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About DCMHunter

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/14/1962

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  1. DCMHunter

    2022 elk regulations

    Does anyone know how to find the 2022 elk regulations? How can we apply for hunts if they don't post the regs
  2. After a long summer and 26 bonus points I was successful in harvesting a really nice high quality antelope buck. After drawing a coveted unit 10 antelope tag I spent the summer scouting and tuning a new 6.5 prc rifle for the hunt. I found a nice buck late in the season during the archery season with some help of some new found friends. I tagged this buck as my number one to pursue and opening morning I was almost heart broken when setting up opening morning to find and pursue this buck to only be cut off by another hunter. I retreated to watch this other hunter stalk and eventually take a shot at my buck. Only to find out that he missed the shot. I returned to the same area the following morning to try and find the number two buck on my list and found my number one buck still there. After set up and decent shot I was able to harvest him. It was a great season and very rewarding. Thank you to my wife and some close friends for all the help and support they provided.
  3. DCMHunter

    Day Dreaming for Antelope

    I would love to draw another tag. I drew in 21 with 26 bonus points and harvested the prime specimen
  4. DCMHunter

    Big Boguillas Gone?

    It's not just the big bo doing this in unit 10. I grew up in Williams and worked on and played on the majority of the ranches there. I worked sheep and cattle on the Aja ranch. Now closed to public access do to being contracted with an outfitter from the Prescott area. I worked cattle with Dave Blaire on the Bar Heart ranch. Now closed to bublic access for being run and operated by an outfitter. The Seven's ranch use to be a favorite archery hunting area. Now subdivided with very limited access. As well as the four hills ranch area. The Freeman ranch contracted to outfitters. I am in favor of the rules set by the Perrin still granting access but limiting vehicle access and camping location's. And I appreciate the Babbitt ranch for remaining open. I was fortunate enough to draw my antilope tag this year with 26 bonus points. I did not access the Big Bo and was still able to harvest a Boone and Crockett record book buck. Despite the ranch closures. In my humble opinion I feel that if they want to legally post ALL private land. From the corner every quarter mile. So be it but do not limit or lock off the access to state land that as stated in law my hunting license grants me permission to hunt on. It does not give me the right to damage or trash the land so watch where you travel and pick up your trash.
  5. DCMHunter

    Here we go again, another call from AZGFD.

    Did you just surrender the tag also? I just got a call for the same tag. I have 26 bonus points so I turned the tag for not have the time to put together the hunt I want. With only 6 days before the hunt to get any scouting done or set up maps and talk to the WM and get camp plans completed. Not to mention trying to get time off work. As it sets write now I wold only have 2 maybe 4 days for the hunt with some midnight runs. Not worth giving up 26 points for and setting the hunt up the way I want it. Who ever ends up with the tag I wish them luck, my turn will come when I can spend the time needed to do the animal the justest and respect that it deserves.
  6. DCMHunter

    Max Bonus points

    Thank You everyone for the information. I live in unit one and agree that there are a lot of small bucks. I was really looking at 2a or 2c but then again access and small bucks has held me back. What is the public access like in 19a or 19b? I am also looking at units 4 and 5. 9 and 10 are really looking good, what is the access to the big bo like and would it be worth purchasing the access permit.
  7. DCMHunter

    Max Bonus points

    I have asked this before and now asking it again. What unit would you put in for if you had 25 (almost Max) bonus points for antelope ? Go hunt gives me a choice of about 10 units. I am looking to do a DIY hunt and can spend lots of time scouting. So at this time I am not looking to hire a guide. I would just like your opinion on what area would give me the best chance at an 80+ buck. I have only hunted antelope one time before and did not harvest an antelope, only succeeded in nocking the sights off my muzzle loader. Thanks in advance for all your help DCM
  8. DCMHunter

    12 points...now what?

    they need to increase the bonus point pass to 40 % I am still waiting for a muzzle loader tag.
  9. DCMHunter

    Super Bonus Point

    I feel that after reading all I can on this I feel that the super bonus point is a good idea if opened up to allow the purchase for each species each year and not be limited to only one . For the three species that I have max bonus points for I do not have to choose one and loss ground on the others. If this point is only usable for only one year it will only benefit those with max points and reduce the effectiveness of it. To offset the concerns of points creeping up increase the bonus point pass to 40% or evan 30%. this would still allow the majority of the tags available in the general draw and reduce the points creep that we are already seeing.
  10. DCMHunter

    Pratt Lake

    One small 3" er
  11. DCMHunter

    Pratt Lake

    Made it by Pratt this weekend and it is not dry. The lake is actually spring fed from underneath. The water level is low but not dry. The fishing was slow but it was mid day when I was there and only stayed for about an hour.
  12. DCMHunter

    Pratt Lake

    Does anyone have a fishing report for Pratt Lake?
  13. DCMHunter

    Unit 27 Mule deer help

    Thanks Does anyone know of any good mules for sale to save the barrel horse? At a reasonable price of course. I think I will start looking around the rim area. Has anybody been into the bear wallow wilderness area?
  14. DCMHunter

    Unit 27 Mule deer help

    Thanks for the replies. It is actually my wife's tag for the early hunt. She is open to getting off the beaten path a horse back as long as it is not to rough for her barrel horse. Have they cleaned up any of the trails up around Hannegan Meadows after the wallow fire? She is from Wilcox and use to hunt low for muleys and in the hills for Whitetail. I know that the Blue gets hit really hard during the archery hunt in January, would it be good to take some of the trails off of there? DCM
  15. DCMHunter

    Unit 27 Mule deer help

    It has been a while since we have had a rifle deer tag in unit 27. You can find every other post with something about north of the river, but what about the south side. I am looking for some general information on places to start looking in Unit 27. High or Low?? Is it better to hunt high during the early hunt like up around Middle Mountain, or low off three bar mesa? Do the deer stay down on the blue year round or is there a big migration? DCM