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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?


    Do you know the max payload it can haul?
  2. muledeerarea33?

    Recommendations on a mid range pair of bino's

    I've had a pair of sightron 10xs in my truck for over 10 years, cheap but work really good for truck glass
  3. muledeerarea33?

    Bighorn Tag

    Never had a tag but that 27/28 would be hard to beat! I love that area
  4. I'm gonna buy the ticket and put the equal amount aside and see what wins! Good deal either way, donating to a good cause or donating to my hunting addiction.
  5. muledeerarea33?

    Different take on trophy pics....

    Maybe just maybe if it didn't look so fake, but even then I'd pry say no. Looks like a bunch of folks just taunting the other side "look at me, I'm sophiscacated and I hunt" the other side only hears "I'm rich and I murdered this animal for a photo op"
  6. muledeerarea33?

    Meat from animals in the rut

    same as any other dehydrating liquid, milk pulls the blood out which is gamey. Wine and salt water will do the same. Some meat is beyond that point though.
  7. muledeerarea33?


    do as you wish. That's what's great about not living in china or North Korea, we can all do what we want and the only ones mad about it have nothing better to do lol. I don't have tv service so my news is from an antenna tie wired to my roof eve. The wife and I still enjoy some fantasy (movies) on occasion. It breaks up the seriousness of life.
  8. muledeerarea33?

    Petition to charge Hillary

    As sad as it it I'm not even gonna open the link. I'm paranoid about certain things. The other side petitions and signs everything, the have nothing to lose because politics are on their side. Do I think there should be petitions and protests on our side? Hel! Yes I do!! But I'm to nervous to be on their radar and can't make the protest, I gotta work.
  9. muledeerarea33?


    Boycotting him won't do any good. He's been paid for his work. His older crap has pry been sold and he gets no royalties anyways. I hate the majority of actors politics but if I boy cotted their films I'd have no movies to watch on redbox. Raising your voice and being active for your beliefs will do more than a boycott.
  10. muledeerarea33?

    Best way to meet hunting bros

    I grew up with most of my hunting buddy's but sadly I don't see some of them anymore, met a few on here and at work. The guy I hunt with now I met at work, he was new to hunting and newish to guns so I got to mold my own partner lol. We work and hunt good together. Please get rid of the penis/ball picture. I know it's an arm/bicep but I have a dirty mind.
  11. muledeerarea33?

    New pellet guns suck!

    I'm talking about the less than 50 dollar rifles. I didn't buy a red rider but bought the power line 880 ($30 bucks) I know not to expect much for that money and times change. I had that gun years ago and it was better built than this piece of crap! I'm sure the one I had and the one I just bought are foreign built (china land )
  12. muledeerarea33?

    New pellet guns suck!

    i have a suppressor for .22 caliber. I bought this for the nieces just getting started. They live in the city, where I'm at an 06 won't bother the neighbors. But yes the colibri ammo is awesome! Even thru a regular .22
  13. muledeerarea33?

    SOLD> Great truck for sale

    I regretted selling mine almost 10 years ago. Had a 97 and it was awesome! Surprised me not than once and dumbfounded the rock crawlers when I'd drive up up my stock pick up haha!
  14. muledeerarea33?

    Plantar fasciitis insoles

    With our insurance I found a doc that made my custom insoles for just my $20 copay. Still ended up getting the needle though.
  15. muledeerarea33?

    Phoenix people are rude

    Who's surprised?
  16. muledeerarea33?

    Spare tires

    I'm guilty of not knowing where my spare tire kit is in my Tacoma! Never looked for it, have a jack and lug wrench separate, extra spare in the bed and the common sense to get the spare underneath if needed. Most factory kits are a joke, they get you by if needed. I like to trust my tire changing equipment.
  17. muledeerarea33?

    Spare tires

    Most all outsourced parts are designed to the specs of the factory engineers. But if it's a pure design flaw and it's not caught in testing before a car hits the market (most are caught) then it gets redesigned and tested at both their expense.
  18. muledeerarea33?

    Alico Ultra waterproof boots 10.5 for sale

    What are you doing for the plantar fasciitis? I ended up having the cortisone shots after a year of pain and it was night and day. Good luck with the sale.
  19. muledeerarea33?

    Spare tires

    And TOBY, good PSA man, most people never even skim their owners manual or inspect anything on their vehicle until something goes wrong. They just assume and we all know what assuming does.
  20. muledeerarea33?

    Spare tires

    Manufacturers don't pay for the recalled parts directly, the company that made the part takes the brunt of it. In cases such as takata the auto manufacuter doesn't look bad but the airbag company does. Where the car companies lose money is future sales and re-sale value. No more spare tires came about mostly because the majority doesn't change tires or know how. Also on some new cars there just isn't room, also emessions require companies to save weight wherever they can. CAFE standards suck these days. Saving money from lack of a spare might be their concern but not top
  21. muledeerarea33?

    Hidden gunsmiths?

    Not tryin to break forum rules or anything but I guess I'll ask. It seems like a lot of folks on here do really good work (licensed or not, sponsors or not) I'm looking to have a barrel done this summer and curious what the dark side offers. I can google top custom shops but sometimes the local guys are just as good or better. Post up you work or pm me, I'll try to respond to everyone.
  22. muledeerarea33?

    Hidden gunsmiths?

    Nice!! dream job and mathematical nightmare at the same time. time is my thing right now and lack of experience to do it correctly. Paying someone is best.
  23. muledeerarea33?

    Hidden gunsmiths?

    It's been 15 years since I've ran a lathe. High school metal shop lol. Last time I bought a reamer and gauge for a 223wssm no one would buy them after I was done.
  24. muledeerarea33?

    Thank you fire fighters, be safe

    Prayers sent, hope for the best.
  25. muledeerarea33?

    Shoulder surgery roll call

    Does he do knee's? I have a knee problem that is keeping me out of the hunting game, and giving me grief at work. I need insurance first. I'm not sure? I would assume so but don't know. He's on grant near tmc, not far from you actually.