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Everything posted by daryl_s

  1. daryl_s

    MLB Playoffs

    The only team I hate more than the Yankees is the Dodgers. I'm glad that disaster was avoided.
  2. daryl_s

    Opening Day buck

    Thanks for sharing the story with us. You did a very nice job on the write up too. It's very cool to see the different pictures and in a sense "go along on the hunt."
  3. daryl_s

    Opening Day buck

    Congratulations on a beautiful buck!!
  4. daryl_s

    Best Day of Bass Fishing I've Ever Had

    You didn't blur out your pictures good enough, I know exactly where you were Great catches.
  5. daryl_s

    Big day tomorrow

    Yep, I got 2 hits for $45 I put myself and my son on different applications.
  6. daryl_s


    It looks like that to me. 10 day hunt starting on Friday of week 48 and no rifle hunt after that
  7. daryl_s

    Queen Creek Archery Shop

    This is all great news. I live maybe 2 miles from there.
  8. daryl_s

    Queen Creek Archery Shop

    Do they carry any Wilderness Athlete products in the Queen Creek Timber Mesa store?
  9. daryl_s

    Queen Creek Archery Shop

    It's on Pecos between Sossaman and Ellsworth. I drive by it every day going to and from work. Yesterday was the first time I noticed it. They had a sign out by the street that said "Archery" that caught my attention. I was wondering if any forum members had been in and what they had to say about it. I'm glad to hear good reviews.
  10. daryl_s

    "Food Saver" food saving tips

    For chicken I like to use quart size glass jars and a pressure cooker. It is very easy to do and it is good for a few years on the shelf. I can fit about 2 pounds of boneless/skinless chicken per jar and I can do 7 jars at a time. Open a jar of chicken, heat it up with salsa verde and you have some very quick burritos. I've also done this with beef and it works great. Open a jar and heat it up with bbq sauce and you have shredded beef hamburgers in less than 10 minutes. It makes a great quick and easy camping meal. With the canned meats you don't have to worry about freezer burn or power outages. I recently lost a freezer of game meat because my 7 year old unplugged it to plug in his electric razor scooter
  11. daryl_s

    Rocky Point Fishing Pics

    I brought back a bunch of shrimp and flounder from Rocky Point last year and coming in to the US they asked what we had, but didn't seem to care how much.
  12. daryl_s

    The tax man always wins

    That right there is why I am afraid of the ocean.
  13. daryl_s

    Daughter accident was ASU's Heap

    I played basketball with Todd at Mountain View and he was probably one of the nicest and most down to earth star athletes ever. This is so heartbreaking
  14. daryl_s

    Coues Rut 2017

    Great video. I'm looking forward to the rest!
  15. daryl_s

    March Madness

    I didn't really care who won between Oregon and UNC, but I thought Oregon got hosed on a few of those calls in the last few minutes. Either way it was a great game.
  16. daryl_s

    lake picachos, mexico

    How do you know the cops didn't just want mordida as usual It was out of their jurisdiction. They didn't have any business being there, much less guarding the boat ramp. Long story short, they didn't stop us from fishing for 6 days.
  17. daryl_s

    lake picachos, mexico

    I know Ron Speed has done guided fishing trips to multiple lakes down there for over twenty years. I also know that if you go on your own and take your own boat that the police he has paid will try to not let you get on the lake, even if it's out of their jurisdiction. We went about twenty years ago and absolutely killed it. Big bass of the trip was 12 lbs 2 oz and we probably caught thirty between 7-10 lbs. Double hookups on five pounders were common. We did way better than his clients and they weren't happy about it. There were three of us and I was only about 15 at the time. This was at Lake Comedero.
  18. daryl_s

    March Madness

    It's almost as bad to fall so short of expectations as it is to miss the tourney altogether. Did you know?: At one point this season Xavier lost 6 games in a row. Xavier's best player blew out his knee in January. Xavier finished 7th in the Big East
  19. daryl_s

    Zeiss conquest hd 10x42

    How are these still available?!?! These are excellent binoculars. These are a steal at this price.
  20. daryl_s

    Apache lake?

    Awesome pictures!!!! That smallmouth is definitely my favorite.
  21. daryl_s

    Zeiss conquest hd 10x42

    Good deal on some great binoculars!!!
  22. daryl_s

    Wilderness Athlete products

    I've been on the side of the mountain cramping up after a blown stalk in September in 36C and Wilderness Athlete bailed me out. Mixing Energy and Focus and Hydrate and Recover had me good to go in ten minutes. I realize other products can do the same, but I choose to support them for the same reasons a lot of others have mentioned.
  23. daryl_s

    WTS Remington Model 572

  24. daryl_s

    WTS Remington Model 572

    I am looking to sell a Remington Model 572 rifle. For those that don't already know, the 572 is a pump action .22LR. This gun is in very good shape and is a lot of fun to shoot. I don't know what year it is, but I would guess from the 80's. I am near Power/Germann in Queen Creek. Call or text Daryl at 48O-5OO-6545 Gunbroker is all over the place, but new these are around $600. I am looking for $350 obo
  25. daryl_s

    Looking to team up

    I'm at 9 points