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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    Scenar's... what have you killed?

    Good to hear. I took it out to 500 on Sunday with horrible wind. 12-14" drop and was hitting a 12"x12" plate. And took a pop shot (guess) at a 900 yard steel. Hit 6' low. I'm looking forward to shooting and finding my drop to a 1000. But without the 20mph wind lol.
  2. muledeerarea33?

    its not just chicken anymore

    Arby's is awesome! The non fast food, fast food place. I've never had farm raised USDA approved deer before. Can't wait to try it. Might just ask for no sauce.
  3. muledeerarea33?

    Bump fire stock

    So this means you have a soul and you don't know how to screw people. Good for you! Very few folks out there like that.
  4. muledeerarea33?

    Bump fire stock

    F!!! It, I'll go back page prices. $1000!!!
  5. muledeerarea33?

    shooting spot

    What city are you in?
  6. muledeerarea33?

    Proper cleaning and barrel break in

    I just broke in a new one a few weeks ago. I was fire forming and had all day. I cleaned every round for the first 5 then every 3rd round til 20. I shot 50 total. After the first 20 I didn't clean. I did clean when I got home and wiped copper. Like everyone has mentioned, don't get it hot!
  7. muledeerarea33?

    34A junior hunt

    Very nice! That unit will get hit hard this year.
  8. muledeerarea33?

    Help aging buck

    Recent picture or a month or so old?
  9. muledeerarea33?

    Amazing Man Cave Furniture!

    Bump for an amazing sales pitch.
  10. muledeerarea33?

    Practice much?

    That's horrible!! Texas brain shot doesn't work with a bow!
  11. muledeerarea33?

    Looking for a Remington 770 in 243 for a youth hunter

    Bought my wife a 770 many years ago since she felt comfortable with it. I hated the idea of a plastic gun but she liked the feel and it was the only gun she could get a scope picture out of. She popped beer cans at 400 yards. Yes it's a cheap crappy gun but it's works well.
  12. muledeerarea33?

    Late elk prep

    Is your tent 40'x60'? Good lord that things bigger than the stove in my house! You'll be toasty. Nice looking stove.
  13. muledeerarea33?


    Don't have a good answer for that. Just stating my opinion is all. Cant undo whats already been done so I don't know how that would pan out. not mad at you, you have an opinion like everyone else. I just hate seeing bans. It won't stop the people who do it illegally. It will stop the good folks from having freedom.
  14. muledeerarea33?


    Yes that could happen I suppose. It could be happening now with cat hunting, trapping etc. And when I have the chance I will make my vote count. Like I said earlier this is just my opinion. I realize it may be an unpopular one. But is there a point when even we as gun owners and hunters can say "well maybe this is going a bit to far"? it's been going on with varmint and cat hunting/trapping since the 90's. you had more freedom then than now. People just lay back and accept it. What good does a ban do? Does it keep legal law abiding citizens at bay? Does it prevent criminals from getting guns/accessories? Does it keep the crazy people from being crazy? If you want to buy something, you can buy it!
  15. muledeerarea33?


    And what good does banning something do? There's already how many of them out there? So you ban a particular thing that's been sold for 10 years, do you send out a police force door to door to check for the ones already sold?? Tell me what good it does?
  16. muledeerarea33?


    Suppressor, not silencer! Some say potato tomatoe but there's a huge difference! I think the NRA is trying to give an inch in hopes they don't take a mile. Any further bans is TAKING A MILE!! You may not like bump stocks or full auto weapons or whatever but there will come a time that more is banned and it will be what you do like!
  17. muledeerarea33?


    Anyone know how to word a letter to "whom it may concern"? Even the "consertive radio guy's on our side" have no idea what their talking about! It's sad and hard to listen to these hosts and the people calling in. I want to reach thru the radio and shake these people! In all good intents the folks trying to help us are phu cking us!! Ask for an inch, take a mile!!
  18. muledeerarea33?

    24B suggestions for Oct rifle hunt

    I put a lot of work into those spots you don't own the forest bud, it belongs to everyone and their brother.
  19. muledeerarea33?

    24B suggestions for Oct rifle hunt

    I'd try the rest of the unit, especially around water sources. Find others salt licks and apple/molasses bear baiting sites and hunt around them. Good luck on your hunt.
  20. muledeerarea33?


    Your supposed to pluck em after you shoot em!! I just keep mine in the truck with the rest of the crap, I've given a few away to people for their hat bands.
  21. muledeerarea33?


    and it's easier with a belt loop.
  22. muledeerarea33?


    Bump stocks are a gimmick. until you've used one!
  23. muledeerarea33?


    dude sounds like a lady! "What's an AR? "It means automatic rifle" I get being scared and confused, I understand not being coherent in a situation you have no conrol over, but really? I heard a Paul walker comment in there too.