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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    Tonight's menu Catfish Tacos

    what section of the gila? Down stream of the Rez? Caught tons on the upper end and all have been great.
  2. muledeerarea33?

    Tonight's menu Catfish Tacos

    And show low lake
  3. muledeerarea33?

    Curious bird.

    Stopped to check my well on the way home tonight and this little fella hung around for a bit, not sure who was more confused in the situation.
  4. muledeerarea33?

    Curious bird.

    Well there goes my side business!! If you still wanna come see em it's now half off. 5$ per car load, no walking thru my scrap pile or swimming in the cattle tank!
  5. muledeerarea33?

    1999 Suzuki Grand Vitara 4x4

    Good vehicle and easy fixes on the things you mentioned. Good luck with the sale bud! Should go quick.
  6. muledeerarea33?

    Anyone know what this might be ?

    potassium chloride? I doubt it? You might be right though? I'm thinking vegetation study or a housing project depending on how close it is to water/people. But pry a gov. Study.
  7. muledeerarea33?

    Curious bird.

    I'll charge admission to my drive way then! Lol
  8. muledeerarea33?

    Curious bird.

    about 60 or so miles north. was hoping you would know what it was! I was clueless.
  9. muledeerarea33?

    Curious bird.

    He's outa season, and I got chicken at home! And I'm glad too. One redneck to another..... Leave the city white trash!!! Hahaha!!
  10. muledeerarea33?

    Curious bird.

    Landed on my mirror, hood, window seal. He was just lonely I guess? Truck running the whole time.
  11. muledeerarea33?

    Curious bird.

  12. muledeerarea33?

    Curious bird.

    Maybe bird
  13. muledeerarea33?

    Curious bird.

    Post fail!! Files to big won't load. Trying. I fix cars, not computers.
  14. muledeerarea33?

    Dewalt's new Assault nail gun

    I believe there was a video of it actually shooting. It sure beats having to hold the safety with one hand and the trigger with the other while having nail gun fights with your buddies!! (Non union jobs of course)
  15. muledeerarea33?

    New G2R Rip Bullet. Ever heard of it?

    Read snapshots recent post and my comment. Lol dang old guys anyways! :-)
  16. muledeerarea33?

    Dewalt's new Assault nail gun

    You and Murf showing stuff that's been out for a long time. Haha!!! Come on old guys!
  17. muledeerarea33?

    Dealing with 100 days of heat

    I lived in Wyoming for a bit, I know the weather! Nice place to hunt and visit. Even though I prefer the piss freezing zipper weather any day to 100+ it's hard to ever leave AZ again.
  18. muledeerarea33?

    Best fishing with a 12' aluminum??

    Don't quote me on the upper salt, may be ok for a V bottom too? Others here would know more than me. We've only done it in tubes and rafts and from shore
  19. muledeerarea33?

    Best fishing with a 12' aluminum??

    Lakes in the south here are good for your boat size and not crowded week days (usually) above the spawn dang at Roosevelt maybe? Not sure the depth of the water there? Seen some small flat bottom boats launch and go up river.
  20. muledeerarea33?

    Dealing with 100 days of heat

    103 at work today and 92 at home. Don't sound like much difference but the lack of pavement and concrete sure makes getting home nice!
  21. muledeerarea33?


    Diamondback.. It was protested in Phoenix because that's where the guys who killed people in Texas worshipped. They were from Phoenix and worshipped in a hateful place. Sounds like this thread will be closing soon but just wanted to get that out there. Same as when a guy kills school children the news focuses on the shop that sold him the gun. Although in this case I do believe that the Muslim shop there in Phoenix bread hatred and caused the guys to kill in Texas. The recent "cartoon event" was peacefully because the respectful law abiding Americans with guns usually only shoot to protect themselves and others, not kill for criminal reasons like others do. The cops interviewed in Phoenix took full credit for a peaceful riot, they gave NO! Credit to the peaceful Americans who kept it civil. Wrong in my opinion.
  22. muledeerarea33?

    Guess the score

    188 4/8 6 yrs old.
  23. muledeerarea33?

    Are you a Democrat, Republican, or a Redneck

    Murf, your letting out our secret language!! They'll be on us in no time thanks to you!!!
  24. muledeerarea33?

    Are you a Democrat, Republican, or a Redneck

    do red necks have a good name? never met a redneck without a PHD and a good income! Are you racist against rural Americans???
  25. muledeerarea33?

    Felons can now sell or give away their guns?

    I like playing devils advocate (as you can see in other posts, poaching) lots of folks do nothing wrong or if they do wrong it's minimal or just the way the law is and it can't be changed since the law is broke. How do you change/repeal it? Good question???? So many nanny lawyers out there anymore and so many citizens charged with questionable crimes it's hard to change.change for one actually means change for all today. There is no more case by case basis. They try to cut and dry EVERYTHING!!! By what the current law says. More money that way.