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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    Coueswhitetail.com Dictionary

    we should fight.I'm a mule deer junky I just think it's funny as heck to call them carp bucks I never heard the term til reading it here years ago. Im ok with it since Im not overly sensitive and dont have very many feelings that I know of.
  2. muledeerarea33?

    CWT Feuds

    used to have that years ago. It turned into a high school population contest. I guess no worse than now but back then everyone knew who the cool kids were!
  3. muledeerarea33?

    Coueswhitetail.com Dictionary

    we should fight.
  4. muledeerarea33?

    Coueswhitetail.com Dictionary

    Yet another good throw back. Good one here from the hate everybody thread! (Read more if your not familiar!)
  5. muledeerarea33?

    Arizona guide loses hunting rights in 47 states

    Really.... Apparently a jury felt differently. If you were drawn #11 for 10 Arizona resident Bighorn tags and someone did this you'd be screaming the loudest. He never was a resident of Utah and he never intended to be... so that he could fraudulently obtain a Utah sheep tag. If you can't see that... we see the law through different sides, obviously. Ed FA jury found oj Simpson, Casey Anthony, phil spector, Robert blake, etc. innocent. Just saying think about, people on here are potential jurors. Scary or not.
  6. muledeerarea33?

    'Stink Pigs'

    thats a derogatory and racist term. I demand you edit your post!
  7. muledeerarea33?

    are the lakes locked?

    i dont get paid unless i sell something so i know exactly what that feels like. yep, same here. No steady paycheck on commission/flat rate. It sucks while its shut down but we retro pay you right?
  8. muledeerarea33?

    The cream is slowly rising...

    Still playing or did the beagles win? My wifes team, I could care less but always route against her beagles!
  9. muledeerarea33?

    Shotgun work

    Dont want to steal your post but I have an old fox sideXside that I need the barells looked at. I think theyre separating.
  10. muledeerarea33?

    Windshield Repair

    JDs auto glass in Tucson. John wont give you $100 gift card or 10 free dinners, or any gimmick. He will install your glass correctly! Not just windshields but all glass! Hes the guy we use and trust with $75-150k cars at my shop. As far as the money given to you if you get your glass replaced... the companies over charge insurance so much that they have money to give you, insurance companies pay the full pop and rates reflect it.
  11. muledeerarea33?

    are the lakes locked?

    dang! Right! The way the feds run the lakes and streams, the fish and wild life are better off!
  12. muledeerarea33?

    An Open Dialog on G & F Laws

    You have over 7000 posts. What does that have to do with OPs walls of text Ive been skimming them to get the jist.
  13. muledeerarea33?

    are the lakes locked?

    last time they had 3x the law enforcement there than they do when the government isnt shut down. because being political is more important in this country than being smart! Its all about who you screw and make the other guy look bad!!
  14. muledeerarea33?

    An Open Dialog on G & F Laws

    Too many long replies, shoulda just ate turkey twice. Woulda been cheaper. You coulda self reported to your lord and savior and been given less punishment.
  15. muledeerarea33?

    Ramen and pho

    Goodness that all looks great!! Ives always wanted to cook better Asian food (all I know is Chinese 5 spice lol) can you give a quick recipe of each dish? Id love to try and make them!
  16. muledeerarea33?

    Vacuum sealers

    I got one for Christmas (mid range food saver) Ive wanted one for ever and its awesome! I used a whole roll of bags breaking down a standing rib roast. So bags can get expensive but still quicker than butcher paper and better thanziolock bags. Ill pry still butcher paper game meat though. Might just vac seal the paper wrapped meat.
  17. muledeerarea33?

    Any trappers near Sierra Vista?

    you scare me. Lets go camping.
  18. muledeerarea33?

    It pays to treat people right.

    Good deal!
  19. muledeerarea33?

    Any trappers near Sierra Vista?

    First signs of a serial killer? Haha!!
  20. muledeerarea33?


    If your buddy is the same as my buddy, Ill take it for 350. Im not getting to your neck of the woods any time soon but he lives a few miles away. If its the same buddy lol
  21. muledeerarea33?

    Woman shot at popular shooting area in Buckeye

    the new go to bro gun
  22. muledeerarea33?

    To slime or not

    Not like your on the highway and worried about a tire balance concern. May not help, only hurt is that a patch wont stick if you do get a hole. (Depending on the slime)
  23. muledeerarea33?

    Do those blood finding lights work?

    it stopped perfect but behind a cholla then moved and I hit it on the trot. I'm about 100% he lived but I will keep looking. The arrow came out right on bud, hope you find him live or not.
  24. muledeerarea33?

    Do those blood finding lights work?

    Did it jump your string? Of buck fever? Either way a bright led light would work just fine