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Everything posted by Lance

  1. Lance


    Thanks for all the wonderful comments everyone! It will be hard to beat all those wonderful memories from last year, but I sure can't wait to have fun trying!!! Lance This is a trail camera photo of the first archery buck in the post.
  2. Here are some more recent antelope scouting pics I thought you might enjoy. Lance
  3. Lance

    More fun Antelope scouting pics!

    I know right! I had to put that on there, my Wife took that picture! That doe is awesome! lol! Lance
  4. Awesome! Thanks Jake! Cant wait for the DVD! And yeah, come on draw results! Lance
  5. These are some pics I was able to get while scouting this last week. These are just some of the fun pictures off of my phone so sorry if they are a little blury.... Hope you enjoy them. Lance
  6. Lance

    Antelope Scouting Pictures!

    Oops.... some of them look a LOT more blury on here than they do on my cell phone. And a couple of the grainy ones are off of video. lol oh well, hope you enjoy them anyway. Lance
  7. Lance

    Timber! Russ shoots a 7x7 with his bow!

    That was SO Crazy! lol! Awesome! I wish I could find a bull like that! lol That was too cool! Not to mention a really neat looking bull! Congrats to everyone! Thanks for sharing the video! Lance
  8. Lance

    Royal and Imperial Points

    Amazing Beautiful pictures Doug!!!! Thank you for that! Just Awesome! Lance
  9. Lance

    Want to hunt AZ ELK? AZ OCT ELK TAGS!

    Just thought i'd throw this TTT just cause.\ To see more pictures, This is a link to our AZ OTC Elk Hunts photo album. http://www.tlohunting.com/gallery/cat.php?page=1&sort=&dir=DESC&cat=17&size=0.3 Lance
  10. HUNT AZ ELK WITH AN OTC TAG!! Are you one of the many who didn't draw an Arizona elk tag again? You can still hunt AZ elk with an Over The Counter Arizona Elk tag! You can buy these tags at any time and the season is year round! The tag is for "Any Elk" and Timberland Outfitters still runs 100% success on these hunts! These are pictures from this last seasons TLO Over The Counter elk hunts. http://www.tlohunting.com/gallery/cat.php?cat=17 This is a link to our AZ OTC elk hunts Photo Gallery with this season and our past years OTC elk hunts. Compare this hunt and our prices to other OTC elk hunts or land owner tags in other states! Thanks! Lance Carrie's first bull Amy's first big game hunt! Matt's first elk! Chesea's first big game hunt! Jon's second OTC bull! See more OTC elk pics at http://www.tlohuntin.../cat.php?cat=17
  11. Lance

    OTC Elk Questions

    Thanks! You know, they aren't the biggest bulls in the state but they are probabally better than the average bull from OTC tag hunts in other states. And an OTC elk tag is still an elk tag right! It's a great opportunity to get out in our own state and we are looking forward to many more this year. Lance
  12. Ok Already! lol! This isn't supposed to be a chigger post! Your all gonna make no one want to come next year! lol. They were just little "Cerar Knats" Not chiggers! There are buggs in the woods no mater where you go. point is that we had a good time in beautiful country with great people right. lol Thanks again everyone for partisipating in a fun and enjoyable weekend and for posting all the pictures!
  13. Lance

    Wallow Fire Poem

    Yes. Well written. Im sorry a 16 year old has to write something like that.
  14. This is a picture of our awesome camp fire that TJ and Peggy created! It was the perfect fire! no smoke! Below are some pictures from the adult archery shoot off my phone. There were some creative shots and it was a good time! Thanks to all those who participated! Lance
  15. Thank you so much to everyone for the participation and support! You guys are awesome! And a special thanks to TJ and Peggy for all the extra help they provided! A big thanks to Carrie, Amanda, TJ and Peggy and Hunters Headquarters in Flag for donating to the raffle!!! Here are a few pictures that we ended up with. I hope to see everyones pictures on here! Thanks again to everyone! Lance, Carrie, Ty, Weston, Aimee and Rachel Crowther The Youth archery shoot. Stuffing the buckets for the rafle!
  16. there are the fire restrictions but we have found no evidence of any forest closures! SO hope to see you all there soon!!!!! Drive carful! Lance and Family.
  17. Lance

    TLO Buffalo video #3

    Nice! Besides putting my ugly mug on there your doin an awesome job on these videos bud! Thanks! Cant wait to see whats next!! Lance
  18. Lance

    Help with Wooly Worms?

    Lance, If that is something your son is interested in let me know what you need from me to get him started. If I could get a dozen tied up that would take care of me for a while. Thanks for responding so quickly everybody..... We're on it! just get me your address. Lance
  19. Man that sounds great bud! thank you! I'm sure we could get some prises donated! On another note............ has anyone heard about forest closers for this saturday? I heard a rumor...... Lance
  20. Ha thanks TJ! I was the camera man. lol . It was just me and Scott there that night! Felt REALLY good to finally climb into bed! Lance
  21. Lance

    OTC Elk Questions

    Yep. The G&F told me that the general public runs about a 1% success on the OTC hunts. If your interested, we have run 100% success on OTC hunts since they started offering them. There is nothing easy about these hunts and we have paid a lot of dues over the years. We still have some oppenings for this year and would love to have some more Coueswhitetailers join us on this hunt. Here is a gallery of several pictures from past OTC hunts. http://www.tlohunting.com/gallery/cat.php?cat=17 This is my Wife's OTC bull from last year.
  22. For those who are planning on attending the 5th anual Coueswhitetail.com Get-Together near Flagstaff here are some eresent pictures to give you some more to look forward to! Lance Here is a link to the Get-Together! Hope you can make it! http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24916 Below are my 15 year old son TY and 11 year old daughter Aimee and 12 year old son Weston.
  23. Lance

    Help with Wooly Worms?

    My son can tie some for you if you like. Lance
  24. Lance

    CWT Get-Together Flagstaff Area Lakes!

    Thought you would enjoy a couple more pictures from a recent afternoon. Hopeing to see everyone soon! My AWESOME 11 year old daughter Aimee showing us how she can hold her own with the fly pole! They grow up so fast.... My 12 year old son Weston with Another "Holdover Trout". Proving why he is a very popular guide among our fishin clients. lol. lil stinker! Im a very blessed Father to have such awesome kids! If you've met any of them im sure you would agree. Lance
  25. Looking forward to seeing everyone! Bring your waders!