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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    How about some chicken fried elk steak

    Hand mallet tenderizer was pry one of my best investments a few years back. Turns a 6" round piece of meat into an extra large pizza size piece in minutes! Bread and fry, a few fried eggs, cut up taters with chili's and onion, biscuits, and a heap of gravy with the drippings (and bacon fat of course) that's a breakfastlunchsnack all in one!
  2. muledeerarea33?

    Happy birthday 25-06

    dang Terry, your gettin old buddy
  3. muledeerarea33?


    I'll be second. I'm near benson.
  4. muledeerarea33?

    getting close i think...

    Shoot it out to 500 and see how it does. 100 yard groups may not keep the same grouping at longer distances.
  5. muledeerarea33?

    target stores

    I just shop at walmart, target coffee sucks anyways. Sorry bout what happened. My bank shuts my card off every time I have to travel for work training. Claims it suspicious activity in other states. Annoying but atleast their watching. Always carry enough cash just incase, no credit card for me.
  6. muledeerarea33?

    anyone else...

    according to another thread, a user complained that it filled up the new content feature. Even though there's a function to filter out any sub section from new content, including but not limited to the classified section.
  7. muledeerarea33?

    anyone else...

    Been there done that, got the t-shirt! Thanks for posting though. The more that do inquire about it the more support there is to have it back in "new content" and make the folks who don't want it actually use this websites filter feature. Another vote to put it back how it was.
  8. muledeerarea33?

    Attention....New Long Rangers...

    I'm not new bit I'll learn anything reasonable. Also, I live amongst cattle and can smell bull $hit a mile away! But if a guy knows what he's sayin then I'll listen. So my 30-30 will shoot 1760 yards?? Awesome!
  9. muledeerarea33?

    6.5-06 opinions

    If you got an old M-70 in 30-06 (1965-66) that's tired but the stock, scope, and trigger are good, and you got a crap load of 06 brass, plus a bunch of 6.5 140's sittin around. Is it worth a barrel swap? What are the cons to this round, especially if you shoot a lot? Barrel life?
  10. muledeerarea33?

    6.5-06 opinions

    maybe 6.5-12.7?
  11. muledeerarea33?

    Recognize this Yavapai County bull?

    Insert witty smart aS$ comment here.......... Nice bull.
  12. muledeerarea33?

    Looking for Youth Hunters in Need of 22lr Ammo

    Wow! Makin 20+ cents on the consumer!! You jerk!!
  13. muledeerarea33?

    6.5-06 opinions

    Haha! Thanks for the info lark. The .270 was the first gun I had for deer at age 10. Savage 110. Had it for 12 years and never could make it shoot right. Most likely lack of knowledge but it left a bad taste in my mouth for savage and 270. I've learned a lot since then and although I don't own one I'd buy a savage no problem I'm still not sold on the 270 haha!!
  14. muledeerarea33?

    Fun With Sectional Density

    You sayin kids ain't good to have? I just threw all the cars off the tracks!
  15. muledeerarea33?

    6.5-06 opinions

    Lark, a .264 increases my smith bill for bolt face work, if it was a different gun I'd consider it. But seeing as I have everything to swap to a 6.5 except barrel and dies I figured it'd be a cheap way to have a caliber I don't have and haven't had yet. The 6.5-06 seems to be a good option and I welcome all opinions, but now this Ackley has me intrigued too.
  16. muledeerarea33?

    Fun With Sectional Density

    lucky, buy a lotto ticket
  17. muledeerarea33?

    6.5-06 opinions

    Just looked at midway, seems like to go AI more than doubles or triples the cost for dies over a standard 6.5-06. I know initial investment can be high but not sure if it's worth the cost? The barrel swap will pry be 5-600ish including the barrel. Any other places to get AI or standard dies? Midway is 53 bucks.
  18. muledeerarea33?

    6.5-06 opinions

    Stomp, do you gain much being AI? And what's the effects on the barrel life?
  19. muledeerarea33?

    6.5-06 opinions

    that's about what I shoot now but out of the 06 and a 243. Figure if I do the 6.5-06 I'd shoot it more than the 243
  20. muledeerarea33?

    6.5-06 opinions

    Thinking it'll be good at long range. I'm just wanting something different and figure this is my cheapest way to go. Also I'd like a new deer rifle, have had hand me downs all my life and want to make something my own. It'd pry see 800-1000 rounds a year maybe less.
  21. muledeerarea33?


    If the tag is for this year and he's not gone go you should ask him to donate it! Just less than 2 weeks to hunt! Hopefully he gets a ram down but if not I'm sure a kid or vet would love the tag.
  22. muledeerarea33?

    Is SD (Sectional Density) by itself Worthless?

    creek ain't that deep buddy, unless you go to lower by the corbell place.
  23. muledeerarea33?

    Is SD (Sectional Density) by itself Worthless?

    Can't wait til you guys kiss and make up over a good spam and cheese samy! Or lark takes you into eagle creek craw dad fishin and shootin. You'll have lots in common face to face.
  24. muledeerarea33?

    Prayers for my niece

    Iv'd prayed twice today. Hope I did it right this time. I've seen three kids pass from cancer (not mine but in the family)
  25. muledeerarea33?

    Is SD (Sectional Density) by itself Worthless?

    Sierra game kings have done me well in several calibers. I love looking at the data but I use the bullet that puts the most blood on the rock.