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Everything posted by Chef

  1. Chef

    Dad's Late Rifle Bull

    Great looking 5x5. Congratulations! The late hunts definitely aren't easy.
  2. This was a very informative video. Thanks!
  3. Chef

    First Post---My 12 yr olds first bull

    Congrats to Junior! Way to go Bud!...and nice shooting! Thanks for sharing your success with us and may there be many more in your future.
  4. Man what a post! You guys know how to get it done! Beautiful family you have there Justin....and they HUNT! How awesome is that?!?
  5. Chef

    Off To Hunt A Ram

    Best of luck Tony. Get after it, find the courage to push harder, and smile all along the way. I'm looking forward to hearing about your success. This is it. The one you've been waiting for. TJ...YOU THE MAN!!!!!
  6. What a beautiful ram. Congratulations are in order for Ernie in making the absolute best out of his once in a lifetime experience. It looks like he was in stellar company as well. Stupendous photographs and excellent way to document the success and memories.
  7. I don't know what you could have done wrong while on that big 3x3. Sometimes that's just the way the cookie crumbles while hunting. I know how bummed you must feel as I've played and re-played scenarios in my head before too. Best part is, you got to spend some quality time out there with your boys. Best of luck in your fight against cancer. Prayers are with you.
  8. Chef

    My Unit # 31 & 32 "SHEEP"!

    Way to go! You sound pumped!! Great ram and way to get it done DIY!
  9. A good friend of ours has been chomping at the bit all year for his son's Kaibab hunt. I know Greg put a lot of thought and effort into making sure his son Carsten enjoyed his hunt. Not only was he hoping for a good buck, but he wanted Carsten to enjoy the hunt in it's entirety. All of Greg's hard work and scouting paid off! Congratulations Carsten! I wish I could have been as cool as you when I was twelve years old! Here is the story in Greg's words: "What a super hunt... We use several hunting tactics that Carsten learnt from. We set up and spotted with tripods and binos...I was able to get a couple large 4 pointers chasing does in the field of view for Carsten to watch, he also saw a smaller buck come in on a doe and a large one chase it off. We went on a pretty good hike and did some spot and stalk. We followed a monster buck on our hands and knees in the juniper trying to get a shot. We set on a water tank and had over 30 deer come in one evening...we were within 20 yards and could here them drinking and bleating with each other, several were bucks I would have taken on any other hunt. And we finished it up with Carsten calmly adjusting his scope power, making sure he was on the right deer, while I am screaming shoot beneath my breath as the Buck was taking his last step into some oaks, and most likely disappearing forever, Carsten shoots and calmly says, I got him... At the shot, the buck jumped and took off...we walked/ran to where the buck was and put a piece of paper towel marking the spot. (I didn't see any blood at the time) We then waited for a very long 30 minutes before searching around. Carsten actually was the one that found the blood from the shot, and was better at trailing the blood trail than I was...spotting little specks of blood on sticks and rocks. The buck ran about 100 yards where we found him. Carsten hit him right behind the shoulder and double lunged him. One shot was all it took! We had an all around amazing time, and I think Carsten is hooked on hunting!" 29" outside width...
  10. Chef

    MONSTER Sonoran Buck! *photos*

    Anyone interested, shoot me a PM with your email address and I'll gladly forward you the ranches contact email address.
  11. Chef

    MONSTER Sonoran Buck! *photos*

    The mass on this buck is unreal. A true dream buck for any hunter for sure!
  12. Here is Scott's field photograph... Scott's guide Mark Boulanger, is one glassing machine. I have to say he is definitely one of, if not the, best hunter I know. Congrats again to the both of you.
  13. Chef

    Archery Aoudad

    An aoudad with archery equipment! NICE! They make beautiful mounts and it looks like the chaps on yours are super nice.
  14. Chef

    best season ever part I

    Way at getting after it! The reward is in the hunt. Best of luck in tagging Old Chocolate!
  15. Chef

    The Shouting Buck

    I always think it's so cool when I hear stories of bucks "hiding" at the sound of a truck driving down a two track or people hiking above them. Glad you got to experience it first hand. Congrats on sealing the deal.
  16. Chef

    My First Bull

    Wow! Congratulations! Great write up and thanks for sharing with us. You seem to be blessed with many great people in your life. Nice shot and I'm glad you remembered the trophy pics before you butchered him up completely! LOL!
  17. Chef


    Nice buck!
  18. Chef

    Bacon Wrapped Venison Backstrap

    Thanks for the recipe. I just love venison backstrap. Any backstrap for that matter!
  19. Here are a couple more photos I took...
  20. Congrats on the success. seems like forever since I last hunted for them. Here is a pic from long ago...
  21. Spot and stalk on a sandhill crane...AWESOME!
  22. Great mass and antler config on your buck!
  23. Chef

    5 Years Later

    Pretty cool sequence of photos. Time flies. Congrats on the javi.
  24. Chef

    2012 Kaibab buck for Carsten!

    It was cool to have Greg call me from the mountain all excited after finding the buck. I got the quick rundown and then my phone later beeped with this.. Congrats again Carsten! You were definitely the topic of conversation down here in the valley that morning!