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Everything posted by Chef

  1. Chef


    BH, Sent you a PM. Chef
  2. Chef

    More Trouble Brewing

    I really hope I'm wrong on this, heard today that most of the Boquillas ranch in unit 10 is CLOSED. Heard the fences are being marked in a joint decision between the ranchers and the Navajo Nation. I smell a rat. Chef
  3. Chef

    bass pro

    Bass Pro is great! I know of it...been to one in Texas and Atlanta. This is great news. Hopefully they will start carrying more desert stuff. Everything I always see is made for the east coast with them. Chef
  4. Chef

    Getting my Feet Muddy

    It's nice to hear you are out scouting hard. I wish I was you! I'll send you a PM early next week. Chef
  5. Chef


    If anything, the 90/10 "commercial" option goes through, then it's probably back to court. By then, we will have other states involved as well. Then we will all learn from eachother as opposed to everyone watching what AZ does. USO needs to get what they have coming, and HARD. Good luck to everyone this year. Chef
  6. Chef


    Let me get my maps together. I've hunted there several times for Coues and Javelina. I also helped out a NR hunter last year which tagged along with his buddy. Give me a few days and I'll post later. Regards, Chef