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Everything posted by Chef

  1. Chef

    Alaska Black Bear Hunt

    Man Neil! Looks like a great adventure. I am jealous of the seafood, the views, everything! I'm happy you all had a fantastic time and even better that you tagged a sweet bear. You took some great photos. Looking forward to the rest of them.
  2. Chef

    My new hunting partner

    Oh yeah!... Happy Birthday!!
  3. Chef

    My new hunting partner

    Congrats on your new addition!
  4. May 21st is the date. Set your clocks and plan to attend! We've definitely had a nice presence of cw.com members at previous banquets and we're shooting for even more this year! Last year we had two tables reserved and purchased for members. Lets try and make it three this year! I know we can do it! Lets raise money for Arizona deer and antelope. This banquet will be the second year the ADA will co-host along with the Az Antelope Fundation. We had a great time last year and I look forward to an even better event this May. So who is in? (Amanda, lets keep a running tab as we always do on who signs up) http://azdeer.org/20...011_banquet.htm
  5. Chef

    Az Deer Assoc Banquet...

    Tony, I wondered where you had gone to. You didn't by any chance purchase a ticket for the $1000 blitz did you?
  6. Chef

    Az Deer Assoc Banquet...

    Pictures from last night... I didn't get everyone as people weren't always at their seats when I was walking around. (too busy spending money!) We filled three tables this year! The food was great! i didn't get the prime rib in photos but it was perfect as well as the scalloped potatoes and julienned veggies. Amanda brought a stupendous repro with her. this is from a buck Josh found. A lot of very nice items throughout the main auction, as well as the silent auctions. A few of the fine folks from the cwt tables... WINNER! WINNER! WINNER! Thanks again to all who attended. We had a great time and the function was put together really well.
  7. Chef

    Az Deer Assoc Banquet...

    Looking forward to another great banquet! See all you folks there. Bring your smiles and your bidding mood!
  8. Chef

    Az Deer Assoc Banquet...

    Sorry to hear that he can't make it. On the other hand, if someone wants to go, they better speak up, this seat will fill up fast!
  9. Chef

    Truck Tires

    I've run KO's for a very long time and on numerous vehicles. Its a decent all around tire but does terrible on wet pavement or snow. Get into any sort of rocks and they rash and chunk too easily IMO. I'm currently running KM2's and I love them. They do phenominal offroad and are wearing a lot better than I expected. Running 255/85 16 load range E on a light truck. A little stiff while aired up at 45# but I get better mileage that way on asphalt. When offroad, I air down to 22# and they do phenominal. I have more piece of mind knowing the E rated tire has more sidewall protection when offroad as well.
  10. Yes, please do! Pics of the huge antlers, pics of the members that show up, pics of Josh and Jim smiling away, pics of the crazy stuff at the event, pics of the food!
  11. Chef

    Az Deer Assoc Banquet...

    Amanda, I think Bill only needs two tickets as his wife can't make it. (?)
  12. Chef

    2011 Jumping Jack Trailer "SOLD"

    Bill, I believe its the trailer from the MSA banquet last week in Payson. Also loaded up. Eric, can you list the options/attachments on this set up?
  13. Chef

    Not today!

    It's actually pretty common. I wonder which day of the year owns most members' bdays?
  14. Chef

    Whackin' N' Stackin'!

    Very nice Jim! Looks like you all had an absolute blast! Those are some pretty nice sized hogs to boot. You guys sure know how to take a vacation. How was the food?
  15. Chef

    Trail Camera

    They seem to repeat the same items quite a bit too.
  16. Chef

    Sheep on Dam

    Yeah, pretty cool. There is footage on you tube of these ibex climbing/feeding on crazy inclines.
  17. Man oh man. I'm working that Saturday. I can't believe the antlers that will be there!
  18. Chef

    140 inch pickup from White Mtn Apache Reservation

    TOAD of a buck! the WMAT sure knows how to grow them big bucks!
  19. Chef

    on my way to MSA banquet

    I want to add... Jeremy's son Zach is such a cool kid! Awesome to see his interest in hunting and antlers and such. It was great seeing them again yesterday.
  20. Chef

    on my way to MSA banquet

    Ha ha! Happy you guys noticed the design on the shirt! That's the newest design for our next cw.com t shirt! It has the Ellsworth and Cramer bucks on it as well as some antler/Arizona inspired Graphics on it. We got some great feedback last night and we have come up with The final idea. You all will LOVE IT and they will be up for sale in the store shortly. If all goes well, we may have some available at the ADA banquet!
  21. Chef

    Isaac's first elk shed

    That's awesome! I could literaly see the teary eyes of joy you must have had!
  22. Chef

    Happy Mother's Day

    Good sentiments and advice right there TJ! Hope all of you here smile when you think of Mama. Even some of us fortunate ones get to spend the day with ours.
  23. Chef

    on my way to MSA banquet

    We did good at the Santana Outdoors/Coueswhitetail.com table! Table members won a GPS, fannypack, Savage rifle, 12 guage Remington, a heavy duty wheeled metal rifle case, and the grand prize...the Jumping Jack trailer!!
  24. Chef

    My new little hunter and CW.com fan!!

    Congrats on the new addition!