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Everything posted by huntswnm

  1. huntswnm

    Goulds Turkeys in NM

    Hey guys, Just letting you know that the Gila Gobblers chapter of the NWTF in Silver City has some of the raffle tickets for the one tag that will be given away. They run $10 each and the drawing is March 1st. If you or anyone you know would like one, or two, just send me a message or email the chapter. The only other tag that will be sold is by auction on the NWTF website. The raffle tag is transferable and all proceeds are going to the NM chapter of the NWTF to continue to improve the Goulds habitat in SW NM. Jeff gilagobblers@yahoo.com
  2. OK, So far all this discussion has been in regards to draw odds, HQ/HD issues, NR/Resident portions, etc which definately all deserve the attention.........BUT has anyone noticed the EXTRA fee that has been thrown in this year? Like the habitat stamp and Access Validation fee werent enough....now we have to pay a GAIN fee. Hopefully I am reading it wrong, its on the last two pages of the regulations. From what I can tell there are areas all over the state that folks will have to pay $15/per person to use whether its hunting, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, photography, etc. Now we have mentioned on here before that hunters and fisherman have been the only ones required to purchase these "stamps" even though there is a wide range of people who use the same land we do, just in a different way. Now it seems that they have come up with a way that ALL people who use these areas have to pay the GAIN fee. BUT for those of us who hunt and fish this is in ADDITION to the fees we already pay, i.e. habitat stamp and Access Validation fee. My math shows that this year I will be paying out $24 to the NM G & F just to get into the "public" land before I purchase all my tags. Anyone else wondering when the fees are going to end??????? Jeff
  3. huntswnm

    Best grunt calls for whities

    +1 to the Modern Call Products. Used one a couple of years ago to grunt in a 94" buck to about 20 yards where he met my Black Widow Recurve Jeff
  4. huntswnm

    Going to ATA!!!

    J- Be safe man. This ATA thing must be a pretty big deal if it is worth missing the last half of your Coues hunt Have fun man! Looking forward to updates on all the new archery stuff, even though I am hanging up the bow for a year. jeff
  5. huntswnm

    2008 Archery Coues hunt

    Dang guys, reading your story makes me wish I was out there real bad. Good luck Tommy and good job passing on the smaller buck hopefully a little patience will pay off. Jamaro - dang it man, just when you think you got it figured out, huh? Keep at it........check your email Jeff
  6. huntswnm

    Another Oryx hunt

    Great job!! Nice to get the family out on those occasions. My wife had a very similar experience back in March when she took her first big game animal, an Oryx, on a badge hunt. She too was unsuccesful on previous deer and elk hunts but man what an animal to call your first. Those Oryx are amazing. Jeff
  7. huntswnm

    @$#^%&*@ Camera thieves

    Yeah i did make it out there a couple of times to take a look at it this fall. Sure did silt in. After talking with the forest service I guess that is one of the goals of that kind of dam. Initially it holds just water and after a while it silts in up to the height of the dam. The good thing is that the dam is tied into that bed rock on both sides and the bottom so it is also retaining all the moisture coming down the creek, just will probably be underground most of the time. The dam will hold back erosion and with the water being held back the ground should sprout up lots of grass and seeps, perfect for the turkey and deer. I just need to get the F.S. to fix that old fence all the way around to keep out all of those cattle. jeff
  8. huntswnm

    @$#^%&*@ Camera thieves

    Tommy, Sorry to hear about that. I have been real lucky so far when I get the time to put them out. Not sure exactly where you had the camera, but there was a thread on here last year about a guy who had a camera stolen in the same area you are hunting. He did actually catch a picture of the guy on a second camera he had up but refused to post the pics of the thief. Makes you wonder if it aint the same guy. jeff
  9. huntswnm

    Win a Covert II Trail Camera!!

    I am gonna say 1458 beans..... Jeff
  10. huntswnm

    Kalyn's first elk.

    Thats awesome!! Congrats to you Kalyn!! What caliber gun were you shooting? My daughter turned 8 this year and I hope to be doing these exact thing with her within the next couple of years. You Rock!! Jeff
  11. huntswnm

    Mystery Mule Deer

    No, it is definately 27 NM. I also first heard that it was off of the Grey Ranch but since has been confirmed that it was another smaller ranch that borders the Grey. Jeff
  12. huntswnm

    Mystery Mule Deer

    Yes this buck was killed in Unit 27 in Southern NM on a private ranch. The hunter owns an ATV shop here in Silver City and if you are ever in town you can walk in and hold it in your hands. A TRUE giant!!!! The first pic with the face blotted out is the hunter...the second pic is the taxidermist who will be doing the work on it. I have heard he measured out at 238 7/8" making it the new World Record with a muzzleloader. Jeff
  13. huntswnm

    display name and login name

  14. huntswnm

    My Sons first deer

    Awesome Doc, cant wait for the day to be able to do that with my kids!! Jeff
  15. huntswnm

    Son's first Javalina

    Hey man, that is awesome for you and your son. I can't wait for the day when I can take my son out with me. Jeff
  16. huntswnm

    Unit 17 Muzzy Bull

    That is an excellent story.....memories for a lifetime!! Congratulations to your son. Jeff
  17. huntswnm

    Unit 17 Youth Elk

    fatfootdoc, That is a great story, and memories that will last a lifetime. Good luck to your kids on the deer hunt! Jeff
  18. huntswnm

    Coueswhitetail Elk Pull

    I have a Batman cape..... LMAO!!!! Jeff
  19. huntswnm

    Coueswhitetail Elk Pull

    Well, thats pretty cool...............but good way to ruin a perfectly good cape Jeff
  20. huntswnm


    Well that was taking a pretty big step by having someone do some work for you and you have never seen any of his completed projects. Not saying that is always bad, you obviously trusted your buddies opinion. You could post some pics up here and I am sure people will tell you what they think? Jeff
  21. huntswnm

    Archery Bull Success!

    Awesome story................VERY nice bull. jeff
  22. huntswnm

    Lets See Them Kids

    My son and I, last November Jeff
  23. huntswnm

    Team Browning - Father & Son - Rifle Antelope

    Congratulations, good job!! Jeff
  24. huntswnm

    Archery mule deer success

    Kevin, That is a trully an amazing deer. I congratulate both of you on a job well done with a lot of obvious time and hard work put into the preperation and into the hunt. Your deer is quite an accomplishment as well. I was pleased to see you shoot a Black Widow! I shoot one myself, a 54# PSRX. I know how it feels to put your first buck down with a true stick and string......congratulations!! As for the rumors, I have definately heard about this buck being taken by Boone, but if it makes you feel any better, I had not heard the rumor that you have mentioned. It does not surprise me though. Some guys just can't be happy for other hunters who are successful and feel the need to start rumors like that to make themselves feel better or something. Hopefully those who are too immature to be respectful of a true giant of a deer as well as to the effort you two have put into this hunt won't take away from the accomplishments you both have made this year. Respectfully, Jeff
  25. huntswnm

    Hoping pics can produce a buck....

    Good luck to her...... Jeff