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Everything posted by Chef

  1. Chef

    Good news

    Way to go Courtney!! So where is she headed off to? What duty?
  2. Dinner was nice. Steak and chicken... Here is the item I donated. We donate every year! Anyone else take some pics?
  3. Here is what I bid on and won at last nights silent auction.
  4. Our table won a 7mm mag and a .22 revolver, a pack of tickets worth $300, and some other stuff. Fun times. I won on the silent auction. Wish I would have known you were there. Saw Flatlander, coueshunter, azbowhntr, and many other longtime friends. Thanks to AES for putting on a good show. Love to see the commissioners elk tag go for a record $235k!!! Wow!
  5. Chef


    Beautiful birds and a great trophy!!!
  6. I'm sorry to hear this. My family extended has been going through the same thing this past week. When you see how many people loved him, it's hard to wonder why it goes down this path. Depression and anxiety is a tough thing to deal with at times.
  7. Chef

    Card Hit

    Congratulations thus far to everyone that has had their CC hit! I wish you all a safe and rewarding hunt with memories made and hopefully the trophy of your dreams to brag about. I love this time of spring.
  8. Chef

    Happy Birthday Mr. Adams

    Happy Birthday Scott! I hope you are enjoying your day!
  9. Chef

    A Little Piece of Africa

    By far, one of the best thought out pieces I've seen in a very long time. You have a knack for portraying animals in natural poses. (your best is the cat pedestal IMO) Fantastic piece and one that I could be so lucky to display in my home.
  10. Chef

    In between hunting seasons = photo time

    Love the photos! Especially the captures of both the bee and the horse on the river.
  11. Chef

    Turkey Hunt in Mexico? Yes! Go do it!

    Great recap Amanda! I know how much fun you all had from talking to Peg and TJ! Love the antique farm equipment as well!
  12. Chef

    Thanks For Your Condolences

    TJ, Your Dad was a great man. They don't make em like they used to anymore. He could not have asked for a better son and friend than what he had in you. I really appreciated the fact that I got to see you enjoy every minute you got to spend with him, especially out in the field and on the lakes. You did good, and I learned a valuable lesson in appreciation of the time we have, and people we share it with. Thank You.
  13. Chef

    Free Range Aoudad Hunt Part II

    The RUM roars again Phil! Congratulations again on your success. It's great that you were able to go back for a round two, and even better that John was able to accompany you. Especially after the grueling hunt you two had the first go around. You guys are nuts! Those are some tough critters!
  14. Chef

    Knockin' Out The Bucket List

    Great footage on all counts Jim! Congratulations on your deer and super awesome bobcat archery kill!
  15. Chef

    Highlight video 2014

    Sweet video! Way to get us pumped up for this years draw!
  16. Chef

    Got Lucky in Mexico

    Way to go Keven! You did the right thing by heading back down again a week after you got back from the ranch! I'm so happy for you and your beautiful buck is well deserved. I know you guys ate well too! Justo looks good and you are right, he treats you like family. Congratulations again my friend.
  17. Dude! What a buck! Congratulations! *On another note...it was nice meeting you at the Tucson Sportsmans Warehouse a few weeks back.
  18. Chef

    Alaska Moose Film

    Woah! That was amazing to watch! Beautifully documented and well put together! You must have had tons of footage on the cutting room floor after the editing. It looks like you captured everything along your hunt. Big time congratulations and thanks so much for sharing. Best I've seen.
  19. Chef

    44 BS

    Congratulations! Love your ram.
  20. TJ, thanks for keeping us posted on your recovery. I hope you continue to make good progress and are back at it again soon. I'm very happy it wasn't as serious as it could have been.
  21. Chef

    Monday Monster

    Congratulations Josh! That's one heck of a feat and a lot of work to get your hunter on a buck like that! Way to go to Bob as well!
  22. Chef

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all ..........

    Happy Birthday!
  23. Chef

    Colleen's Coues

    Great buck Colleen! Congratulations to all of you.
  24. As always, was a great time hunting with Phil and John. It is spectacular to watch how hard these guys hunt for the bucks they get off their trail cameras. We went from extreme temperature patterns to elevation changes and it was quite the adventure. I'm always learning and this hunt definitely taught me some good lessons in perseverance and patience. Congratulations again guys, until the next time!
  25. Chef

    Prayers for Ernesto

    Good morning CWT family. I ask that we can all pray for Ernesto as he has been struggling with some major issues as of late. He has been bed ridden for the past month and in a lot of pain. He barely started to take steps again about two days ago. Even then, it's only about 15 steps before he has to sit down again. When this all started, he was working and was struggling through the pain, until it literally brought him to tears. He left work and straight to the doctor. They have issued him strong pain meds and injections, but to no avail. He is scheduled this AM for an MRI and hopefully they can figure out what is going on. Hang in there my friend. I pray that the answer comes today and you are back at it very soon.