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Everything posted by lucky2hunt

  1. lucky2hunt

    Arizona Chapter SCI banquet

    Hey Mark, I was looking at this last night... http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e78f2ymxc5ca7eaf&llr=depz7kmab Looks like Coues, Turkey, and Javi Commissioners tags
  2. lucky2hunt

    4 hours and one bite

    Niiiiiiiiiiice! That's one heck of a fish, congrats!
  3. Sporting our CWT sticker in the 50 mile Lorraine Cline Memorial Fund Poker Run. The event raises money for people with cancer in Gila County. Unofficial count was 450-500 quads/rangers/jeeps/ect. Up and over the Greenbacks and back again, beautiful country and tons of fun!!!
  4. lucky2hunt

    The Horseshoe Turkey

    Congratulations on a beautiful bird! I bet the 'ol adrenaline was reaching max peak as you had to watch him gobble and strut behind the tree! Way to keep it together; nothing rattles me more than turkey gobbles & elk bugling.... Best sounds out in the woods!!!
  5. lucky2hunt

    Angling in

    Very cool! Yeah, I imagine your heart was racing just a tad bit!!! Congrats!
  6. lucky2hunt

    Any luck on first season turkey?

    Whoops! Good luck to ya TJ! Oh... And +1 on the anniversary!!! LOL
  7. lucky2hunt

    Represent'n the CWT sticker in Tonto Basin

    Awesome pic of you and Roger. Sounds like something Peg and I would liked to have done. If only we had a side by side. I'm sure it was a blast and for a good cause as well. TJ We need to plan this for next year TJ! We'll put Roger on a quad and us three will ride the Ranger
  8. Don't forget the AZGFD Adopt a Water Catchment program. A great way to help out the wildlife in your favorite area!!! http://www.azgfd.gov/w_c/adoptcatchment.shtml Roger (oldgoat) and I went out to check on the water catchment we adopted 2 years ago... FS has closed the road to it but it is an easy and beautiful 1.5 mile hike in. We checked the fence we rebuilt two years ago, did some minor repairs, mucked out the tank and it was good to go!!!
  9. lucky2hunt

    Open Weekend Luck

    Outstanding!!!! Cole you are my new Hero!!! Spot & stalk archery spring turkey.... How many adults can say that??? Very cool!
  10. lucky2hunt

    Nice Houserock Buffalo

    Congrats Randy on a spectacular trophy and some awesome meat!!!! Arlis and Russ sure do know how to find them up there! I keep thinking I want to go after one of these with my bow... Then I see pictures like this and think; "Holy Crap they are monstrous animals"
  11. lucky2hunt

    Happy Birthday LukeDuke!!

  12. lucky2hunt

    Unit 13B Mustang Point Water Catchment

    What??? No picture of the flat tire? The desert bighorn thank you for your hard work!
  13. lucky2hunt

    Manning Camp Dead Head

    Holy smokes! Nice find!!!
  14. lucky2hunt

    Youth Turkey Camp

    Good job TJ and thanks to all the other volunteers, looked like it was a great camp! TJ that sure is a 'purrty' apron ya got there AND that pink bow you're shoot'n is awfully nice too!!! LoL Just kidding with ya, Way to go Bud!!
  15. lucky2hunt

    Gotta love Iowa 2012

    Great bucks and VERY cool blind!!!
  16. lucky2hunt

    Friends in Flagstaff

    Uhhhhhmmmm.... I live in Flagstaff but I don't sew, cook, or do many 'chick kinda things' LoL I hunt, fish, shoot arrows and yes... sometimes hang out in bars! Afraid I wouldn't be much help, sorry! All kidding aside, do you shoot archery? The Flagstaff Archers have a couple of shoots this summer, the first one is May 18-19. They are fun shoots with a lot of families, shooter and non-shooters, spending a day hanging out in the woods enjoying friends and meeting new ones... You guys should come out, I'd love to meet you!
  17. lucky2hunt

    Here is a nice Colorado eastern plains buck...

    Wow, beauty! Congrats!!!
  18. Great job Parker, that's an awesome gobbler! Kudos to dad as well, way to call 'em in to shoot'n distance! It's great to see all the kids at the camp, a big thank you goes out to all the volunteers!!!
  19. lucky2hunt

    Bird Down

    Fantastic bird Mark! Congratulations!!!
  20. lucky2hunt

    My First Muley Set!!!

    Awesome find! Congrats!!!
  21. lucky2hunt

    Full Body Mountain Lion Mount

    Unbelievable upgrade! Nice work!!
  22. lucky2hunt

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY lucky2hunt

    Thanks everyone, appreciate it!!! Was hoping to get some fishing in at Roosevelt before the weather turned, by the time we got to the boat ramp at 7am the wind was already cranking up. Decided we better forgo fishing. Spent a good part of the late morning down at Tonto Creek watching the dogs swim and enjoyed watching the water roll by! Pretty darn nice!
  23. lucky2hunt

    April bears

    Unit 23N closed April 10th, all other units still open.
  24. lucky2hunt

    offence is the best defence

    That's awesome!