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Everything posted by lucky2hunt

  1. lucky2hunt

    sunrise 3-d

    Yep... you can register for the fun shoot as well as the competitive courses. Usually inside the main building of the ski resort. Have fun, it's a beautiful area!
  2. lucky2hunt

    So. AZ Bear

    Awesome!!!! Congrats, that is so cool!
  3. lucky2hunt

    Wounded Bear, what do you think caused it?

    Isn't it mating season right now? Maybe a fight over breeding rights with a more dominate bear? Hit by a car??? Sad, hope he learns to compensate.
  4. Just returned for an amazing spot and stalk archery black bear hunt in the beautiful Misty Fjords of South East Alaska. I went with a guide out of Ketchikan whom I later learned is also a member here on CWT. Johnnie Laird with Muskeg Excursions. Sorry this is such a huge picture laden post... Bear with me guys (hehe pun intended) I just went through over 300 pictures trying to figure out the ones to post... The scenery up there is incredible! Flew into Ketchikan and spent the night, we were to take a float plane to a bay off the Portland Canal, approx. 63 miles east of Ketch. as the crow flies, but 45 minutes flight time. Alaska's version of a taxi - Carlin Air Away we go Up & Over Into the bay we will hunt in for the next week In the back of the bay is a large tidal flat, this is where we will hunt, watching for bears to come out and feed on the new grass. Because of the 'No Same Day Fly and Hunt' rule we settled into putting camp together. Here is our Kitchen and My husband and my tent. Even our own battery operated electric fence. My husband was very conscientious about checking to make sure it was turned on! Our mode of transportation, a Zodiac On our way to the tidal flat, excited but very nervous... Roger and Johnnie look confident! We glassed the flats for hours, the weather was off and on, sometimes raining and blowing hard. We spotted a nice cinnamon bear and put on a stalk, he spotted us and took off. We moved our setup and didn't see anything until we headed out. We tried to stalk again, but he winded us. It was a good day, nice to get some stalks, but I was cold and ready to get back to camp and dry out the gear. Nothing like a campfire and new friends Next day the rain wasn't as bad but we were plagued with very heavy canal winds. We didn't spot anything that day. Typically Johnnie says they see 10 - 12 bears a day in this area. It has been slow this year, they have had a very mild Winter and a early Spring so maybe that had something to do with it. I am still optimistic and having a great time. Because we don't want food smell in camp we dine mainly on Mtn. House (which I discovered isn't half bad) We were able to set some traps and supplement our dinner menu with wonderful all you could eat crab!!!! Fresh brewed coffee is a must in my book, my view every morning with my 'cup-a-joe' was spectacular! continued..... (sorry)
  5. lucky2hunt

    Alaskan Black Bear

    :lol: That is awesome!!! (although tagging is against the law) That must be the old Ranch House? What a cool pic!
  6. lucky2hunt

    Ladies Night at Gila Outdoor

    Yay Marcy! I wish I lived closer, I'd love to go! Good Luck!!! By the way, welcome to the site!
  7. lucky2hunt

    PEAKS ON FIRE! (photos)

    On our way home from Utah, stopped to help a friend load his horses and evacuate vehicles. Very scary! From our friends porch
  8. lucky2hunt

    Alaskan Black Bear

    Hey DesertBull, I heard all about that hunt and all about you! Johnnie said it's about time he comes back here to AZ and hunt again!
  9. lucky2hunt

    Huntin' Striped Marlin instead of Coues...

    YeeHawww! Nice job and great pictures!
  10. lucky2hunt

    Alaskan Black Bear

    Thanks all! I unfortunately will not be able to make Marshall Lake, I have a family reunion up in Utah that weekend... Amanda, I never thought I could get tired of crab meat but I think I'll lay off it for a while, we ate a ton of it!
  11. lucky2hunt

