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Everything posted by Chef

  1. Chef

    best Sea food

    Lol. *shudder
  2. Chef

    New Jaguar Pics

    Very nice. Thanks for sharing with us. A lot better than anything I've ever caught on my trail cams.
  3. Chef

    Senseless brutality

    Happy to hear she is doing better. Praying for a quick and full recovery. Guam has seedy areas all along that stretch. Hope they find those responsible.
  4. Chef

    Vinyl Vandels Caught

    Migra= border patrol
  5. Chef

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY lucky2hunt

    Happy Birthday!!!!!
  6. Chef

    Stuffed bell peppers with venison

    Now I'm hungry!
  7. Chef

    NRA Lifetime Membership now $300

    I just upgraded my membership and am passing along the news of this deal. Thanks!
  8. http://www.youtube.com/embed/9RABZq5IoaQ?feature=player_embedded How and why it was created, short version.
  9. Great challenge, super prizes, and wildlife wins! Many thanks to the kind sponsors with their donations.
  10. Chef

    Feb/9/2013 Mexico Hunt

    Muy bonito el venado bura. Felicidades.
  11. Chef

    Long Range 30.378 for sale

    This sounds like a great deal for someone looking for a long range rig. Bump for a stand up seller.
  12. Congrats Peg!!!! Now TJ has a really good chance at hunting Coues down there too!
  13. Chef

    Matthews Phillips' Lion

    Congratulations Matthew! Nice to see you guys getting out after them. Say hello to your Dad for me.
  14. Chef

    Happy Birthday Scott Adam's

    Happy Birthday!
  15. Chef

    45 ammo 23 boxes

    What sized boxes? How many rounds?
  16. Chef

    change user name?

    Send a private message to Amanda and she can do it for you. She is out in the field at the moment but can assist you when she gets back.
  17. Chef

    150 Non-typical Coues from Mexico

    That is a buck that makes any Coues hunters dreams.
  18. Chef

    Barbary sheep. 2 dyi tags filled

    That's the way to get it done! Congratulations!
  19. Chef

    Sally- My Trophy Buck

    What a beauty of a buck! Congrats!
  20. Love the sandwich. When I'm in Florida, my trip isn't complete until I have a Mojito or two, and dinner finished with a slice of local key lime pie! Great pics.
  21. Great pics of a very unique ram. Looks like a cataract.