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Everything posted by Noworries

  1. Noworries

    Matthews 2020 VXR 31.5"

    Great deal with the rest and sight. Might help the sale if you list the current draw length and draw weight. Good luck with the sale.
  2. Noworries

    Nobody / anybody

    Unit 1 Archery Antelope for Dad & I. Took 17 points to make it happen.
  3. Noworries

    New Mexico apps in

    I ended up going the opposite direction and not putting in for NM because the AZ results didn’t come out yet. Mostly because I have a solid shot at a AZ Pronghorn tag. Good luck to everyone on both draws.
  4. Noworries

    Tick Tock

    My thought is that they are working to make sure it is iron clad 100% accurate. I think that is the only way forward and the cause of the delay. That way they can fully support the accuracy and only have to apologize for the delay. Delayed and inaccurate would be inexcusable.
  5. Noworries

    Hike to Hunt 2021

    I am shooting Hike to Hunt on Saturday the 17th. It will be my first time so no insight yet but I am looking forward to it. I may hit the Bowhunter happening on Sunday as well.
  6. Noworries

    Tick Tock

    Feeling good about my year with 15+Loyalty+Hunter Ed =17 for Antelope. I think that will put me in the max pool for a Unit 1 Archery tag. Good luck 🤞🏻
  7. Noworries

    Tommy Hogg bow sight

    Interested. Where are you located?
  8. Noworries

    Pissed off

    Unless I get drawn. Then it is 100%.
  9. Noworries

    Elk application not on record

    Update: Everything looks good in the Portal now. Some reassurance for sure. Now hoping 19 lope points = an archery tag. Good luck all.
  10. Noworries

    Elk application not on record

    Count me nervous as well. Confirmation numbers received and payment processed January 20. Nothing showing in my portal.
  11. Noworries


    Just finished Elk and Antelope Apps for myself and my father. Everything worked well and our license numbers automatically populated. Good luck with the draw.
  12. Noworries


    Congratulations!! Beautiful Ram!!
  13. Noworries

    2021 Goulds Tag or NOT!

    Congrats. The first hunt was our first choice. Looks like 26 bonus points for me. Have fun!!
  14. Noworries

    Price drop .. FS.. Jim White head and 1 plate

    I’ll take it. I live in the NW Valley but I’m in Parks for the weekend. I’ll PM as well.
  15. Noworries

    Anyone have a pop up camper for sale?

    This might be the one you were looking for. I bookmarked it because it caught my eye as well.
  16. Noworries

    New bow for 2020

    Nice setup. I bought the 31.5 last week and love it so far. Good luck in August.
  17. Noworries

    Bow tech realm sr6

    Text sent with a couple questions.
  18. Noworries

    DEC Rifle Hunt Roll Call

    Headed up Friday-Sunday and then back up the 27th-31st.
  19. Noworries

    Goulds tags!

    23 Points got me another bonus point.
  20. Noworries

    Phone Skope iPhone 7plus

    I’ll take it. Touch base with you tomorrow to work out the details. Eric
  21. Noworries

    2001 Tacoma crewcab 4x4 with elocker $7200

    Is your Tacoma still available?
  22. Do you think 7 points would have put our application in the max point pass for hunt 1082? Got a card hit and this was our 2nd choice. Wondering if we even have a chance of drawing our first choice. Hope the draw season is treating everyone well.
  23. Noworries

    21 Late December Bonus Point Pass

    Thank you. I thought that might be the case but with point creep and the 20% being 6 tags I wasn’t sure.
  24. Noworries

    Lets get it started

    We drew either 12AW Late (1st Choice) or 21 Late December Coues (2nd Choice)!! Going to be a great time in the field with my dad either way!!
  25. Noworries

    Toy Hauler Storage Near Unit 1

    Thank you all for the advice and suggestions.