    I'm toast

    A great big "Atta Boy"!!!
  12. lucky2hunt

    Alaskan Black Bear

    Day three found us back out in the flats, the rain had let up, but the wind was still bad. We decided to hike up the tidal flats to get a look at the upper end during the low (incoming) tide. As we were looking in the low spots for fresh sign in the sand and mud Johnnie happened to spot a Bear across the river. It was low tide but coming in fast. He was on the far bank moving along feeding into the wind. We went to see if we could find a spot to cross. We found it crossable up stream and down wind. Roger stayed on the opposite side to keep track of the bear and give us hand signals to let us know which way he was headed. After a 200-250 yard classic stalk the last little bit on hands and knees, I stood and took a 32 yard shot into a very strong headwind. The shot hit low, but the bear reeled around and headed into the forest. Upon looking at the arrow we saw that we had a pass through with good bright red blood, we could also see a lot of blood on the ground where he went into the forest. We hurried back across the river before the tide got too high so we could pick up the boat and Roger who had a ring-side seat to the whole show! Here is a picture of me right after crossing the river again, obviously flying high with excitement! After about an hour we went into the very thick jungle-like forest. We followed an excellent blood trail for about 100 yards and found my bear! The best hunting partner a girl could ask for!!! Johnnie Laird w/Muskeg Excursions - great guide!!! Had the bear skinned and quartered in no time and carried the boar out. We were one happy group! We spent the next day fleshing and salting the bear and enjoying the scenery. Called the float plane via sat. phone for a next day pick-up. De Plane De Plane!!! Back to Ketchikan to get the bear sealed by Game & Fish then off to Johnnie’s cabin on Prince of Whales Island for a couple of days of sightseeing, fishing and a little R&R! (I won’t even try to fit those pics on LOL)
  13. lucky2hunt

    I'm toast

    Oh man....Ohhhhh Man! Bad, bad, bad! Yeah, as one of the females on here, I agree with Amanda, you have to go 'above and beyond' now buddy! Lol
  14. lucky2hunt

    Amanda Moors aka "KILLER"

    Midnight Game Holy Cow, I was sound asleep at midnight.... You go Girl, that alone would kill me.
  15. I went last summer to RSA with my bow, no permits needed. I used the Badlands suitcase that has room for bows and clothes, they never even checked inside my luggage. Have a great time, I can't wait to go back!
  16. lucky2hunt

    1070 sing along....love it!

    Heh-heh started my morning with a chuckle! And shared with some friends...Thanks
  17. lucky2hunt

    Amanda Moors aka "KILLER"

    Ahhhhhh just like riding a bike Amanda! Once your on the ice instinct takes over, but yeah, you'll be sucking some wind! Your talent is limitless Way to go!!! Have fun! You sound like you write from experience Ilene. Do you play? Oh No! Not on ice any way.... 3 sport athlete in Jr College then Basketball here at NAU a very very long time ago!!!
  18. lucky2hunt

    3 1/2 weeks in Zimbabwe.... I made it back!

    Holy Crap!!! Lucky for everyone that guide had enough composure to get between everyone and the charge and make such a lethal first shot, stopped her in her tracks.
  19. lucky2hunt

    Superb hunt with Kei River Safaris

    Great story and amazing animals! I'm envious you get to go back so soon! For me, it is not a matter of 'if'... It is 'when' I will return!
  20. lucky2hunt


    Crongrats on what looks like an amazing trip!
  21. lucky2hunt

    go n to africa

    Kudu and a big gnarly warthog... Tops my list! Congrats on the hunt, that's exciting, you will love it! I hope to go back in 2011.
  22. In a couple of weeks I am going to SE Alaska for an archery spot and stalk Spring Black Bear hunt. I would like to have my husband video my hunt but I am worried what the weather might do to the camera. We are hunting in a rain forest, so obviously I expect rain, how do you guys protect your video cams? I have a case that we used for underwater snorkeling, but it is very bulky and not conducive to run and gun. The cam is a a Sony Handycam 10.2 HDD Hybrid. Thanks!
  23. lucky2hunt

    N.AZ Shooting Range

    YeeHaw! Hope it comes to fruition sooner than expected. Foster Ranch site would be just a few minutes from my house! Thanks Doug!!!
  24. lucky2hunt

    NEW BABY (pic added)

    Ohhhh she's precious! CONGRATS
  25. lucky2hunt

    Spring Turkey

    Great job! Very impressive... 'yay' for using your bow!