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Everything posted by lucky2hunt

  1. lucky2hunt

    Starlite Lanes - Flagstaff

    Who was bowling on Wednesday early evening? I think my husband went and talked to you, we were worried about your gear in the bed of your truck getting stolen out in our parking lot? It has happened to us so when we see valuables out in the open like that we get nervous! I told him to ask your name but I don't think he did (or his memory is showing it's age again). Any way, Thanks for your business!
  2. lucky2hunt

    Starlite Lanes - Flagstaff

    Yep that's me! "From time to time"??? Come on... it's there more than that! My husband says I don't work enough, I don't need anyone else to back it up!
  3. lucky2hunt

    Hows your archery hunt going ?

    11M = Lots of people on quads, dirt bikes, mountain bikes, go carts, foot, ect. ect. 'M' stand for metropolitan, which means if I'm going to hunt that unit I go in with a very open mind, lots of people, mostly non-hunters out enjoying the beautiful area surrounding Flagstaff> Keep at it, at least you saw deer! That's more than I can say...
  4. lucky2hunt

    Elk Bugle

    Heard some of that sweet music in Unit 8 this weekend also!
  5. lucky2hunt

    WHAT THE H???

    Have been scouting for archery deer pretty hard the last couple of weeks, today went to check on 'Plan A' and 'Plan B' I get to the tank of 'B' and there are not one, but TWO signs before the tank that states "Hunter IN Stand" Are you kidding me??? Usually I try to stay out of the way of conflict with other hunters, as a female that hunts alone a lot of the time, sometimes I can get a little jumpy when others are in my immediate area. But come on... reserving a stand 3 days ahead, it is Wednesday season opens on Friday... Yeah I was ticked off, after checking to make sure there wasn't actually a hunter in a stand, the two signs came down and were thrown in the trash along with the rest of the chicken crap I had after cleaning the coop today!
  6. lucky2hunt

    Nevada 263

    Good luck on a great tag! Make sure to post scouting and success pictures!!! (we like pictures )
  7. lucky2hunt

    hard horned bulls and couple of nice bucks

    Nothing wrong with the deer. He is just starting to lose his summer coat. Oh Thanks, makes sense.
  8. lucky2hunt

    hard horned bulls and couple of nice bucks

    What is wrong with that deer in the last picture? Why does his coat looks so bad???
  9. lucky2hunt

    My Scimitar Oryx

    Very pretty mount!
  10. lucky2hunt

    Where did all of the Turkey go above Payson?

    I've been over in Unit 8 a bunch the last 3 weeks.... Turkey population definitely down! I've only seen a handful where normally that unit has a bunch of birds!
  11. lucky2hunt

    My First Speed Goat!!!!!!

    Congrats on a beautiful antelope!
  12. Thanks for the update! Had a great time shooting all Triple Crown events, even Rumble Thanks to the ABA for the tireless work at putting these shoots together, you guys do a great job. Sure would like one of the shoots moved closer to No. AZ, travel killed me this year!
  13. I had a chance to watch (from a distance) some billies this past Spring, they are phenomenal, breathtaking animals! Stunning pictures!!!
  14. lucky2hunt

    BABYBOWHUNTAZ "2" just arrived

    Happy Birthday Baby Adyson!!! Congratulations on the addition to the family, beautiful name! My son's 23rd birthday today as well!
  15. lucky2hunt


    Incredible footage, great video Amanda! Congrats!!!
  16. lucky2hunt

    Pray for AMANDA Please

    OWWWW!!! Wow very impressive stones Glad they are out of ya!
  17. lucky2hunt

    First black bear

    Way to hang in there! Congrats!!!
  18. lucky2hunt

    Pray for AMANDA Please

    Glad you are home to recoop. A lot easier to rest at home than in the hospital. Bet that was a heck of a ride from Young! I only live 15-20 min. out of town but when I had my attack it felt like a lifetime to get to town, every bump on the road felt like a shotgun blast to the gut! Ugh... Feel yer pain, glad you are on your way to recovery!!!
  19. lucky2hunt

    Pray for AMANDA Please

    You're in our thoughts!
  20. lucky2hunt

    Amanda - Congrats on AZG&F Grant Award

    Wow CONGRATS Amanda!
  21. lucky2hunt

    Finally checked the cams after 4 months!

    Hey TJ, I'll stick that bear for ya! It is a very pretty bear Amanda, but I don't think I would have a single problem throwing an arrow at him. Great pics, fantastic spot!!!
  22. lucky2hunt

    Free F-15 Broadhead

    I used the F-15 Dual Blade on my Africa hunt and for my elk, with most animals going down within sight, including my elk only going 30 yards. They are devastating broadheads, that being said.... the tips broke off on over half the shots I took on animals. They fly great, BUT if one of the two cutter blades are even slightly 'off' your shots are very inconsistent. Just putting my arrows in my quiver was enough to tweak the cutters to throw my shot off. I wish they would make them a little sturdier, like I said, they were devastating!
  23. lucky2hunt


    +1 - Exactly!
  24. lucky2hunt


    I was wondering if it was those guys. Very nice pics!