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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    Ready for summer to be over

    The dog is awesome! The beer? Well...... Not so much.
  2. muledeerarea33?

    anybody here rebuild motors?

    And don't use Craig's list, call junk yards. The good ones are connected coast to coast and can find an oem replacement. No need to go older.
  3. muledeerarea33?

    anybody here rebuild motors?

    Oil starvation is usually the top end, pistons and rings. If it wasn't caused by a leak then it was caused by burning. I recommend finding a used motor since they are plentiful. If you wanted to rebuild it can be done cheaper if the crank and rods are ok, they should be. A used engine is easier and quicker to install and will eliminate the "what if" risks of a rebuild. Either way you do it, it's cheaper than a new truck. Just make sure you do new mounts, hoses and belts while it's out, might as well.
  4. muledeerarea33?

    pleasant stripers

    You "let" your dad come out on "his boat"? Hope there's a power of attorney deal goin on. My ole man would kick my butt for that statement lol. Nice fish though!!
  5. muledeerarea33?

    About time we got some rain

    The rain gods hate Phoenix. Good rains at my place for 6-8 weeks.
  6. muledeerarea33?

    Should we be using ear protection?

    Booze takes the ringing away at night. But while out hunting and it's quite except for your ear noise, it sucks!! I shot most my life without protection. The last 5 or so years I use it for shooting, work noise, power tool noise, every noise really. I look like a nerd but don't really care. I don't want to lose anymore.
  7. muledeerarea33?

    Hopefully not your cam!

    Come on 30 pages of bull sh!t!!!! It's been awhile!
  8. muledeerarea33?

    Things to do in the NP?

    Watch wild roaming animals caged up in some sort of zoo? Not my cup of tea but sure. Or go to a mall and play the horrible parent game. Each leashed kid is a point, left unattended kid is 5 points. Start breaking escalade and Chrysler 300 windows in the parking lot to let kids and dogs out of the heat.... 100 points!! But you gotta go to a mall first, ouch.
  9. muledeerarea33?

    Boone & Crocket on Auction Tags

    do they'll allow it but they're not happy about it? Maybe am asterisk beside the tags? Maybe a special section in the book? Don't really matter to me much.
  10. muledeerarea33?

    Looking to buy new gun

  11. Shot a buck at 480 yards it was a rainy slightly windy uphill shot. He rolled down the cliff as I watched rocks turn red with blood after the shot. I know the gun. Like I know the rest of my hunting long rifles. No expert but have the luxury of being able to shoot a lot.
  12. muledeerarea33?

    Dog owners

    Could be Tres. Never really looked into it? She likes it and she's healthy. Easier on her body than the meat since she's older and less stinky meaty dog farts haha!! I just wish a company would make an affordable dog food that wasn't all "meal" corn, meat, veggie, or otherwise. For a one dog family blue buffalo is good I would think.
  13. Why do we all get sucked into these debates when we know the answer can vary more than the shape of a snow flake? Just bored and need to converse I guess??
  14. muledeerarea33?

    Dog owners

    The Costco brand no grain food is actually good stuff. Our oldest eats that or diamond. The other 3 eat a meat mix I make. Even our newest puppy eats it. Healthy poop, healthy coat, not overly hungry thru out the day. I'm not an all meat guy like a few on here but it's mostly meat, sweet tater and a bit of corn meal. All meat is the best but I don't have a fool proof supply so I have to supplement.
  15. muledeerarea33?

    Hopefully not your cam!

    Sure it's not legal, neither is 76 in a 75 mph zone. And it's not legal to spit on the side walk. 25-06 ain't stupid, he just makes bad decisions haha! I try to follow laws but bend them on occasion, like most everyone. That's why we ask for forgiveness and why we're still allowed in heaven. Man is far from perfect!!
  16. muledeerarea33?


    Sounds like the wife is in the wrong profession.
  17. Gotta remember. Up til 20 or so years ago most hunters hunted most everything with one gun. Now days technology and media tells people they hafta have specialized guns and bullets to hunt the smaller big game and the bigger big game. Sure the newer bullets and loads and rounds are fun but who says the guys shooting different weight game with the same gun ain't successful??
  18. What is a good deer rifle is not necessarily a good elk rifle, and a good elk rifle is not necessarily a good deer rifle. Big difference between a 100lb white tail and a bull elk that quarters out at over 400lbs And i know shot placement is key being an archery hunter, just haven't rifle hunted deer much. shot both with the same gun, both died.
  19. Get a .223-700 nitro. All in between will kill a deer. Not a "shot placement is key" guy but when it comes down to it, that's the truth. Use any gun you want, be comfortable with it, and eat game meat!! Not really sure how to answer your question? You say you've killed elk before?? Seems like you'd know what to use for deer?
  20. muledeerarea33?

    (Non hunting but please read)1941 John Deere B

    Sorry to hear that man. I'm no stranger to eye surgeries. God bless and hope it all works out
  21. muledeerarea33?

    I got one. Where am I.

    I aint haha
  22. muledeerarea33?

    I got one. Where am I.

    Not so much the location that I'm. Only a few people know that. The mountain range in the back ground. Might be easy.
  23. muledeerarea33?

    I got one. Where am I.

    edge you spelled mescal wrong, Terry you said my back yard. haha no prizes on technicality's.
  24. muledeerarea33?

    I got one. Where am I.

    30 feet from my front door. and it is the whetstones. haystack is the smaller hill.