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Everything posted by Chef

  1. Chef

    Grongs wife needs our prayers!!

    I just got off the phone with Amanda. Jennifer seems to be out of the worst of it, which is great. Even better is that Josh and his wife have been receiving a lot of donations from you guys! Makes me so proud to be a part of this online community for sure. Many are just giving what they can, every little bit helps and is greatly appreciated. If you haven't done so, hit the donate button and help out one of our own! Donate to Josh (you don't have to have a paypal acct. to donate, you can just look for the "continue" text link under the donation amount by the credit card icons and just donate by credit card) We'll keep on praying for you Jen.
  2. Chef

    2010 bear season!!!

    Looks like a family affair. I bet you are pumped to get back at it again.
  3. Very nice! You'll be so happy later on that you took the extra time to set up your poses. Great job on all accounts!
  4. Chef

    Pretty pictures

    Great pics guys!
  5. Chef

    Grongs wife needs our prayers!!

    Amanda is working on Mt Graham all week. I'm sure she will update us when she gets back late Friday or early Saturday. I too am wondering about Jens condition. Hope she is on her way to recovery.
  6. Chef

    Wallow Fire

    This just keeps getting worse. The lucky breaks are too small and far in between. Where is the rain!?
  7. Chef

    New Mexico Results

    ??? Everyone know that the hardest part is DRAWING the tag!! It's all FUN after that!
  8. Chef

    New Mexico Results

    Congrats to all that drew. The hard part is over!
  9. Chef

    Wallow Fire

    My heart aches whenever the fire crosses my mind. I pray for those whom are in dangers way and those who have lost any of their dreams because of this. Sad deal all the way around.
  10. Chef

    My Boy's first harvest and taxidermy project.

    I know who's doing my squirrel rug when I need it! Great job!
  11. Chef

    2011 southern az bear

    Much congrats. What did the skull measure at? He looks huge!
  12. Chef

    Win a Rifle Railz/Loc Jaw Combination

    Congrats to the winners and a special congrats to Ralph on a stud of a buck!
  13. Chef

    TLO Buffalo Hunt Videos!!

    Great footage and exceptional editing. Congrats to all involved and thanks for sharing the vids with all of us!
  14. Chef

    Sick of the Arrogance

    From the outside looking in, all I can say is that the view is still hazy and we, the audience, will never know the whole truth. At this point, we can only speculate while coming to our own conclusion of what happened and who is right. In the end, this seemed to have cost some friendships along with faith in our common man and hunting brotherhood. I suppose this is what can and does happen to even those with the best of intentions. I still can't believe the twists this thread has taken. Almost like a train wreck. I'm sorry to see it, all the while learning that there are some things more important, than what was held as so, during this entire fiasco of a series of hunts you all lived through.
  15. Chef

    Grongs wife needs our prayers!!

    Yup, that's what I was thinking too. Imagine if everyone donated $20! Would make a memorable impression! We've got the best membership roster in AZ. I know we can help Josh out in a great way.
  16. Chef

    Grongs wife needs our prayers!!

    That was easy! Donation sent through the website. Thanks Amanda.
  17. Chef

    Wallow Fire

    This is devastating. I sure wish we could see some rain up there to help get this under control.
  18. Chef

    Grongs wife needs our prayers!!

    Prayers sent! Hopefully Jennifer can make a quick recovery! Is there any way we can raise some funds to help offset the costs of the medical bills? I'm in for helping out one of our own. I know times are tough for a lot of people right now. I understand not everyone can pitch in but I know Josh has been a great contributor to the site and I welcome everyone to do what they can. Amanda, i don't know what would be the best way to go about this.(?)
  19. Cole, I've been meaning to post sooner...congrats!
  20. Chef

    Muzzle Brake Question

    Yes they do work. Some styles work better than others and some styles look better than others. Some are threaded onto your barrel and can be removed to be replaced with a cap if you care not to use it in the field. The main reason some don't want to take it into the field is because of noise. Depending on how it's configured, the muzzle blast is redirected and that boom is waaay more pronounced. Deafening to say the least. That is the one major (maybe only) drawback to a muzzle brake. As far as comparing what your 375 would feel like, I really don't know. Plus I think it's different when you ask numerous people. If the brake keeps you from flinching, then it's done it's job. Just don't forget your hearing protection!
  21. Chef

    Alaska Black Bear Hunt

    That's an awesome boat! Man, it looks like you guys always had something to do and see while floating out there. That mother in law looks crazy! Almost like a lion fish from the tropics.
  22. Chef

    Alaska Black Bear Hunt

    Man Neil! Looks like a great adventure. I am jealous of the seafood, the views, everything! I'm happy you all had a fantastic time and even better that you tagged a sweet bear. You took some great photos. Looking forward to the rest of them.
  23. Chef

    My new hunting partner

    Oh yeah!... Happy Birthday!!
  24. Chef

    My new hunting partner

    Congrats on your new addition!
  25. May 21st is the date. Set your clocks and plan to attend! We've definitely had a nice presence of cw.com members at previous banquets and we're shooting for even more this year! Last year we had two tables reserved and purchased for members. Lets try and make it three this year! I know we can do it! Lets raise money for Arizona deer and antelope. This banquet will be the second year the ADA will co-host along with the Az Antelope Fundation. We had a great time last year and I look forward to an even better event this May. So who is in? (Amanda, lets keep a running tab as we always do on who signs up) http://azdeer.org/20...011_banquet.htm