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Everything posted by JohnFriddle

  1. JohnFriddle

    It's about time!

    I live in the real world... Thats why I think $10 an hour is not a livable wage... How do you support a family or even yourself on $10 an hour? I guess you could live in your car, but you better not drive it cause that will cost ya $3 a gallon, and since you can't afford a decent car you'll be driving a gas guzzing beater, which is not insured which you can't afford, so you put everyone on the road at risk... Or like I said you could live with 7 other dudes in an apartment... I know all about loaded cost associated with employing someone, it's called the cost of doing business... The right way to avoid paying that is don't hire anyone, get off your a$$ and do the work yourself... Whatever you do don't provide a guy health insurance that way we the taxpayers can provide it for your cheating a$$... But, Like you said $10 an hour and no benefits is a great deal thats why legal employees are beating down the door to get those jobs... BUSINESSES ARE THE ONES CAUSING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!!! THE VAST MAJORITY OF ILLEGALS HERE, ARE HERE FOR A JOB!!! THATS RIGHT, DANGLE A CARROT IN FRONT OF A HUNGRY HORSE THEN TELL SOMEONE ELSE TO HOLD HIM BACK... Look, I don't love this law but it is a good start, get rid of the source of the problem... The child molestor thing is just an example of doing your homework when hiring someone... The idea that I have to explain that is pretty telling...
  2. JohnFriddle

    It's about time!

    So $10 an hour and no benefits is a livable wage??? I guess it is OK if your living in a studio apt with seven other guys... I can't beleive you are suggesting that a business doesn't have the responsibility to make sure thier employees are legal... So by that rational if a school hires a child molester they can just shrug their shoulders and say "It's the governments fault..." If your going to pay someone to represent you shouldn't you make sure they legally can? And yes they do need to use a service like e-verify, for all new hires, and they probably should verify existing employees as well...
  3. JohnFriddle

    It's about time!

    I've never owned a business but I have been involved with hiring poeple. I have not ever worked for a company that wasn't offering a livable wage so I have never been around the hiring of illegals... I beleive it's true that there are many businesses that do the right thing, but, there are just as many that do not!!! I'm not sure you meant what you wrote when you wrote "They get SS #'s and photo Id's for all there employees. " I'm sure you meant they get SS#s and ID's from them... Because if you meant for thats agaist the law... The law states KNOWINGLY, I know, I know, "What could I do he had a SS# and ID, hint, hint, wink, wink." Well now you can enjoy life without a business licence... I'm sorry but that is breaking the law, that is cheating... Pay a livable wage with benifits, and you won't have to worry about it...
  4. JohnFriddle

    It's about time!

    Don't you guys know it's illegal to hire an undocumented workers now??? This is nothing new, their just putting some accountability where it belongs... How can anyone say that they shouldn't have to know who works for them??? IT IS CHEATING, AND IT'S BREAKING THE LAW!!! I love how everyone agrees something needs to be done, but they want someone else to do it... If people weren't hiring illegals there wouldn't be any here... DUH
  5. JohnFriddle

    Line In The Sand

    Wholeheartedly agree!!!! Right on brother...
  6. JohnFriddle

    9 Bears poached

    Oh yeah.... Those horses tear habitat up... Just like burros do... It is nice to see some of them gone... I do like how if you are caught with bear illegaly it's $25, and if you just fail to check one it's $100, nice...
  7. JohnFriddle

    Line In The Sand

    This line has to be drawn individually... No matter what we think about what someone else is willing to do to harvest, if we don't support their right to do so we are heading down a slippery slope... If it's legal it must be considered ethical...
  8. JohnFriddle

    It's about time!

    The reason illegals are leaving or planning to leave is the economic downturn we are seeing... This new law does (and rightfully so), I'm sure have many wondering, employees and employers alike... But, The economy is the biggie, there will always be a need for some illegal workers, someone to do work others won't do, and there are those kind of jobs out there... But, like everything else, there is such a thing as too much... Employers are to blame for much of the problem, Hiring illegals is against the law!!!! If you have to break the law to make it work for you, you don't deserve to make it... All this B.S. about "The consumer demands lower prices... Boo Hoo.." WORK HARDER like people have been doing for centuries, don't cheat... I think this new law is a good idea, but, I think it's gonna be overturned, or ruled unconstitutional or something I'm sure... Anyway, we don't enforce most of the laws that deal with illegals anyway, so why would this one be any different... I think a guest worker program could work, but I think there would have to be a path to citizenship for it to be utilized by workers, otherwise why would they use it, their illegal now and nothing is happening to them, so why put themselves on the radar... Citizenship of a country that is constantly trying to get rid of them might not look that attractive anyway...
  9. JohnFriddle

    Arizona Elk Society Banquet

    They had more than enough time to bid!!!!! The auctioneer did a perfectly acceptable job when he sold that tag... There was plenty of time to bid... Like has been said before he didn't say going, going, gone, or going once, twice, etc. all night... Anyone who was there knew that... If your willing to bid more than do it... Sh!t or get off the pot... The response from the crowd was overwhelmingly in the favor of the auctioneer... If you want to bid in smaller increments than do it before it gets sold... The bidders were having some kind of problems communicating on the phone, the auctioneer looked right at them and said he was going to sell it, with plenty of time for them to bid... I think it's to bad they didn't get more for it either but, YOU GOTTA BID!!!
  10. JohnFriddle

