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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    Truck Paint Coating to Help Prevent AZ Pinstripe

    Nothing can prevent scratches. Wax and ceramic will help but won’t prevent. It’s either gonna be a truck or it’s gonna be a grocery getter. I’ve never paid todays prices for a vehicle but every truck I’ve ever had is a truck. I’m not easy on them but I maintain them. When it’s time for them to go I let them go. Vehicles aren’t an investment, they’re a necessary expense.
  2. muledeerarea33?

    Truck Paint Coating to Help Prevent AZ Pinstripe

    Haha!! Ran into a guy years ago in 28. He had his kids walking in front of him clipping branches.
  3. muledeerarea33?

    Truck Paint Coating to Help Prevent AZ Pinstripe

    Zalatone with a light splatter and clear coat over the top.
  4. muledeerarea33?

    Anyone do security camera installs

    My driveway cam was the first one I put in. It lasts about 4 months. My “dog cam” which gives notifications 10+ times a day lasts 3 months. Also, I don’t pay a subscription.
  5. muledeerarea33?

    Anyone do security camera installs

    I have the Wyze outdoor cams. Rechargeable batteries last about 4 months and they can be mounted almost anywhere. You need a base station that’s connected to the internet and will support up to 4 cams per station. Station stays inside (or dry area). The cams are wireless, furthest one from the base station I have is about 100’. App on your phone runs it all.
  6. muledeerarea33?

    Rossislider is a liar and coward

    I’ll say this, trophy hunter is a salesman. But I agree with him and don’t think he’s capable of what he’s accused of. If I’m wrong, I’ll eat my words. Lots on here think he starts shoot but the guy busts his butt to hunt!! He helped me on a hunt without knowing me.
  7. When did the Golden Corral close? I ate at a place near the base, (can’t remember the name) food was good but service was horrible!!
  8. muledeerarea33?

    Anyone do security camera installs

    Did my own last year thru Wyze. Less than an hour. Heck, less than half an hour and I had 4 cams up. Cost was less than a few hundred.
  9. muledeerarea33?


    Pretty sure it’s the off season and everyone needs something to talk about. Continue on.
  10. muledeerarea33?

    Cabinet Repair

    If you can’t find anyone, wood glue and saw dust will fix most mdf or particle board screw pulls. I know that’s not what you were looking for but it’s an option.
  11. muledeerarea33?

    What’s your 401K doing?

    Mines been flat for 8-9 months. Losing this month but I understand that. I just hate contributing every paycheck and not seeing it grow.
  12. muledeerarea33?

    What’s your 401K doing?

    I didn’t pull my previous, I only started this year with the Roth option.
  13. muledeerarea33?

    What’s your 401K doing?

    Lots of good info in here! Sounds like no gain or loss for 8-9 months is a good thing. My company recently offered the Roth 401k option which I jumped at. This will be the first year of it. So essentially now, if I decide to take investment money before the age of 60 (55) what would be a good secondary option to invest in? I already own a piece of land, don’t want to be a landlord. I’m thinking mutual funds and if I go at 55 then I’ll go part time at ace hardware til 60 and be done!
  14. muledeerarea33?

    What’s your 401K doing?

    I won’t stop contributing, I’d just like to also contribute to something else.
  15. muledeerarea33?

    What’s your 401K doing?

    My long term is roughly 7%
  16. muledeerarea33?

    What’s your 401K doing?

    I’m thinking of doing something like a vanguard fund outside of 401K just so I can control it more.
  17. muledeerarea33?

    What’s your 401K doing?

    Like I said, it’s been flat but dropped the past month. I understand the drop. I’m not in a conservative profile. I’m in a more aggressive scenario but not full aggressive.
  18. muledeerarea33?

    What’s your 401K doing?

    I look at mine monthly. I’ve made small changes but I’m in it for the long haul. Between contributions and losses, I’m down 10 grand the past 9 months.
  19. muledeerarea33?

    Hunting with glasses

    Certain lasik is covered by insurance depending on your eye sight. My wife had over 30 lasik surgeries covered by insurance. But you correct if the only reason for surgery is for better vision.
  20. muledeerarea33?

    Hunting with glasses

    It was just a flat out no from the doc. They would not do it because it wouldn’t work. Nothing to do with insurance or self pay.
  21. muledeerarea33?

    Hunting with glasses

    I was told I can’t get it with my astigmatism. I guess it depends on how bad it is.
  22. muledeerarea33?

    Going elk hunting

    Very cool!!! Wish you the best!
  23. muledeerarea33?

    Elk hits tomorrow????

    Don’t care! I forgot to apply!!!! Good luck to all you aholes who actually applied!!
  24. muledeerarea33?

    WTB: AK47

    Look for a sar3 that shoots 5.56. Unless you have enough ammo. Either way, there’s enough 7.62x39 ammo in this country.
  25. muledeerarea33?

    Residential construction lending.

    Sorry to go off topic from the OP but was the money borrowed against an existing residence? I was literally going to ask a similar question here soon. I’m looking to finance the rest of my house build. The 5 year plan has turned to 15 and I just want it done.