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Everything posted by Chef

  1. Chef

    It's game time!

    Congrats Josh! Great write up and picture sequence. It can't get much better than what you just did. Phil told me you killed a nice one, glad I got to see the pics.
  2. Chef

    the new guy

    Welcome! Stay safe and we're happy you joined. I look forward to your contributions.
  3. Chef

    ADA Banquet...

    Looks like it was a tough time for a lot of people in regards to scheduling conflicts. I know I encountered a lot of people who were on the fence dependent on their prior commitments. The banquet crept up on us this year but in actuality, this year it would have been five months sooner than last years success. I think it was a good idea to postpone it, it will turn out to be a better function in the end. We'll set aside a few tables for CW'ers!
  4. Chef

    Happy Birthday KGaines

    Again, Happy Birthday bud. Enjoy the weekend with the family.
  5. Chef

    ADA Banquet...

    Amanda, My parents called "dibs" on em again this year. It's becoming a family tradition. Let me know what you decide, there are always seats/tickets left over. You think we can pull off another table? This would be a first and would be great!
  6. Chef

    Back to Back 160'' in Jan

    x2! Good job, nice season/s!
  7. Chef


    There are some older threads on this very topic. I hate to see what can happen in regards to closures of Southern units in the state because of all this as well. I'm sure if you search the term "jaguar" you'll get many hits on the forum.
  8. Chef

    New to the site

    Now THAT"S an introduction! Congrats on your trophies! A Coati is a big deal, even in these parts. LOL Kudos to Jeff for the AZ hospitality also.
  9. Chef

    ADA Banquet...

    Table filled! 1. Hector 2. Hector 3. Hector 4. Orlin 5. TJ 6. Peg 7. Mark N. 8. Kathi N. 9. Eric K. 10. Cookie N. List sound about right? Looking forward to a fun filled night.
  10. Chef


    Congrats Allen! Got a story? See you at the ADA banquet.
  11. Chef

    Is the rut still on?????

    The deer were rutting by Bumble Bee this weekend.
  12. Chef

    roninflag's sheep pictures

    Ron, Congratulations. Nice Rocky. Good luck with the cooking!
  13. Chef

    gun values

    Watcha sellin'?
  14. Chef

    Good Time in Mexico

    Nice looking buck. Thanks for the report!
  15. Chef

    ADA Banquet...

    So do we have two seats left? Or is it three? Anyone else coming on board at the moment. I have a few "maybes" but nothing solid.
  16. Chef

    Off to the SHOT Show

    Thanks Doug, We sure like those show samples and demo prices! I just talked to Neil today and ordered a Zeiss demo scope. Thanks again for all you do.
  17. Chef

    Best Sheep Capture EVER

    Great post and thanks for sharing with us. Looks like the whole family got involved too! Must have been a cool experience, especially with mature rams like that.
  18. Chef

    Happy Birthday Red Rabbit

    Doug, Hope you and Rica have a great day! Good times, good food! Happy Birthday!
  19. Chef

    Around Campfire

    Bill Q.
  20. Chef

    My old mans laid up....

    Glad he pulled out good Casey. While he is still loopy, it's a great time to ask him for cash. Give him my best.
  21. Chef

    2010 AZ Landscape Calendar in!

    I received my 2010 calendar today. Great pictures of some gorgeous AZ country. Not only do I appreciate the composition and crispness of the photographs, but keep wondering to what extremes Doug went to in capturing them! Printed on good quality thick stock. So I won't worry about it falling off the nail like cheaper calendars. Great addition to the store. These would make a great gift. Thanks again Doug in your generosity and help to the website.
  22. Some good points brought up. I know hunters that frequent forums like this don't necessarily represent the majority of hunters. I also understand completely that there are many "meat bucks" taken in every unit. With that said, how many hunters eventually "convert" and start holding out? Especially those that hunt the same unit frequently? Basically "investing" in their own backyard per se. Trail cameras, good one tailchaser, definitely contribute to the way of thinking of those that use them. We can't say we don't hold out for mister big when we got him on camera! Wht_Mtnman, sure we get to see a lot more buck because of forums like these. Have you ever considered how many bucks don't break the airwaves specifically because of the web? I know first hand there are hunters that don't want anything to do with the mags and the web. Maybe the tables turn a little to the other side with that? Hard to say and no way of measuring, but interesting non the less. Thanks for the opinions guys. Again, interesting points made.
  23. Chef

    ADA Banquet...

    Looks like it's going to be a fun evening. Thanks to those that stepped up so far. Hope our table wins some rifles again this year!
  24. Chef

    Antler's in Young...

    I know it caught fire a few years back. Did it go all the way down this time?! Guess Merle's will be getting a little more business!