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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    Lyman progressive press

    Tucson or benson
  2. muledeerarea33?

    Lyman progressive press

    About 7 yrs old, used up until 4 years ago. $100
  3. muledeerarea33?

    Video: Game of Inches

    Kinda agree with 5guys. Made it seem like rifle hunters were "less" of a hunter in the beginning. Although it was an archery promotion video it seemed? I enjoyed it.
  4. muledeerarea33?

    Favorite coyote gun??

    I've used a 22 rifle, 22 mag pistol, 223wssm, 243, 270, 30-06, and a rem 1100 with #4. Oh and my truck twice. But my favorite is with a .357 herret TC pistol, 14" barrel that I inherited. Loading cast bullets. Gun is on the money at 400 yards! It's one of those guns that you can't understand why it's so accurate but you never question it.
  5. muledeerarea33?

    Huge long distance typical!!

    gosh dang antibiotic I tell ya!!!
  6. muledeerarea33?

    Lyman progressive press

  7. muledeerarea33?

    Dutch oven upside down cake

    Cold rainy weather today has put my hunt for trophy rabbits on hold. Got a good mesquite fire going and I'm about ready to cook a whole chicken (split in half) also have the Dutch oven heating up for a pineapple upside down cake. I enjoy cooking and especially enjoy "campfire" cooking. Simple recipe but you must start with a well seasoned Dutch oven!!! The one I use has only had baked goods in it since its birth and my great grandad bought it for my great grandma in the 19 teens some time. So it is well seasoned to say the least. You can go homemade as I have those recipes but I prefer boxed since its easy. 1 box yellow cake mix, half stick of butter, brown sugar, 3 eggs, water, maraschino cherries, pineapple rings in juice and oil. Mix the cake mix as the box describes but use pineapple juice as a substitute for 2/3 of the water. Let the batter sit. In a warm Dutch oven melt the butter and add the brown sugar. Put your pineapple rings in. As many that will fit in your oven? And a cherry in the center of each I like to dice some pineapple and cinnamon in my cake batter as well. Pour your batter slowly on top of it all. Now the tricky part. I don't use charcoal because I'm cheap and wood around here is free. Don't know the the amount of charcoal you'd use but with oak or mesquite coals I'll put some sand down, a 1 1/2" bed of coals on the sand then my oven. Cover the lid with 1/2" of coals and let cook. Warm days about 35-45 min. Colder days (under 60) around 45-55 min. Let cool a bit when done and turn it over on a cookie sheet or foil when done.
  8. muledeerarea33?

    WTB 17 Fireball Brass

    I'll check my stash, I know I've got some but have to see how many times they've been fired. I'm southeast of Tucson though.
  9. muledeerarea33?


    I have the cheaper chrony and it did well until a .38 blew the top off. Whatever you get don't loan it out or let someone else shoot thru it.
  10. muledeerarea33?

    WTB 17 Fireball Brass

    Where you located?
  11. muledeerarea33?

    Backpack Hunt: God's Timing, Not Mine

    Dang he's wide! Conradulations on a fun hunt.
  12. muledeerarea33?

    Huge long distance typical!!

    Dag nabbit!!!! They got leaked!
  13. muledeerarea33?

    Huge long distance typical!!

    you sir are wrong!!! This is a family site haha! All I'll say is the dogs ate well today. Tell TJ I'm looking forward to our next camping trip ;-)
  14. muledeerarea33?

    Huge long distance typical!!

    not yet but I have a few things in the works.
  15. muledeerarea33?

    12A west

    Wow! Very nice.
  16. muledeerarea33?

    Hanging animals

    We used to draw the 27-28 December hunt every year, don't remember if it was any antler or not? We'd hang em whole in camp, field dressed. The hide would keep it from freezing. Then hang quarters in the shed at home for a week or so. But I haven't had a December tag in a while.
  17. muledeerarea33?

    Huge long distance typical!!

    never did see a 14 during the hunt but had trail cam pics and video of a few. Past up a 13" because the camcorder wasn't ready yet. Either way, settled on the 12" dink. He still makes the Wallace and ladmo books so I'm happy.
  18. muledeerarea33?

    Huge long distance typical!!

    I assumed this would come up. My drink of choice lately, has been E-mergency and sprite on the rocks. Hot taughties in the evening. Thanks.
  19. muledeerarea33?

    Huge long distance typical!!

    Thanks for all the kind replies guys. It was a tough hunt but got it done. It's been a long day, gonna puff the nebulizer and head to sleep. Hopefully my ability to speak returns soon.
  20. muledeerarea33?

    Burro Mountain Coues

    smart azz much? And you expect help?
  21. muledeerarea33?

    36a buck

    The ladies are making the boys jealous this year! Congrats on a buck bigger than most have ever killed.
  22. muledeerarea33?

    Huge long distance typical!!

    haven't been able to do much but look at this website lately. Just havin fun!
  23. muledeerarea33?

    Dan Nogales

    Couldn't agree more with Sherman, what else can you do but try to carry on what the man loved. If you have it, post a pic of that last buck. The man who mounted it is a heck of a guy and did it justice for the family.
  24. muledeerarea33?

    Lyman progressive press

    Thanks a lot bud!! I've emailed and texted pics to those who have asked. Like I told them, it looks rusty but its saw dust and bad pictures. Thanks again Sherman
  25. muledeerarea33?

    Myslistwo Hunting Cassia

    looks real to me. What unit?