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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    Anyone on dialysis?

    If so, what type are you on, the home brew version or the three times a week at a place kind? Pros and cons of each? Trying to make a decision within the month and looking for all the info I can get, and maybe someone has an extra kidney in their pack they're not using lol. Not for my self. Thanks for any input.
  2. muledeerarea33?

    To Update or Not to Update: that is the question!

    Update now, online!!! Why even question chancing that?????
  3. muledeerarea33?

    Anyone on dialysis?

    Shane, She can't drive anymore, almost blind. Edge, I honestly don't know, they might of told us or might not of? I'm trying to pay attention but there's tons of info coming at once. Seeing a transplant team for a consult soon, hoping to get all the answers then. Thanks guys.
  4. muledeerarea33?

    Anyone on dialysis?

    It's ok buddy, just trying to be pro and retro active at once now. Hunting and fishing ain't worth nothing at all unless you have a good woman to share it with or bring it home to!
  5. muledeerarea33?


    Agree with both above. Bacon has done well when specifically fishing craw dads, fish guts works too when I'm actually catching fish.
  6. muledeerarea33?


    thought that's was 10 or so years ago? And heard he disappeared in 27 somewhere? Coulda been two separate deals though.
  7. Plastic Dino should bring in some good flat heads!!
  8. muledeerarea33?

    never under estimate

    If the income is good, bills paid, she's got groceries money, fun money, and kid money then it hurts no one to have a few nice things. I mean a few lol
  9. muledeerarea33?

    Raising your own meat

    Haha! Edge, I'd need a big horse to cowboy! They don't call me hoss every where for no reason. I'm buying my burger grind now for around 2 bucks a pound and most the grind I get from the local butcher is really good stew meat or even small steak meat!! I'm trying to get close to that but I suppose when you know where they're food comes from it costs a bit more. And yes, my neighbors get fed well when I have extra anything lol.
  10. muledeerarea33?

    Raising your own meat

    What's it costing to feed a beef to slaughter age? For you guys with not enough land to graze on and just have to buy feed? I'm still working up the funds to get two acres of permanent pasture growing so I don't have to hand feed daily. I'll split it in sections so I can keep good feed for 8-9 months and the food bill will be cut down, and have two beef. Rancher buddy of mine said they do a lot better with a friend whether ranching or doing a "backyard beef" I have a big back yard lol
  11. muledeerarea33?

    Roosevelt fishing

    For driving to the lake you used to be able to drive in closer to punkin center. That was when the picnic tables were under water a few years back. We waded out probably 100' from shore and sat on too a picnic table. Tore up the cat fish and crappie!! Haven't been to that side since so not sure.
  12. muledeerarea33?

    Parts washer for sale

    They're nice!! If I didn't have one already I'd be all over it.
  13. muledeerarea33?

    What a difference 7 days makes

    I want your retirement!! Nice pics!
  14. muledeerarea33?

    Do you agree with G&F forcing kids to take Hunter Safety???

    What's it take to become a teacher or host a range day?
  15. muledeerarea33?

    AZ drivers....

    Hmmm So I'm going 75mph on I-17 in the left lane and you come up on me at 85mph . Who is wrong? So you're going 75mph on I-17 in the left lane, someone (regardless of who) comes up at 85mph. You are both wrong, and you, SirRoyal, are obligated by State Law to simply move over. http://www.azleg.state.az.us/ars/28/00721.htm No, 2 wrongs don't make a right, so "Keep Right Except to Pass" and let LE take care of the speeder/tailgater. Do you base all of your arguments on assumptions? Cause you guarantee too much. You put a lot of great content on this site, I thought you would have been a lot smarter person than this. Hmmm So I'm going 75mph on I-17 in the left lane and you come up on me at 85mph . Who is wrong? So you're going 75mph on I-17 in the left lane, someone (regardless of who) comes up at 85mph. You are both wrong, and you, SirRoyal, are obligated by State Law to simply move over. http://www.azleg.state.az.us/ars/28/00721.htm No, 2 wrongs don't make a right, so "Keep Right Except to Pass" and let LE take care of the speeder/tailgater. Do you base all of your arguments on assumptions? Cause you guarantee too much. You put a lot of great content on this site, I thought you would have been a lot smarter person than this. CouesPursuit We all have our dumb days guess I had one by responding with emotion to this thread. I'll be smarter next time and pm the individual with which I disagree or let it go! You might do the same! just wanted to continue this quote to make it take up at least one page. Carry on fella's
  16. muledeerarea33?

    Huh... Guns dont kill people after all..... Oh Wait....

    Yay!!! Us!!! I tell my guns everyday "if you guys unlock the case to be free don't leave the house, if you leave the house then don't go out killing folks. I say if you do have to kill make it legal!!" So far my guns have listened. Seems like them inner city guns have an issue with ownership??
  17. muledeerarea33?

    Time for a new tuck Diesel or Gas

    The factory filter is usually the same price or cheaper than aftermarket ones. And with the advent of synthetic oil and studying the aftermath of synthetic and conventional I don't see why anyone would run standard oil anymore?
  18. muledeerarea33?

    Preventing Game Meat from Spoiling

    Processed a salvage tag doe two weeks ago. I took 30 min from body to fridge. Every piece of meat had an ice bag under and on to of it before the fridge. Just be fast and aware of temps, have enough ice at the truck to cool it quick.
  19. muledeerarea33?

    What type of brush is this?

    Trying to kill this off my land or atleast keep it at bay once or twice a year. I don't wanna kill the trees or natural grass in the process. What is it and how do I kill it? The lighter green that's right of the yuca? The darker "dusty" green on to the left I believe is a type of sage brush.
  20. muledeerarea33?

    Calibration Defense| Anybody ever try it?

    You'll win
  21. muledeerarea33?

    What type of brush is this?

    I got it covered bud. But if them boys you got just want some manual labor then send them down! I'll smoke a roast of some kind and watch them dig. Or we'll watch them did and drink haha!
  22. muledeerarea33?

    What type of brush is this?

    yes I did, Obama says that's ok. He IS leader, like it or not! And you will bake me a cake! Hahaha.
  23. muledeerarea33?

    What type of brush is this?

    I successfully derailed my own thread, awesome.
  24. muledeerarea33?

    What type of brush is this?

    they all will run, some with more work than others, I'll pry just use the yota and have fun!
  25. muledeerarea33?

    What type of brush is this?

    I won't specify on what I've tried already but will say your suggestion does wonders on ants but not great on this horrible weed.