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Everything posted by Chef

  1. Chef

    46B tag #1

    Great photos! Congratulations again. I need to draw a sheep tag!!!
  2. I don't have permission to post photos but you can do a Google Image search for "Chase Willis New Mexico bighorn" and get ready to blow your mind.
  3. Preliminary scores are 173" net for the first, 175 5/8 net for the second, and 172 6/8 net for the last ram.
  4. Yes, that 192" desert is an absolute STUD. Biggest desert I have seen. BTW, my friend Jesse Novak found that monster rocky that the same outfitter guided for the governors tag in 2009. The monster killed on Wheeler peak.
  5. Chef

    Connor's first cow elk!

    Way to go Connor! Looks like a blast camping and hunting with you all. (okay, maybe Gus doesn't think so)
  6. Chef

    12AE early

    Good job. He goes straight up!
  7. Allen is 3 for 3 in his consecutive draws and harvests on the Kaibab. Yes folks, this was his third time drawing the coveted Late hunt tag, IN A ROW! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy and boy does he make the best of them! As a bonus, his son Travis killed his first mule deer this year too! Duwane Adams camp comes through again! I'll let Allen fill in the details but I'll start with what everyone is waiting for, photos! Kicking things off is Travis' first Kaibab buck... Below is one of Duwane's clients and new found friend of ours, Scott with his 191" buck! Now here are both bucks together...
  8. Chef

    My 2012 trophy!!

    Here are your photos! Congratulations again!
  9. Chef

    46B tag #1

  10. Very true. I might add,..Ilene, your words have resonated in several of us here. I know it isn't easy to always share your feelings and experiences. A big sincere Thank You.
  11. Chef

    2 Kansas Mule Deer Down!

    Couple of nice muleys. They just flare out it seems. Congratulations to both of you.
  12. Chef

    Antelope Down

    Congrats on your "double" That was mighty nice of your uncle to share his points and it paid off!
  13. Chef

    Finally, 24b Delivers…

    That's what it's about right there! Congrats on your desert muley.
  14. Chef

    Two Couse Down

    Congratulations on the success!
  15. I just have to say...scrolling through your post and coming across "Annie Oakleys" smile just brought me so much joy! Congratulations Ashlynn! You have a great smile and a super buck to go with it! Chalk another win up for the girls!
  16. Chef

    My 2012 trophy!!

    Congratulations! Send your photos over to me and I'll post them up for you. (My email address is in my profile)
  17. Chef

    Late season Bulls for the Girls!

    Big time congratulations to the ladies! Love that pic of your wife with her bull! LOL! (specs on that rifle?)
  18. Ilene, Again, congratulations on your very first mule deer. I really do LOVE the G2's! This year was indeed very tough to hunt the late season up in the Kaibab. It was just different. With the acorn crop being good this year, and no cold weather or snow, game plans had to change. I'll say it again, it was TOUGH. You can only imagine the frustrations felt by others that have been up there year after year only to deal with the same circumstances. Trust me it happens, and it happened this season too. You did good. Good buck and great job taking photos documenting your hunt. I know you are tallying it up as "lessons learned" and I think we have all taken something away from this late season up there. I am very happy you shared your hunt with us. We'll get together soon.
  19. The "Agua Blanca Ranch" in Sonora, Mexico has produced this MONSTER mule deer. Ranch sits close to Puerto Libertad just SW of Caborca. The ranch owner, Vicente Contreras is very happy with his hunters' success. The Canadian hunter, Dennis Dale, is one lucky man. Big time congratulations to him and a big thank you to the Agua Blanca Ranch for sharing these with us. (I got these photos in an email this morning from a couple CW members, and it's been a flurry trying to get permission to post these. Amanda had us working overtime so we could share with you all!) Preliminary scores range from the 250" to 270"...WOW!!! These are all the photos we have as of now. Please excuse the quality of the second. *click on the first pic for a larger view*
  20. Chef

    My Unit # 31 & 32 "SHEEP"!

    Smitty, Your ram is going to have a strong gamey flavor and be pretty tough. The first thing I would try is a good pit BBQ. I've had old goat in Mexico cooked this way and it was delicious. The low and long cooking temperatures allow the meat to really get broken down and become tender, while the smoke caters well to tackling the gaminess of the meat. Now, I don't have any good recipes as every time I've had it, it's been done by someone else. There are people that really enjoy it though and I'm sure would be happy to give it a shot for you. What part of the state do you live in?
  21. Chef

    2012 Recap

    What a year Coach! You are a blessed man. Congrats and may 2013 be even better.
  22. Chef

    Dad's Late Rifle Bull

    Great looking 5x5. Congratulations! The late hunts definitely aren't easy.
  23. This was a very informative video. Thanks!
  24. Chef

    First Post---My 12 yr olds first bull

    Congrats to Junior! Way to go Bud!...and nice shooting! Thanks for sharing your success with us and may there be many more in your future.