

    FS Savage 116 Action

    Lookin for a trade or just cash?
  21. muledeerarea33?

    Wtb corrugated drainage pipe

    If you can't find any look at some SDR3500, it's a strong thin walled PVC/plastic. I've had semi's, concrete trucks, and garbage trucks drive over it and has been good.
  22. muledeerarea33?

    My graham, Riggs lake

    Just got back from an amazing three day trip! The wife and I have had a bad cold since last Friday but thought maybe a few days in the high country would help...... It didn't. We still had a great time with my folks and my sister and her boyfriend/fiancé??? Lol. Friday it hailed and snowed but me and dad got our trout limit. Saturday was good weather and my dad, the "fiancé" and me all got a limit. Today three of us got a limit again. Good fish, all rainbow but was hoping for a few browns. Biggest fish was 13" and smallest we kept was about 8". Saw lots of deer, bear, and even some turkey! Funny thing, I called the campground goulds in to about 30 feet using an old turkey feather I had and scratching it on the bottom of a cast iron pan!! Today it started snowing and raining so we left early at noon. Great trip even though we were sick.
  23. muledeerarea33?

    kinda ticked off

    Well there we have it. No problem to start and no problem to solve.
  24. muledeerarea33?

    kinda ticked off

    I load my own also, I just helped a guy out. Why do you get offended by podunk ? Then you used the term.not offended at all. Your not the one who used the term. Your the one who thought I was offended about you helping a guy out. Great you got him and his wife shooting again! I never said nothin bad to or about you did I? I just said that Podunk towns have ammo, just cause you folks live in the city doesn't mean there's an endless supply. No harm no foul. Chill out guy.
  25. muledeerarea33?

    kinda ticked off

    who's the troll? If its me then I'll delete what I said. I've never been much of a troll anyhow. Have I?