    European Mount

    Lots of good tips here... I add baking soda to the water when it's boiling, it turns the meat into a jelly type stuff which is easier to get off the skull, it will tend to boil over pretty bad when you add it but it's worth it I think... I use IHunt2live's trick getting the brains out too, it works great, just make sure you do it before you boil it... When Boiling lower the heat, you should just simmer the head rather than boil it, hard boiling makes the bones much more brittle... I bring the water to a hard boil than back it off to a simmer, then when I'm ready to put the skull in I add the baking soda... The more stuff you get off before boiling the better, get as much as you can with your knife... I use hydrogen peroxcide and baking soda to clean the teeth with picks, knives, and brushes, it can be a job but the more you get off the better it will look after you bleach the head... I bleach the head in peroxcide for 24-48 hrs then put it up on the roof for a couple days and let the sun whiten it. Don't leave it up there too lond or the antlers will whiten too... Then I hit it with spray polyurethane to protect it, I also like the carmel color it leaves, but thats just my taste... Good Luck with your mount...
  11. JohnFriddle

    High Fence Coues???

    Who cares? It's not, and I don't think anyone is suggesting that it's fair chase... If someone wants to pay big bucks to have a a big buck grown for them, then go out and kill him behing a high fence, go for it... Is it that big a deal? I don't think it's neccesarily hunting either, but I don't want to see anything even remotely related to hunting banned, that is a slippery slope...
  12. JohnFriddle

    javelina processing

    It depends on what they been eatin'... When their eating a bunch of those wild onions, their awful... I've had em when they have been really good too... That is assuming you got em skinned and cooled off quick...
  13. JohnFriddle

    Archery Proficiency Test????

    How about if they just take a hunter ed. course and maybe learn good hunting ethics. Know your limits as a hunter, don't take bad shots. Just because someone can hit a deer @ 400 yards doesn't mean I can, know your limits.I could keep going but I'll stop. All great ideas... All things everyone should do... Make them laws? How would you enforce them? While hunters ed courses have value, I don't think they should be mandatory... I really didn't learn any more than I had been taught by my family over the years... I enjoyed the class and was glad to take it but I don't think it should be mandatory...
  14. JohnFriddle

    Archery Proficiency Test????

    BAAAAAAAD IDEA!!!! Most animals are are wounded because of taking bad shots, i.e. running, bad position, etc. Skill has little to do with that... Anyone who would suggest game and fish take on something else, hasn't hunted around here very long... They can't handle whats on their plate now... If you start excluding folks from hunting because they can't shoot what YOU think they should be able to shoot, whats next??? What if they say you have to be able to hit pie plate at 100 yards or 200 yards 9 out of 10 times? What if a rifle hunter has to hit a quarter at 600 yards 9 out of ten times or they can't hunt? PETA would love that rule...
  15. JohnFriddle

    Saw a CW sticker!

    That was my truck... Sorry I didn't see ya... Must have been around 9:30 am right? Nice to see someone noticed...
  16. JohnFriddle

    Cleaning binos

    Yeah... the deeper the scratches then more surface area on the lens... Better light gathering right?
  17. They need to wait a few years then see what happens... It is a new law after all... I think this is just to get us used to the idea of a full draw...
  18. JohnFriddle

    The AZ One Shot Challenge

    EXACTLY!!!! If it's legal it's ethical!!! Nothing is worse than hearing someone whine about else someone doing what THEY think is unethical, or unsafe... I'm not responsible for what someone else does with THEIR firearm, anymore than THEY are responsible for mine... I don't walk in front of, or behind someone that is carrying a firearm in a manner that I think is unsafe, but, I'm sure not going to tell a grown-a** adult how they should act... If someone wants to bait go ahead, if someone wants to take a long-a** shot go ahead... If your comfortable with it I am too... What I do is my business and I'll afford you the same respect... Your breaking the law? Your wrong... But, thats not what we're talking about here...
  19. JohnFriddle

    Last chance for tix to ADA banquet

    I was the lucky winner of that rifle... It was a weatherby vanguard in .300 win mag... Exactly the caliber I have been interested in for a while... It is an awesome rifle, my wife will be picking it up in the morning, I can't wait... It was nice to meet you Amanda...
  20. JohnFriddle

    DRAW... What is the time line?

    I think the fee increases are for 2007 too...
  21. JohnFriddle

    Is it enough

    Thanks southerncoueshunter... I couldn't remember if it was 40# or 45#... Hey could you enlarge the text on that a little more next time? I probably wouldn't have been able to see it there... Thanks
  22. JohnFriddle

    Is it enough

    I can't remember whether the minimum bow weight for hunting in AZ 40# or 45#, that would be the only consideration I would be worry about...
  23. JohnFriddle

    king ranch monster

    Yeah... The shadow from the dog should be right under his body to match the antlers... The color of the antlers look funny too... Like not washed out as much as the rest of the pic, more vivid...
  24. JohnFriddle

    Not much for Rut this year

    That that is an awesome buck!!! Congrats!!!
  25. If you can find a book, they are pretty good for use in the southern units... Most have roads right up to them though... In the National forest they aren't really that helpful...