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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    Rocky Point Fishing

    Let’s see the first triggerfish of the day!
  2. muledeerarea33?

    CNN at its BEST!

    Read a story today about an Irish family in New Zealand. If anyone know how to post a link I think it’s a good read.
  3. muledeerarea33?

    CNN at its BEST!

    So your sayin the cattle will stay out of my yard if I have a fence?
  4. muledeerarea33?


    I’d rather own what I want than be able to legally kill a state owned creature.
  5. muledeerarea33?

    Split hairs with me

    Might as well hunt it now, I think that area will have houses built in the near future
  6. muledeerarea33?

    Coues rut

    Big bucks are awesome
  7. muledeerarea33?


    dang good price! The box is really nice though
  8. muledeerarea33?

    selling guns and reloading stuff

    I internet’s on my lawn!
  9. muledeerarea33?

    Getting busy packing

    It’s nice (awesome) hunting with folks you used to. Hope your hunting styles have stayed consistent. Good luck in Mexico.
  10. muledeerarea33?

    Sell and re buy or change caliber?

    You would!! Lol
  11. muledeerarea33?

    Sell and re buy or change caliber?

    Keep the .243! I use one as my back up rifle but actually enjoy shooting it more than most I have. Good for any deer or smaller, cow elk, maybe bull but I haven’t had a chance at that yet. I’d keep it and if you want something with more energry then buy it. But your .243 will work great til you can get something bigger.
  12. muledeerarea33?

    Would like to sale this very rare deer mule mount

    Is this still sale for?
  13. muledeerarea33?

    I've got friends in safe spaces!!!

    I’ll raise you and say triple awesome!!
  14. muledeerarea33?

    Hunting Report ?

    It’s all awesome people, just awesome!
  15. muledeerarea33?


  16. muledeerarea33?

    I've got friends in safe spaces!!!

  17. muledeerarea33?

    Cox Internet sucks Outage all day

    Internet access? What’s that??? Never heard of it lol. I use phone data
  18. muledeerarea33?

    1st Arizona hunt story and shout out

    Yeah I suppose Kevin’s an alright fella lol. Good job on your varminpigpec thingy. Snow hunting is awesome!
  19. muledeerarea33?


    Haven’t been since McGrath was on a Honda. Have fun
  20. muledeerarea33?

    Can we get hoodies made????

  21. muledeerarea33?

    unit 28 OTC

    Just saw this post, sorry I’m to late, how’d you do?
  22. muledeerarea33?

    Can we get hoodies made????

    Sick awesome bump!
  23. muledeerarea33?

    Mountain Muley Typical 4 x 4 2019 success!!

    Tubularly radically awesome!!!
  24. muledeerarea33?

    Units 36a, b, c hunt #5097

    Just like lobster is a bug. It is what it is lol
  25. muledeerarea33?

    My 2018 Hunting wrap up

    Very nice first deer! And with a bow! I’m impressed!! Oh, and awesome!!