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Everything posted by lucky2hunt

  1. lucky2hunt

    3 1/2 weeks in Zimbabwe.... I made it back!

    Nice new avatar Gino! Love those Kudu!!!
  2. lucky2hunt

    I finally did it!!!

    Nice shot! The only sound I hear when I do that is "Cha-Ching" more money spent on arrows! $$$
  3. lucky2hunt

    Amanda Moors aka "KILLER"

    Ahhhhhh just like riding a bike Amanda! Once your on the ice instinct takes over, but yeah, you'll be sucking some wind! Your talent is limitless Way to go!!! Have fun!
  4. lucky2hunt

    Gotta Read This...

    Exactly right! If our government put the time and money into illegal immigration like they do in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the problem would be solved quickly. Maybe they should move the Whitehouse down to the border. Then Obama can watch 300-1200 immigrants walk across his front lawn daily. +1 Maybe we can move Congress down there too. That would really help speed up the process of getting something done that works. Amen!
  5. lucky2hunt

    CouesWhitetail.com Dance Team

    Oh My Gosh! It's one of those things where you don't want to watch but you can't help yourself... I kept averting my eyes but kept peeking back! Funny, guys!!! (Maybe too much time on your hands????)
  6. lucky2hunt

    New Family Member Arrived!

    Oh Wow! Congrats!!! Beautiful girls...
  7. lucky2hunt

    I Adopted A Catchment!!!

    Things have slowed down a little in the forums so I thought I would add this. This past Fall my husband and I were finally able to join the AZG&F Adopt a Catchment program. We have been trying to do this for over a year, but it was hard to find the right person to talk to. Since being from Flagstaff, Unit 8 is close and it is also a place where we spend a lot of time camping and hunting so we wanted to work in that area. Finally, we were put in contact with Mike Rice the game manager of unit 8. He was thrilled to have any help possible, in fact when I said we would do anything he needed done, he cautioned me saying he had a giant list. Mid September we met Officer Rice and he took us into our newly adopted catchment, Hitt Springs. Oh boy, it was in major disrepair, there were trees down across fences, fencing down, gates broken, we were in the middle of it now. It is a big area, with two separate fenced off areas, one around the Spring and one around the catchment. Neither my husband or I have ever built fencing but we figured we could handle it, plus we had the help of a good friend that had some experience. I sent Officer Rice a list of things we would need and we set about clearing and cleaning the area. Because of the time of year, we had to deal with hunters so to be fair to them we would try to limit our work days to midweek, although several times we had to back out after realizing there were hunters. Between working around our own hunting seasons and the snow we didn't get finished, we still have some jumps to put up, a gate to fix and a little more clearing, but that just gives us another reason to get out in the woods this Spring! Spring Catchment COWS!!!!!!! BEFORE AFTER Hard at work Yuk A meeting of the 'brain trust' I am the 'Chief Stay Fixer-upper' Looking better - Marley our dog inspecting the work making headway! Finally, the reason why we are doing this!!! Can't wait to get back out there!!!!!!!!!!
  8. lucky2hunt

    bass boat

    Yep, yep... Flagstaff is my place of residence! 53 miles east?
  9. lucky2hunt

    bass boat

    Been looking for one... Any pictures?
  10. lucky2hunt


    Thank you! I just emailed this thread to my 20 year old son! It disappoints me to no end that he smokes, I watched his Grandfather die of lung cancer... He never got to meet his grandfather, he was an amazing man! My father-in-law never got to meet my son, he's an amazing son!!!
  11. lucky2hunt

    At the End of the Rainbow

    Fantastic job Doug! Very beautiful bird!!!
  12. lucky2hunt

    Need somewhere to go this weekend?

    heh he - Your dog has a great SMILE! Amazing pictures Amanda
  13. lucky2hunt

    Trail Cameras Banned

    Oh, Oh.... Interesting... The times are changing! It's too bad, over half the time I put cameras out just for the fun of it, I enjoy seeing 'what's out there'! The fact that is says "during any Commission adopted hunting season" only leaves a couple of months, if that, since there are so many different seasons. I hope Arizona stays away from this...
  14. lucky2hunt

    Trail cam pictures

    Cool!!!! (literally)
  15. lucky2hunt

    Free yellow lab puppy

    AND he lived "Happily Ever After" Congrats on the new addition, that's awesome!!!
  16. lucky2hunt

    Some White Bighorn Sheep

    I'm amazed she has lived 4 years, it seems like she would be an obvious target for any predator. I'm glad she looks so healthy, "You Go Girl"! Great pictures Amanda!
  17. lucky2hunt

    2010 Deer and Sheep Hunt Guidelines

    Thanks Doug! Looks like we might have a few more chances at sheep tags this year!!! (there's always hope)
  18. lucky2hunt

    Some more Indian Art

    YUK! I have to side with your wife on this one!!! Why do you guys, my husband included, always have to go back for a 'closer' look?
  19. lucky2hunt

    Ancient Art

    Great pics Jim! A person could spend hours there 'reading the rocks'. Very nice find!!!
  20. lucky2hunt

    Sarah Palin banquet

    Trying to talk my husband into it, I would love to go! He gets scared when he knows there are auctions in the same room as I am!
  21. lucky2hunt

    two elk tags here

    Congrats to you and your wife TJ !!!
  22. lucky2hunt

    **Draw Results**

    It's going to be a really long Fall Nothing for me!
  23. lucky2hunt

    Desert Bighorn Mount

    Incredible mount! You will definitely enjoy looking at that on your wall for a long time to come!
  24. lucky2hunt

    I Adopted A Catchment!!!

    Thanks for all the info Jed!!! I hope more people can get out and participate in any of the projects for our wildlife, not only do you get the satisfaction of knowing you are being a positive influence in habitat restoration, you also get the gratification of knowing you are helping the animals survive and flourish.
  25. lucky2hunt

    Bryce Canyon Utah-

    Thanks Doug, we are definitely going to swing by there. I practically grew up with summers spent at Panguitch, my Grandparents had a cabin at Brian Head, I've been to Bryce but my husband has not. He wasn't all that interested until I showed him your pictures...again, Thanks!