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Everything posted by Chef

  1. Chef

    My Nephew's First Buck

    Very nice! Looks like they have their xmas card pic out of the way!
  2. That's a really good buck. No reason to think people tag 100" deer all day long. Congrats!
  3. Chef

    One Great Buck

    Great write up. Darrins buck is pretty nice. i like the dark antlers, even with the black velvet. That's one fluffy bear!
  4. Looks like you definitely know how to get in on them. Congratulations on your biggest. Looking forward to seeing your other bucks.
  5. Chef

    2009 Muleys is back.

    Stan, great looking mount. I loved your buck the minute I saw him. i can only hope to tag a bad boy like that N of the ditch this year.
  6. Chef

    My 2010 Mule Deer

    Much congrats! I'm glad you were able to tag out.
  7. Chef

    Tagged Out!!!

    Congrats to you and your Dad. Your buck is pretty cool.
  8. Chef

    1st one down

    Let's just say they were rutting harder than in the unit I was helping Stan out during the archery hunt. It was unbelievable! You forgot the part where Greg was saying "stop" "go" "stop" "go" everytime the buck looked in and out of our direction! Kind of reminded me of this vid... Plus he's giving you the lecture! That was awesome. I think I needed a Gatorade and a stretch after all that running! I'm just glad we were able to make it all work. This I learnt after the fact. I think you were too embarrassed to tell us! Another one for the campfire! I still can't believe that I looked up only to find you looking hard at the ground for your spent case! It's going to look awesome mounted together with your bobcat. Very well put. It was great to just be out there looking for bucks and enjoying the company. Nothing better than hunting with good friends.
  9. Chef

    The Big Boyz

    Those bucks are awesome! Love the non-typical.
  10. Chef

    She Shoots...She SCORES!!

    Congrats again Amanda! Hope Scott tags a brute as well.
  11. Chef

    Big buck down

    Here are the photos! Great buck, congrats again.
  12. Chef

    more meaning of life

    Thanks for the update. I hope she keeps getting better. Before you know it, you'll hear pitter patter of tiny bare feet all over the house.
  13. Chef

    Coues Killas!!!

    Nice shooting. Your brothers buck sure is handsome. Good luck on your Reservation tag.
  14. Chef

    Great Elk Video

    That was some great footage.
  15. Chef

    2010 Coues Hunt

  16. Chef

    Bill's 1st Az bull

    Much congrats to all of you! Thanks for taking all the pics and sharing the story.
  17. Chef


    Good quality, heavy stock, waterproof paper. Attention to detail such as UPDATED roads and construction. Offer and print multiple units (as individual maps) with unit boundaries marked. Include hill-shading UTM grid There is a lot of free information on the web. It would be nice to have it all put together for a hunter, by a hunter. On an easy to use/read/understand package. Good luck on your venture and welcome to the site. We do have a sponsor that manufactures high quality maps with a lot of the aforementioned qualities. They are the best maps for Az as of yet. Not perfect but way better than what was available already printed. http://www.flatlinemaps.com/ Check them out.
  18. Chef

    Lisa's 2010 Coues

    Great job and nice shot!
  19. Chef

    My Tag is filled...

    Nice looking buck. Congrats.
  20. Chef

    first day 95" two point

    That IS a big two point! Congrats. You are a lucky man to have a hunting partner for life like that.
  21. Chef

    1 shot

  22. Chef

    daughters first hunt

    It's been a great year for ten year olds! I've known of two others that shot their first deer this weekend.
  23. Chef

    Big buck down

    That's a great buck! Congratulations. I really love the mass on that bad boy. Send the pics over to my e-mail if you can and I'll post up the rest of your pics. 10point at gmail dot com or to my phone as a text six oh two, seven 99, five two 38
  24. Chef

    2010 Coues Hunt

    That's a great cam shot of a nice buck. When you get him you need to mount him in that exact pose! Good luck with the hunting. Don't let your spirits get down. There is no other place I'd rather be than out in the hills so enjoy it. For all of us stuck at work, keep on keepin' on. I would also like to suggest that you glass the opposite side of the ridges you first saw them on. They may still be feeding towards the top as they get to their bedding areas. (if they are feeding at night with this moon phase)