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Everything posted by lucky2hunt

  1. lucky2hunt

    Arizona Chapter SCI banquet

    Congrats Kathi and Mark! Great haul!!! Mark that sunburn is horrendous!
  2. lucky2hunt

    Arizona Chapter SCI banquet

    Wow, that's outstanding!!!
  3. lucky2hunt

    Arizona Chapter SCI banquet

    dang Mark! I can almost taste that margarita, sounds so good! We had to back out because of a family deal... Hope Amanda was able to find someone to use our tickets! Have fun, wish'n we were sitting by the pool with ya!
  4. lucky2hunt

    Probably sick they didn't find this one

    +1 We think alike...
  5. lucky2hunt

    Old Magazines

    Nice job TJ!
  6. lucky2hunt

    Heading to Kauai

    I wanna' be there!!! Looks like you're having an amazing time!!!
  7. lucky2hunt

    Home in Parks

    Man, I wish I could talk man son & daughter-in-law into moving out there, looks like a great place! A little too far from work though (Purina)... Good Luck!!!
  8. lucky2hunt

    Big 5B Bull Down!!!

    Outstanding! Great write-up and pictures!!! Congratulations to all involved!
  9. lucky2hunt

    Hey TJ!! DON'T FORGET!

    +1 Yeah, I think he's safe! I think you ought to go sit in that pur-ty new trailer and open a box of.. Oops I mean a bottle of wine and have a fancy-smanshy dinner to celebrate!!!
  10. Wow!!!! Look at some of the raffle and auction items we will have: 40 + Firearms Mexico Mule Deer Hunt New Mexico Mule Deer Hunt New Mexico Antelope Hunt Alberta Bear Hunt California Turkey Hunt Mexico Get-Away Vacation Golf Packages Artwork and a bunch more The Flagstaff chapter of the Mule Deer Foundation will host its 25th anniversary banquet and fundraiser Saturday, June 1, at Jake's on the Green at the Continental Country Club. The banquet will begin at 5 p.m. with dinner, followed by a fundraiser. There will also be a golf tournament earlier in the day for those that are interested. Tickets are $75 for a single and $125 for a couple. Let me know if you are interested in attending this exciting event...
  11. A few pictures... We were so busy all day setting up and then working I didn't get many pics. Guns... And more guns! Raffle items Did I mention we gave away a lot of firearms!
  12. Thanks for coming out guys! Yes it was a fantastic turnout, we completely sold out and then some! We had a ton of raffles, guns, and trips... yes the venue was a bit small but didn't seem too bad. Our MC Jeff Blalock did a fantastic job of keeping things moving and my fellow committee members were amazing. . Terry was certainly there as well as his wife and daughter, they worked their tails off and we really appreciate it! Don't have a final talley, but do know it was a record breaker! Heck, Roger and I even came home with two new rifles and an absolutely beautiful custom made fishing pole.... I'm a happy girl!
  13. lucky2hunt

    Took my boys to big lake

    Awesome! Great pictures! Can't wait to get over there in July for the Sunrise shoot!
  14. Thanks Weston, we'll miss you! I know a couple of your buds will be there, we will 'tip one back' in your honor!
  15. We are less than a week away from an awesome banquet! Along with the 40+ firearms, hunts, vacation and golf packages, we will have a great Outfitters Tent Package, dutch oven package, Diamondback ticket/jersey package, an archery package, and way too many more things to list... You can get tickets from me (Ilene Hailey), Bull Basin Archery here in Flagstaff, or we are now offering online sales for tickets and raffle tickets! http://www.muledeer.org/node/2103 Don't miss out on this one!!! June 1 @ Jake's on the Green at 5:00 p.m.
  16. lucky2hunt

    Coues Deer Celebration 6 - Hope you love it!

    Pretty dang cool! Fantastic job of putting that all together!!
  17. lucky2hunt

    More Africa Taxidemry Delivered

    Oh...my...goodness!!!! A-mazing!
  18. lucky2hunt

    Peg scores on a nice tom

    Love the pictures!!! Miss you guys!
  19. Thanks, it's going to be a great event!!!
  20. As of right now we do not have online sales, I believe we might be working on that. I'm in Flagstaff and can meet you anywhere or you can go to Bull Basin Archery and buy them there. Tell 'em you saw it on CouesWhitetail My contact info: Ilene Hailey - 928-853-6227 or ihailey@aol.com
  21. lucky2hunt

    Peg scores on a nice tom

    Whoop whoop! Atta' girl Peg!!! Way to call 'em in TJ, I don't know what Peg is talking about, I think you are a pretty good guide I can't wait to see the pictures!!!
  22. lucky2hunt

    I had a great morning looking for critters

    Very cool!
  23. lucky2hunt

    Arizona Chapter SCI banquet

    Roger & I are in!
  24. lucky2hunt

    Nanook: 185 1/8 Desert Bighorn

    Incredible ram! Beautiful mount!!
  25. lucky2hunt

    looking for summer bow shoots

    Flagstaff Archers has a Fun Shoot out at Willard Springs May 18 - 19th. Three courses Featuring 45 Rinehart Targets, long shot, kids course, and a novelty shot... Flag Archers will also have their annual Max Hamilton shoot June 22 - 23 @ Willard Srpings. Willard Springs is an absolutely gorgeous area 15 miles south of Flagstaff right off the I-17, exit Exit 326.