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Everything posted by Chef

  1. Chef

    Geneva's first archery kill

    Way to get it done!
  2. Chef

    Prayers needed for A fellow hunter!!

    Hang in there Kevin. May you find the strength to keep fighting.
  3. Chef

    Josh's First Hunt

    Way to go Josh!! Welcome to the hunting club! Good shooting and congratulations! From the smile, I know you were PUMPED! Great picture set up too Dad.
  4. Chef

    First pedestal mount

    Man! Check out the browtines on that bad boy!
  5. Chef

    Pigs down!

    Talk about a smack down! Congratulations to you all! (Nice shootin' Matthew!)
  6. Chef

    Another huge archery buck

    That base is gnarly! Dream buck right there. I too would like to hear the story and see more pics.
  7. Chef

    Mama Whale got her first pig

    Congratulations! Now THAT'S my kind of day care! LOL!
  8. Chef

    Left over javelina fun

    Way to go Casey. We took Dad out yesterday and found the piggies a mile out. We closed the distance and never found them again. We saw more deer in this area than I have ever seen. It was pretty awesome to see that. Congrats again.
  9. Well, I was thinking about another rifle. I don't NEED one but you know how that goes. LOL! I so REALLY wish I could afford a sweet rig like Jim Reynolds' coues killing machine. Them Lazzeroni rifles have had my eye for a while now.
  10. Chef

    ADA statement

    I'm with ya Allen, I just finished signing up as well. It is nice that they made a stand for better or worse it is something to get behind. I just joined up with AES to show my support. I sent them a little note when joining as well.
  11. Chef


    Same goes from me! Enjoy your day.
  12. Chef


    MAN! WHAT A BUCK!!!!
  13. Chef

    ADA statement

    You beat me to it Amanda! Thanks for clearing things up. You must have posted while I was typing.
  14. Chef

    ADA statement

    I think you are confusing Tracey Martin who is the administrative assistant to the ADA. She does a tremendous job and I adore her for being there through the years. I assure you, if Susan Gilstrap was in attendance, she would not have sat back quietly as Tracey did.
  15. Chef

    First Barbary!

    Way to go on sealing the deal on a tough hunt. Congratulations! Even better he was so close to the truck. Way better than packing out any day!
  16. Chef

    Aggressive Pig Attacks When Called In

    That was freaking awesome! They were coming from a couple hills over at full speed! Good calling and filming job.
  17. Great footage and super sweet buck. Congrats again Cade!
  18. Chef

    ADA statement

    First and foremost, I want to thank the ADA board members for allotting time for us to voice our concerns. I thank them again for extending the time limit from one hour to practically two hours of discussion. I hope they realize this was in their best interest and that we as sportsmen have serious concerns with the implications that may result if they do not distance themselves from AZSFW. Thank you to all those that attended and especially those that traveled long distances. It is always good to put a face to a name and even better to see old friends again.
  19. Chef

    Women's HAM hunting camp, Feb 17-19

    From talking to people that were there, you all sure had a blast! Everyone mentions the songs that the young ladies sang too!
  20. That's awesome man. Congrats on the luck and I look forward to your success.
  21. Chef

    how many coues can you see?

    Nice catch on the fawn. I missed it at first... Click Picture to Enlarge
  22. Chef

    "Big Rig"

    That's a great video. I totally felt your excitement and loved the way you ran a little after you saw him! I'm happy for you. Congratulations again.
  23. Chef

    HB2072 - Letter from AZSFW

    Below is an email sent out by Pete Cimellaro - Chef --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon, 20 Feb 2012 To All: I know all of you are not on the AZSFW email list. Those of you who are, and have read the letter below, can disregard this email, or better yet, forward it to someone you know does not get it. Unfortunately with the Blow-Up over HB 2072, we never did get to discuss the merit of what was being proposed and why it was being proposed. Yes, the manner in which the legislation was handled was at best foolish and perhaps even stupid. The outcry from active, engaged sportsmen and women was justified and certainly to be expected. However, now that AZSFW has had their bashing, I would like all of you to read below why AZSFW says they were attempting to pass this legislation. The information presented in this letter should be alarming to all sportsmen and women. To those of us who are passionate about wildlife and our hunting and fishing heritage, this is not something we can dismiss! If we choose to focus only on bashing the supposedly bad people who tried to pull one over one us; then the really bad people, the extremists who want to end what we enjoy will clearly be the winners. I am biased, admittedly so, because for almost twenty years I have fought to engage sportsmen and women in all phases of wildlife management. This effort includes politics because this is unfortunately where most wildlife management begins and ends. I learned this in the fight to preserve trapping in both 1992 when we won at the ballot box and in 1994 when we got our heads handed to us. Both then and now the Arizona Game & Fish Department was and is restricted from being involved in political campaigns. While the Commission voted to support our efforts the expertise and resources of the agency had to be withheld. The same would happen today! You cannot expect the Arizona Game & Fish Department to be our saviors in any political issues. They have their own agenda and are restricted in how they can participate. Sportsmen and women must stand up for themselves and be prepared to be both proactive and defensive in the protection of hunting, fishing, and wildlife management. I am also biased because of my past direct association with AZSFW. As a founder of AZSFW, I am a believer in why we formed the organization. I know well the people who are involved and they are passionate about preserving wildlife, hunting and fishing for all of us. I am also dang mad that they did not see what they were doing would be viewed by most active sportsmen as an assault. This clearly has diminished their ability to function and be successful at what is so important to all of us. They need to rethink how they are doing business and rededicate themselves to actively working with sportsmen and sportsmen conservation organizations. Sportsmen also need to accept a more positive role in this process. So far what I have seen is people only taking shots at AZSFW while not advocating for a coming together to create a better working relationship among organizations and individuals. I have seen so much misinformation, inflammatory language, and implied threats, etc. that I am embarrassed for all of us sportsmen. Active sportsmen are the key to the defense of hunting and fishing and we all must recognize this and be a part of that defense. It's up to you, you can continue the rhetoric or work in earnest to be part of a much needed solution. Let's try to bring all of us together to address issues that are about to bury us. Pete
  24. Chef


    Stan! Hope you are enjoying your day! 40 is the new 30!