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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    Now where was this?

    Next to the trap
  2. muledeerarea33?

    Kings Throne

    Bet it was nice in it's younger days.
  3. muledeerarea33?

    WTB 870 super mag

    Thought I saw one in vail Walmart for 350 bucks? Camo, 3 1/2" 870.
  4. muledeerarea33?

    Mid 1940's john deere B

    A man can only dream. The buyer chose cash so I reluctantly took it and helped him trailer it.
  5. muledeerarea33?

    Mid 1940's john deere B

    I got this last year and with the help of a cwt member I got it trailered to my place. Good compression, electric start, tires hold air but it'll need new ones. Not sure the year exactly since the serial# plate is missing. From research I'm guessing 44 or 45. It needs a carb and has no spark, could just need the magneto rebuilt or needs a new one? I ran out if time and hate to see it sit, not sure in a price but any reasonable offer takes it home. Heck, might even trade it for guns ammo or hunting stuff. Thanks for reading.
  6. muledeerarea33?

    Tanning a snake skin

    Glycerin works just don't get the rattles in it. I've used antifreeze but it's not good lol
  7. muledeerarea33?

    I-17 Labor Day

    I suppose it doesn't matter, they all just want to leave the valley!
  8. muledeerarea33?

    Mid 1940's john deere B

  9. muledeerarea33?

    Hunting License

    is that good enough if your checked buy an officer?
  10. So Ron doesn't teach first come first served in his classes then
  11. muledeerarea33?

    If you hunted dove south of tucson,read this

    I agree with everyone so far!!! Yes it sucks and venting is good but no, it does no good. There's no good answer
  12. muledeerarea33?

    Where am I?

    Arizona, west of the 303 by a bit or I-8 a bit out of casagrande
  13. I met a friend at a pond tonight. We were first there. Another truck pulls up half hour later and parks 50 feet from us. I'm used to it after hunting near a city for a few years now. They had a very well trained dog that I got a kick out of watching! Until I shot a bird and the dog retrieved it for them haha! I didn't say anything cause this dog was doing a heck of a job! I got pissed when they started hunting directly in front of where we were shooting.
  14. dang! That's a bad first hunt for him!! I've met you a few times and your kid was there once I think? It's a good thing your a really nice guy!! I've known people that have actually fought over dove spots! Only since I've lived around a city though, never had issues living in a small town.
  15. muledeerarea33?

    Dove hunting

    I never got pulled out for dove, that was saved for big game! Our school had deer day (first day of the early hunt) and a lot of teachers hunted so they'd give your homework early if the knew you had a hunt. But dove was always a before and after school thing. Back then it wasn't an all day hunt. Only morning til noon then went all day for the late season.
  16. muledeerarea33?

    Hunting Rig

    I took a stock 1997 Z-71 to all the popular "rock crawler" places around Tucson. I took the easy part of the roads and made it everywhere. Even had a few guys who spent lots of money on their rigs dumb founded! "Rigs" I hate that word! Your in a pickup, it's not a rig! Either way. You don't need a lot to go anywhere, you just need to know how to drive. IFS will get you there and not spill your coffee. Just change the rims and your good!!
  17. muledeerarea33?

    Jimmy Johns

    not a single person has questioned your knowledge in the whole thread. why are you mad at everyoneBECAUSE IM MAD OK BRO!!! Goodness!!!! Are you questioning how many sheep I've seen dead???? I question your hooker gettin abilities pal! Got something to say about that bud? Huh chief? lmfao i dun goofed. The things grown men find to kill an evening.glad you can be part of it. Fun isn't it?
  18. muledeerarea33?

    Jimmy Johns

    not a single person has questioned your knowledge in the whole thread. why are you mad at everyone BECAUSE IM MAD OK BRO!!! Goodness!!!! Are you questioning how many sheep I've seen dead???? I question your hooker gettin abilities pal! Got something to say about that bud? Huh chief?
  19. muledeerarea33?

    Unit 27

    I stand corrected
  20. muledeerarea33?

    Looking for opinions on where to live in AZ

    Just don't move to sheep country, your not worthy
  21. muledeerarea33?

    Jimmy Johns

    I've seen more than 30 dead. Does just seeing a lifeless animal give me some clout?
  22. muledeerarea33?

    Jimmy Johns

    you tickle the butt hole but don't stroke the shaft??? You tease!!! Can't be out yet!
  23. muledeerarea33?

    Jimmy Johns

    I just want 40 pages!
  24. muledeerarea33?

    Unit 27

    Not sure on a shower but I would think no. If you book a room now (they fill up fast hunting seasons) you can get a room once, twice a week for shower and laundry if needed. If not boil the water before you solar bag it and hunt. Unless you wanna drive to show low or Clifton.
  25. muledeerarea33?

    Jimmy Johns

    This sh!ts getting deep!! A guide arguing with a chief/dude/bro who isn't a guide, guide bro keeps calling non guide bud names. Trail cams come up, actual real guide names a brought in! Awesome! Keep it going probies!