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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    WTB Contender with 14" barrel in 30-30

    Whats a contender frame and wood going for these days, without your specific barrel choice?
  2. nice. Gets my voteI'd blast it, nome sayin ok Tyron Lamar Jenkins! Need some purple drank first??
  3. muledeerarea33?


    good point, hope he's outa state.
  4. muledeerarea33?


    hope not, ignorance is no excuse but I really hope he just typed out the details wrong!! If not????
  5. muledeerarea33?


    Yeah bud, edit NOW!
  6. muledeerarea33?

    Need good home for two labs

    Carpcody, I'm sure a lot want to hear your method. Share public if you can? All my dogs are raised with cats and kittens (we go thru a lot of cats where I'm at sad to say) so they're all used to being nice to other creatures. However if a strange human walks in I can't guarantee their safety!! I really hope you take edge up on his offer and hope others may help to. I'd be in if I wasn't so far away.
  7. muledeerarea33?


    Lark Norris???
  8. muledeerarea33?

    Testing the waters, camp trailer rental

    150 average a night would get you good business!! Like said earlier, insurance is needed! For the trails of course but more importantly liability to keep you from being sued if a mishap happened. Also if it caught on and became a big thing I would think 5-10k in an account would be nice for immediate repairs, your hauling vehicle or trailer if the need arouse (just like a rental house. Good idea, just cover your self with insurance, side cash, and maybe guide license or forest permits? Not sure if it's needed of not?
  9. muledeerarea33?


    I just walk thru the the tall stuff fully aware and looking down, also I hope and pray! Snakes are my worst phobia but I know as soon as I buy gators or other snake products I'll start seeing them! Wanna see a big guy whoop your butt? Throw a dead rattler at me!! Lol happened before.
  10. What makes you think it was a guide or outfitter? Coulda been a wife dropping off hubby and buddies with him or something? Curious how this turned into a guide bashing thread? Obviously wrong to F with your camera though!!
  11. muledeerarea33?

    Auto paint??

    same here
  12. muledeerarea33?

    Auto paint??

    It's a Toyota thing lol, mines rusty on top. What color are your trucks?
  13. muledeerarea33?

    Tight in the chamber

    Bump your shoulder back .010-.015"'
  14. muledeerarea33?

    Boiling heads

    Use borax and boil an hour less. Coat hanger the brains out. Peroxide after.
  15. muledeerarea33?

    elk nose ?

    I'm guessing coke! Dude pry had a few "hook ups"!! But honestly I'd say bot flys or ticks.
  16. muledeerarea33?


    We just buy Craigslist couches at the moment. Go thru a couch twice a year due to where we live and my heard of critters. Once my main house is finished I hope to buy the first new furniture I've ever had in my life! But on CL I've found $1000 dollar couches for $100 or less, well do to folks need new furniture every few years and us poor folk benefit tremendously!! Last one I bought was blue denim, wife still hates me but it lasted a year and a half til the mechanism's for the recliners gave out.
  17. muledeerarea33?

    Stolen F250

    I have about 1000-1500 license plates (I collect) some permanent tags, some still good, some from the 30's and 40's, and lots from other countries. I even have a few diplomatic plates. Point being, they may not cross using original plates to the vehicle if they even cross at all. How many times have you seen a DPS or sheriff pull over a car with Mexico plates? I drive close to 100 miles round trip to work on I-10 and have seen plenty of Mexico plate vehicles breaking the law (as well as AZ folks) but I've not once seen a foreigner pulled over. To much hassle for the cop so they let it go. Can't blame the officer that the higher ups make it hard to FAIRLY do their job but so be it. Hope you get it back but license plates are a dime a dozen.
  18. muledeerarea33?

    Unit one youth elk

    Good deal!!! He'd never even seen an elk til Friday?
  19. muledeerarea33?

    need brass and powder

    Midway has/had Norma a few weeks back. I looked for rl 22 and came up empty in Tucson but found a load with H4831.
  20. muledeerarea33?

    need brass and powder

    Midway has/had Norma a few weeks back. I looked for rl 22 and came up empty in Tucson but found a load with H4831.
  21. muledeerarea33?

    wtb a claw or something like it

    Doesn't a member here build these?
  22. muledeerarea33?

    Do you use shooting sticks?

    I shoot off my tripod regularly during target practice as well as off my truck hood, pack pack, tree branch, and bipod. My buddy uses the promos stick things. I always laughed at him til I left my tripod at camp one day, I confiscated his stick and glassed and shot off it! Wasn't ideal but considering I had nothing else it was perfect. Still haven't bought one though. I might one day, if we no longer hunt together lol.
  23. muledeerarea33?

    Pray for My Dear MOM

    Sounds like she was waiting til you got your elk. Not being funny. I've had family members to similar. My aunt died after hearing my sister was getting married, gramps died a few days after I was married. God does mysterious thing and the will of people surprise me too. Bless your mother and I pray in she meets her maker in good intentions.
  24. muledeerarea33?

    New Forum

    It's a political forum for other than hunting politics. It was asked for a few weeks ago and was built. You need Amanda to give you a password (or admin??) then you can talk about non hunting stuff.