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Everything posted by Chef

  1. Chef

    Some Cool Cam Pics....

    Pretty cool! Thanks Jim! I know you must get a ton of cool shots like these.
  2. JAW DROPPING GAGGER! Much congrats to the crew! All smiles!
  3. Chef

    Happy B-Day AZP&Y

    Good luck on your hunt and Happy Birthday!
  4. Chef

    2 bucks down

    Congrats to both of you and kudos for sticking with finding your buck.
  5. Chef

    First Day, First buck!!

    Congratulations on your first buck!
  6. Chef

    Z7 drops nice Coues

    That's a nice buck. Congrats!
  7. Chef

    1943 Atascosa-Tumacacori Buck

    Great post. Thanks for sharing pics of him and his deer. He sure blew the shoulder off the second buck, nice buck to boot!
  8. Congrats to you and the hunters! Looks like someone packed out on his shoulder!
  9. Chef

    Got My Goat

    Nice goat, spot and stalk. Awesome! Congrats.
  10. Chef

    think about it

    Hunting for me has become more of "helping" as of late. LOL Although I really do enjoy just being in hunting camp and exploring Gods creation as we look for game.
  11. Chef

    Clay Goldman, Mogollon Taxidermy

    That just might be, the best check Clay has ever written. That is a man with integrity.
  12. Chef

    12AW tag..

    That is a great buck you took Jim. Even better since you had him on cam and everything! I certainly can't wait.
  13. Chef

    "The Hunt For Deuce"

    Great story Jim! Congrats to the lucky raffle tag winner and the entire Mullins team.
  14. Chef

    Machaca de Oso

    That looks great!
  15. Chef

    Pray for AMANDA Please

    Hang in there! We are all rooting for ya!
  16. Chef

    Boar shot on Friday

    Super nice set up, like your shooting rig! Congrats on a fine bear.
  17. Chef

    Who won??

    You guys take any pics?
  18. Chef

    Pray for AMANDA Please

    Amanda, Nice to see you on the forums today. look at the bright side, now you have a whole week or so to keep us entertained! Looks like they do "drive through" surgeries for gall bladder removal now too! It's great to know that the worst has passed. Did the doc say anything about driving fast? LOL Glad you made it through okay. The Chefster
  19. Chef

    Pray for AMANDA Please

    Amanda goes in for surgery in half an hour.
  20. Chef

    Pray for AMANDA Please

    She is still in a lot of pain and has been getting regular shots of morphine. The surgery SHOULD be today. Hopefully early but nothing is scheduled "yet".
  21. Chef

    Pray for AMANDA Please

    Good one!
  22. Chef

    1st ever CouesWhitetail.com Bass Tournament!

    Spoke with Amanda tonight and she said there was a total of 26 boats registered. AWESOME! She wishes she could be there but obviously is having surgery tomorrow. Good luck to all the fishermen and have a great time. Post pics as soon as you can!
  23. Chef

    Just Got This Coues Back

    I think the neck is too thin and the eyes are too "shut". Good job on the eyelashes but I would have asked to have the ears tucked a little tighter back on the skull, and tilted back a bit. You are right, the cape and velvet look very nice.