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Everything posted by Chef

  1. Chef

    Glassing Mule Deer

    Can you be a little more specific? What time of the year are you hunting and what type of terrain?
  2. Chef

    Limited Opportunity Success Velvet style!

    Absolute STUD of a bull! Much congrats to Skyler and the whole Koury G.S. crew!
  3. Chef

    Dall sheep Y2K11 double

    WoW! Congratulations to both of you! Just reading the story, I can feel the exhaustion and pure dedication it took to hike and hike and hike, in the saturating wet fog and sleet, only to wait, wait, wait! Glad you guys had a great ending and it's awesome you scored another double. Again, much congrats!
  4. Chef

    CWT.Com Users Should Step Up

    Thanks for the reminder. This is indeed a free site. I know I enjoy the time I spend on the forums immensely and do what I can to support the site. I can attest that things do get expensive and time consuming for Amanda. This site is a labor of love for her and is many times a thankless task. I too encourage everyone to donate what they can, however they can. Whether it's straight up cash donations or buying items from the CW store. (remember the new CW.com shirts are coming very soon!) I know it means a lot to Amanda and she isn't the type to be asking for donations to help herself. Although she herself bleeds and sweats quite a bit helping a lot of people and local organizations. DONATION SENT!
  5. Chef

    Happy Birthday Jeffd

    Yes! Happy Birthday!
  6. Chef

    12a otc elk/buffalo

    " But the OTC buffalo tag is for cow or yearling only and will still count against your "Once in a Lifetime" AZ buffalo...." Very important to note this. Good reminder if you're thinking about it.
  7. Chef

    Best wishes for Lark

    Here's to a quick recovery Lark.
  8. Chef

    New State Record Goulds Turkey.

    Awesome and congrats to your Dad!
  9. Chef

    Long range riffle

    TAM, send pics and info to 10point at gmail dot com Thanks!
  10. Chef

    And We're Back!!

    With all the hits and new content posted daily, it's great to witness the growth of the site. Unfortunately with increased traffic, comes growing pains and hard lessons in having the right infrastructure to support all the content. Great job Amanda in getting things up and running so quickly. I know you sacrificed some time in the field to take care of your "baby" first and we appreciate it.
  11. Chef

    Duck Recipes --- who has a good one?

    Wow! That looks great!
  12. Chef

    Good Luck Tjhunt2

    Don't listen to em TJ! Milk it for all it's worth! All kiddin aside, hope you are recovering well.
  13. Super nice buck and great footage!
  14. Chef

    Bear Opener in 23

    Congratulations! Great looking bear must have been cool to watch the dive too!
  15. Chef

    Holy Smoke Funeral Services

    Good way to go I say. If anything it will make a nice display case.
  16. Chef

    Shot my elk this morning

    Very nice! Congrats to all of you.
  17. Chef

    Trail Camera thief caught on camera/video

    You got me! At first I was like "its awn!"
  18. Chef

    Pretty Boy (video)

    Beautiful rack on that bad boy. Symmetrical and with good length/width.
  19. Chef

    stoen cameras

    Lark, it's called "the forum taking care of itself" Kudos to everyone keeping a cool head throughout. Welcome elcabron. I too look forward to your contributions in the forums.
  20. Another good breakfast in camp are chilaquiles. A traditional way to make another dish with eggs, enchilada sauce, cheese, and tortilla chips. I have a way to make em up quick and they certanly stick to your ribs for some good energy throughout the day. Everything tastes better in the field.
  21. TJ,, The few times I've hunted them, it wasn't very crowded at all. Of course there is a lot of private ground in that area. If you have something that shoots 3" shells, you will be okay, 3 1/2 is better. You have to pay close attention and use non leaded ammo, so that can get expensive. They do taste good, although comparing them to rib-eye is ludicrous at best. I was expecting something extraordinary too, considering they call them "flying prime ribs" I wouldn't hesitate to eat them again though!
  22. I've chased sandhill cranes a few times. It's the only hunt where I actually encountered antis in the field.
  23. Chef

    Birthday cake

    Pretty sweet!
  24. I want to bring this to the top again. I just sent in my Duovids for repair to Leica Camera Inc. In NJ. Packaged them in the original box including a copy of my Passport warranty, a note explaining the issues/work needed with my contact info, and a copy of my purchase receipt from CameraLand. I boxed the package in two boxes and sent it in UPS with insurance. Due to deliver in a week. I will update again when I receive a call from Leica. BTW, I sent these in to fix a chip on an ocular lens and for general inspection/reconditioning.
  25. Chef

    Still waiting for elk mount

    Amanda checks references and researches before accepting any of our sponsors. She wants to make sure they are solid, reputable, good match ups with cw. I agree, our sponsors are top-notch!