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Everything posted by Chef

  1. Chef

    my new toy

    Very nice rig. Can't wait to see how she shoots for ya.
  2. Chef

    Lion Pic w/ elk kill

    Great pic! Finding a fresh kill covered like that would be money!
  3. Chef

    Pan Seared Sea Scallops

    I can only assume it was Kobe. (they carry it from time to time) Plus, it was probably good in size. The marbling is so prevalent through and through, and so fine, that the steak actually looks pink instead of red. (Google Kobe beef for more info and pics, as well as current $/#) You should see what that same steak goes for at a fine restaurant after its cooked. If you like prime, Kobe is better. If you're buyin'...I'm cookin'!
  4. Chef

    Pan Seared Sea Scallops

    AJ's Fine Foods or the Seafood Market & Restaurant (both in Mesa)
  5. Chef

    Pan Seared Sea Scallops

    I'll get with you guys later tonight to give the rundown on the ceviche. In the meantime, here is a pic my Brother put together from pics he took. (I'm contagious in the picture taking of food dept) enlarge for detail
  6. Chef

    Rooster Sauce

    Orlin!... NOW THAT WAS FUNNY!!!! I could picture you running to that darn garden hose!! LOL! :lol::lol:
  7. Chef

    Rooster Sauce

    This bush literally had thousands of Chiltepin peppers on it. (click on pics for detail)
  8. Chef

    Big 4 Bull ( video )

    Great top end on that bull. Now as far as a width measurement, that bull qualifies for taking the measurement at the tips of the main beams right?
  9. Chef

    BEAR CARNAGE My New Toy!

    Congrats on your purchase! Looks pretty sweet. I visited the Fred Bear museum when it was back in Gainsville Florida. Very impressive and a great collection of trophies, feats, awards, and photos.
  10. Chef

    Nick Gets it Done!

    WAY TO GO NICK! Now it's Matt's turn. Best of luck to him!
  11. Chef

    Rooster Sauce

    I used to use it quite a bit when I was chefin' in Guam. I guess I might have got burnt out on it as I don't use it much anymore. My Thai friend used to make it from scratch and his was more traditional and much much better that what is sold commercially. He used to put it in seafood dishes and it catered really well when paired that way. Lately I've been using Cholula as well as the old classic staple Tabasco.
  12. Chef

    Spouse Compatability

    I think its a good idea to go with what the author suggests. Kind of like two hunters shooting the same caliber/cartridge while going in deep on a backpack hunt. In case one of the hunters' rifles because inoperable, the other rifle is his backup and he/she has ammo for it already. Teamwork.
  13. Chef

    Gila Monster footage

    Really cool! I've only encountered a gila monster once. In Sabino Canyon on the N side of Tucson, many years ago. I remember that cool experience and you'll cherish that video more than you know in later years.
  14. Chef

    My new Baby

    Happy Birthday! Hope you made the best of it and from the looks of your present, you didn't do too bad!
  15. Chef

    Finaly got a nice coues buck!

    Sweet looking buck!
  16. Chef

    Pope and Young Awards Banquet

    Much congrats Nate!
  17. Chef

    Kill shots

    "This never gets old" (I couldn't have said it any better myself)
  18. Desertbull gave the response I had. I can literally sit behind quality glass all day long. There is nothing worse that getting that headache and having to take an extended break before you can get back to finding game.
  19. Chef

    Making the Best of a Rainy Day

    Tj and Peg, That looks so good! Rain or shine, that looks great for just about any day. Thanks as always for sharing this with us.
  20. Chef

    MSA 17th Annual Banquet

    I'll be there! This will be my first time attending this banquet and from what Amanda tells me, it should be a great time. I'm looking forward to meeting some more great people and seeing old friends again.
  21. Chef

    San Carlos Success

    Congrats Mitch! Good looking bird and I love that fightin' pick! LOL
  22. Chef

    Pedestal Wall Mount Finished

    Nice mounts. I think pronghorn antelope lend themselves very well to wall pedestal mounts such as yours. ...As well as mesquite grilled with jalapeno orange glaze.
  23. Chef

    New Hunter

    Congrats! I to like his name.
  24. Chef

    texas retreat

    How neat is that! Congrats on a successful trip.