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Everything posted by 1uglydude

  1. 1uglydude

    Something Different: Javelina Recipe

    There isn't any actual cheese in Velveeta...so you're good.
  2. 1uglydude

    What is going on with AZGFD

    The answer to your first question can be found in any number of threads on how the 20% bonus pass works. You can search for them and get some good explanations. Basically, if you have any bonus points at all, be careful when you apply for pig hunts or some of the early whitetail hunts. Your best bet is to just list your first choice twice if your first choice is an easy to draw hunt. As to why you have a tag number that is higher than what is alloted for the unit, I asked the same question of the lady at the front desk at the Mesa office. She said that tag numbers printed on leftover tags don't necessarily match up with the total number of tags actually issued through the system. They don't track how many tags are left by the number printed on the tag...not sure why...but it's a quirk in their system and they're aware of it. They appear to keep track of total tags issued after the draw in some other way.
  3. 1uglydude

    j 13

    Each year they are less and less effective because too many people walk around cold calling all the time. The manufacturer recommends that you only use them in certain situations so that you don't educate the herds. Even then, they seem to work less than half the time. On opening day this year I watched some guy wandering around the desert cold calling every few minutes. There were pigs in the area, but it didn't do him any good...and that herd probably won't ever come to that call again.
  4. 1uglydude

    Baiting Javelina

    See here: http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/37265-baiting-javelina/ What's confusing about it? There is no bait ban yet, so at the very least you can do it through this season.
  5. 1uglydude

    Baiting Javelina

    What a fat jacka$$. Nothing funny about disrespecting wildlife. I was going to suggest potatoes and dogfood, but BQ beat me to it.
  6. 1uglydude

    Bought my Two Javelina tags today

    You can have as many tags as you're willing to buy so long as no two tags have the same hunt number. You just can't bag more than two pigs. I confirmed this with the draw department in Phoenix and at the counter in Mesa when I bought my leftover tags. I have a draw tag and two leftover tags, all for different hunt numbers.
  7. 1uglydude

    4 days + 228 deer = 0 bucks!

    Saturday morning I was telling my buddy how we need to get in touch with a biologist to let someone know that the does in 36C have learned how to reproduce asexually. Five minutes later we finally found a buck...after glassing 65+ does and fawns in a row.
  8. 1uglydude

    2013 elk recomendations

    Except that the whole thread is filled with stupid comments...mostly from people who seem to think they are full of wisdom beyond their years.
  9. 1uglydude

    2013 elk recomendations

    bonecollector777 and AZKiller...I love the conspiracy stories...keep them coming...they're hillarious. So, the "big wigs" are willing to risk a felony fraud charge by helping to fix the draw? And, risking that NO ONE involved at the process at AZGFD will notice, or won't be willing to blow the whistle on them? RIIIGGHHHT. Instead of spreading made up stories on the internet, why don't you try learning how things work in the real world. I'm guessing that even up in the White Mountains you can find classes on biology, accounting, and basic civics/government. And bonecollector....I'll take Packers YEARS of experience on the ground over your partial ASU biology degree any day.
  10. 1uglydude

    spring results

    You got caught in the bonus pass for your second choice. Next time put your first choice for one ans two, and put your backup choice as number three.
  11. 1uglydude

    spring results

    Anyone else notice that although the results are now online, it's showing season dates for the 2012 hunts instead of the 2013 hunts? Let's see how long it takes them to figure that out. EDIT: Looks like they fixed it.
  12. 1uglydude

    Cabelas Dry Plus Classic Bibs in Blaze Horizon

    They have "character"...but they will serve their purpose, making sure that you're seen.
  13. Cabelas Dry-Plus Classic Bibs in blaze horizon camo. Size is XL. Never worn, still have the tags on them. Would be great for a late season elk hunt. They sell for $119 new, but they’re currently on sale for $99. I’d like to get $90 for them (you also avoid tax and shipping). Contact me on my cell: 480.495.0134. Text first, if you can.
  14. 1uglydude

    got hit for $22.25 on my cc but?

    It's a bear tag. You subtract $7.50 from the tag price.
  15. 1uglydude

    credit card hits

    Yes, that's the one I'm talking about....while trying notto give it even more exposure than it has already received the last two years. :-)
  16. 1uglydude

    credit card hits

    Same here. I have heard that that particular unit is more popular this year given all the spring archery bear reports and pics that have been posted on the internet the last few years. Too bad, after three years I finally felt like I had them figured out for this year.
  17. 1uglydude

    Cabelas Dry Plus Classic Bibs in Blaze Horizon

    Late season elk is getting close, and it's supposed to snow up north this weekend. Bumping this and lowering to $75, but that's a firm price.
  18. 1uglydude

    is ther a way purposily get an application rejected?

    Go buy a pre-loaded Visa card and enter that as your credit card. I have a friend who uses them on the draw, so it should work as a valid CC number. Then, once you have the info updated on the AZGFD page, go out and spend all the money on the pre-loaded card. When they try to run the card for the draw, it will come up with insufficient funds and be rejected. It makes more work for game and fish, but it should accomplish what you're trying to do.
  19. 1uglydude

    is ther a way purposily get an application rejected?

    +1....seeing as you can now get an extra pig tag through the leftover draw, why go through that trouble for such a small charge? If you're really counting pennies that closely, just donate the archery tag and get a few bucks back by claiming the charitable donation on your taxes.
  20. 1uglydude

    Cabelas Dry Plus Classic Bibs in Blaze Horizon

    Bump...price lowered to $80
  21. 1uglydude

    WTB Genesis Mini Bow

    My 5 year old daughter loves to watch me shoot my bow. I'm on the lookout for a Genesis Mini Bow for her. If anyone has a used one they'd be willing to part with then I'd like to hear from you.
  22. 1uglydude

    Me & My Son 2011 - 2012 Elk success

    Good looking bulls. Very cool. That's what happens to trees one-two years after a fire.
  23. 1uglydude

    AZGFD doesn't care about the youth.

    Just FYI, according to AZGFD, this rule is changing. It will now be pegged to the actual 18th birthday. As long as you are 17 on the day the hunt begins, you're okay to apply for junior hunts. Brian can chime in on this, but the language should be changed the next time they print regulations. I spoke to them on the phone last week because I was concerned about how the current rule might cut off a year of eligibility for kids with late birthdays. I wasn't even aware of this thread at the time...but it looks like they were. And here you go... http://azgfd.net/artman/publish/NewsMedia/Clarification-on-age-eligibility-for-Juniors-Only-designated-hunts.shtml
  24. Anyone have any recommendations on where I can go to buy a used or rebuilt 22RE engine for a 1988 Toyota 4x4? Something in the east valley would make it much easier for me. Everyone keeps telling me how easy they are to come by, but I'm not finding that to be the case.
  25. 1uglydude

    Awesome morning in 3C

    15 year old girl at my place with a 3AC early rifle bull tag. We can't wait. Hope they're still going strong in two weeks.