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About 10Turkeys

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  • Birthday December 16

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  1. 10Turkeys

    Varmint Silhouette Match

    He is certainly one heck of a rifleman. He was mentored by his parents, on the rifle team at TCU, and was further mentored by Mid Thompkins and Gary Anderson. You can bet that he expended a lot of primers to get where he got.
  2. 10Turkeys

    Varmint Silhouette Match

    Got a name of a gifted shooter?
  3. 10Turkeys

    Varmint Silhouette Match

    I've never met a gifted shooter. I've rubbed elbows with a few of them that practiced their butts off though!
  4. 10Turkeys

    Varmint Silhouette Match

    Is the 125 grain bullet weight restriction correct?
  5. 10Turkeys

    Reloading 12 ga. shotgun shells

    It's been about a year since I have loaded any shotgun shells. I don't know about now, but then components were spotty, and shot when you could find it, was pricey. Surprisingly primers were always available. I got mine from Bruno's in a 1500 count package, that were European made. There was a site that calculated the cost of a box of shells when you entered the cost of your components in. I'm sure Google can help you with that. The Federal 100 pack from Walmart might be your best bet. A lot of guys didn't like to use Federal shells, but as someone once told me, if you have your barrel pointed in the right spot when you pull the trigger, it really doesn't matter which shell you are using.
  6. 10Turkeys

    Old rem 700

    Google up Remington 700 barrel codes and it will give you a production date. Couldn't tell you anything after that.
  7. 10Turkeys

    CW withdrawals

    A case of the Detrimental Traumas for sure.
  8. 10Turkeys

    270 WSM sizing issues

    Here is a video that popped up on setting up your die for headspace.
  9. 10Turkeys

    Petition To Prohibit Hound Hunting In Arizona

    The people that are pushing this do not have a stop button. They have already banned trapping. If they win with this, what is next?
  10. 10Turkeys

    Remington 552 KM Neck Turning Tool

    PM sent. Primers are Sold.
  11. Remington 552 .22 rifle shoots s,l, or lr ammo. Doesn't seem to like Winchester ammo, and doesn't play well with CCI Stingers, shoots everything else like it should. 450.00 CCI BR-4 Small Rifle Primers. SOLD KM Neck Turning tool. Comes with 6.5 pilot and a 6.5x47 and a .270 Winchester shell holder. I don't know if the shell holders will work with other calibers or not. 50.00. Redding 1400 case trimmer. 30.00 Located in Chandler.
  12. 10Turkeys

    Wtb Marlin 30-30

    PM sent.
  13. 10Turkeys

    GI Issue Folding Cot

    Let's try 30.00.
  14. 10Turkeys

    GI Issue Folding Cot

    Forgot to mention, comes with that all important 3rd assist bar! That's a trick I learned in E-4 school!