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Everything posted by Chef

  1. Chef

    My Daughter Awesome Hunt!

    Big time congratulations Ana! I was happy to get the text with the big smiles in the pics! You are turning into quite the huntress. Great job Ernesto in raising some good kids!
  2. Chef

    Late November Tags Filled!

    Congratulations again Phil. Great write up as always my friend. Way to get after them. The bruisers are just getting bigger for you guys next year. With all the work you put in with the trail cams and scouting trips, it's only a matter of time!
  3. Happy Birthday Partner! I hope you don't have to work too hard today... ...get to spend some time with your girls.... ..and throw a few back!!! Enjoy your day Phil
  4. Chef

    The Tuff Luck Buck

    Big time congratulations Jaycie!!!! Way to go girl! I know your Dad is sooo proud of you. You are turning out to be one heck of a huntress and I sure look forward to seeing what you turn up next. You absolutely are one tough cookie to survive that fall into that stupid Spanish dagger! I know grown men that wouldn't make it through that. Now you have a cooler story to tell. I loved getting the play by play throughout your hunt. (I was in the elk woods) Big smile on my face when I got the news followed by the photo. the hardest hunts, always end up with the sweetest memories. I hope to make your next adventure. Nice trophy photos Phil.
  5. Woe! A lot of birthdays today! Happy Birthday to EVERYONE! Eat well, be happy, & savor your special day!
  6. Chef

    Happy Birthday Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HaPpY BiRtHdAy! Enjoy your trip and eats TONS of Lobster!
  7. Chef

    My first Bull taken 5 years ago!

    That's cool. I love it when thirds come out past the main frame like that.
  8. Chef

    Happy Birthday Bill Quimby!

    I hope you are enjoying your day Bill. Happy Birthday!
  9. Chef


    Cool mount! Congrats again Smitty.
  10. Big time congratulations to Cindi! That bull just leaves me speechless. Way to go and thank you so much for sharing your Mom's stupendous bull with us. She must be on cloud nine.
  11. Chef

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    Congrats to the successful hunter. I can't wait to see the rack!
  12. Chef

    Happy Birthday Chef!

    Hey! Thanks a ton fellas. I've been eating good these past couple days. I had a good bfast this morning and spent the day at the rifle range getting my 11 year old nephew ready for his upcoming cow hunt. I couldn't ask for much more. I've been blessed with a great family and super awesome friends. If things keep up the way they are, I've been living a good life. Cheers!
  13. Chef

    Florida Mountains Ibex Hunt!!!!

    I can't wait for the success pictures. Yes, you are the luckiest tag "drawer" I have heard of...and I know some good ones!
  14. Chef


    Holy Moley!!!!! Great bucks! BOTH OF THEM! Love the dram on the left buck and love the eyeguards on the one on the right!!
  15. Chef

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    Mud slinging and accusations is exactly the reason a lot of trophies don't get shared with the site. Many times, when big trophies are taken, we try and acquire permission from the hunter to post a photo or have them share their own story. Believe me, it gets difficult at times. I see photos of more big trophies, of many species, than what appear on this site. Every year.
  16. Chef

    370" Bull Down! Video Added (Click link to Youtube)

    You can always upload it to YouTube.
  17. Chef

    Unit 27 bull down

    Super nice bulls! (both of them)
  18. Chef

    Trailer for sale

    That's a nice platform to build a spray rig on. I'll pass it forward to some of my clients.
  19. Chef

    a bigun

    Super great bull! That's what dreams are made of right there. Congrats to the guide and hunter.
  20. Chef

    Looking to buy new tripod

    I'm in Mesa, I can also meet up with you so you can check it out.
  21. Chef

    Looking to buy new tripod

    I have and love my tripod. It's high enough for me to glass standing up even with a Jim White head. It's lightweight and pretty stable with my Duovids. You can find it in the CWT.com store: (click on the link below) http://store.coueswhitetail.com/promaster-xc325c-tripod/
  22. Chef

    Redemption Bull

    Congratulations again Christian! That bull does keep going out doesn't he?! Way to go man, I hope you draw again next year.
  23. Chef

    37A Perdator hunting???

    All great advice. Thanks for helping another member out guys. If you want an absolute top of the line caller, contact Healy Arms. They are in Chandler but will sell online. Their calls are crystal clear and LOUD.