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Everything posted by Chef

  1. Chef

    380 vs 400 what would yawl do

    If she will not be totally happy with that 380 bull...DON'T KILL IT! You have to respect the animal and realize that he gives his life to become your trophy. I know he appreciates breathing and rutting and wallowing and just plain being an elk! No sense in taking that away from him if you aren't going to be happy in taking his life if he doesn't score! A very wise man named Woody from Young once told me that. It makes a lot of sense to me. BTW, I would shoot a 380 bull in the first ten minutes of opening day and be ecstatic.
  2. Chef

    New Pics

  3. Chef

    my first deer with a bow

    Awesome! Congrats on your first archery deer! Must be nice to finally get that over with.
  4. Chef

    1st Archery Success

    Nice bull and CONGRATS! (the vid didn't work for me) (?)
  5. Chef

    2010 elk success

    That is a phenominal archery bull! Congratulations! Think you can post video?! Good job on you for putting in so many hours scouting and I'm glad it payed off. I can only imagine the sleepless night you had!
  6. Chef

    Antelope hunt unit 10

    Interesting topic. I too can't help but think that winter range surveys would be easier and not interrupt a hunt. Although I'm willing to sacrafice a rut hunt for a winter range hunt. Just for me of course!
  7. Chef

    Birthday Bull

    Great story. Awfully nice of you to tag out to make your sons birthday. I don't know why, but I absolutely love hearing stories of people missing births of their children because they were not only hunting, but tagged out that same day!
  8. Chef

    A bear and deer from 1940's-1950s

    Great contributions Lark. I love seeing these old pics.
  9. Chef

    BULL DOWN...

    Nice bull! Story!
  10. Chef

    Hunting in Mexico

    This is the tragedy that happened back in May of this year. I was wondering if another incident had happened.
  11. Chef

    2010 6x8 Bull Elk

    Great looking bull! Congratulations!
  12. Chef

    6A Archery Report

    Stan, Here's to a great time this coming weekend! Can't wait to be up in the mountains again. Hopefully mr big shows up too! I'm hoping for a little rutting activity. All the reports I've heard are mixed depending on which part of the state they are coming from.
  13. Hendershots also does custom loading for your rifle. I would only let a select few people reload much less work up a load with my rifle/s. I do like the idea and theory behind it though. Especially if the person/s doing it were just as passionate about it.
  14. Chef

    Antelope hunt unit 10

    That sounds like a really bad deal. Why they do surveys during the hunt season I don't know. They must know that they have an effect on hunters and their stalks. I would be livid as well, especially after waiting so long to draw. I also don't know what recourse you have in this situation either.
  15. Chef

    Two Spot and Stalk Archery Antelope!

    Excellent post and congratulations on your success! Looks like you made the very best of a good situation! Great looking speed goats.
  16. I'll let Allen fill in the details... Congrats again guys!
  17. Chef

    Dad's Antelope

    Congrats to your Dad! Nice length on that buck. What did he end up going?
  18. Chef

    Video of Brutus

    Good luck Cristian! That's a heck of a bull!
  19. Chef

    Coueshunter's NM antelope hunt...

    Doesn't get much better than that guys! First hour of opening morning, wow! Here is another pic that Allen wanted me to share... (that camo looks like it does a great job out there.)
  20. Chef

    He's home!

    Great looking mount! Always nice to re-live the hunt when the taxi finishes his work and it comes home! Here is a pic of Amanda with Jake's buck at Jim's CW get-together...
  21. Chef

    Hebgen lake Brown Trout

    Yeah, pretty cool, especially when I enlarged the pic.
  22. Chef

    New Long Range Rifle 1000yrds +

    pretty sweet rig. can't wait to see how she shoots!
  23. Chef

    My 2010 Pronghorn Hunt

    Way to go and congrats!
  24. Chef

    6x7 bull taken

    X2! Great looking bull too.