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Everything posted by TLH

  1. TLH

    Kembria's Turn (Our Epic Fall Part 3)

    AMDO will be out there again this year! Love youth hunts more than anything else we do. Hunting heritage is the most important part of our mission. we added 20C to our youth camps snd we will be down at Empire Ranch holding that one again. The 20C camp is the second weekend of the hunt. Game and Fish set all the October hunts we have on the same weekend so we had to move things around. Hope to see you all out there!
  2. TLH

    ADBSS auction... this is funny as heck.

    How do you know those people so well if you’ve never met them?
  3. Thanks to all of you who attended. Some i knew, some i just met but all were great people to see and talk to. Marshall and his team did a fantastic job and has already picked the date for next year! May 3rd is the date in 2014! Mark your calender! Also, if you all liked this event we will have our last Arizona Banquet on August 3rd in East Mesa. If you are interested i would be happy to send the info. I will post it here on Amanda's Calender so you all know when and where!! Thanks to all of you!!
  4. I know the Beaver Creek is double occupancy. I am sure Sprucedale will be the same but we can ask and get back to you on it.
  5. Can not wait to see all of you at the banquet! Marshall and his crew have worked super hard to make this one a good one. We will be having Chicken and Steak Fajitas and we have a pretty good load of beer and some wine for you upscale folks! LOL! If you have a hunt in Unit 27 this year we have two packages that will be up for bids---one is a 7 day stay at Sprucedale in a Kitchenette during a hunt and the other is at Beaver Creek and they will be including dinner for 7 days! You know how much that stuff costs and these folks have gone out of their way to offer this great chance to win--also help our mule deer. And for those of you who would like to archery hunt in December we have a fully guided and outfitted hunt with one of the premier guides in the White Mountains--all you need is a license and a tag and your gear! This is all possible from the hard work and the generosity of the people who are helping and working for the MDF to help our Mule Deer here in Arizona! See you all there!
  6. TLH

    Once in a lifetime?

    I think there could be one per hunt--what i mean is that a person could take one with a rifle--one with a muzzle loader and one with a bow and you are done. Most people will not even attempt two of those choices so it would limit the amount of people who will apply. And, the person who said that we need to modify fences hit the nail on the head---and if you all want to help on a project to do just that the MDF will have a project this weekend in unit 21 on the Sycamore Mesa. We will modify 3 miles of fencing taking barbed wire off the bottom and putting smooth wire back on the bottom and raising it to 18" high. Come on out and help us and you will be part of the solution.
  7. TLH

    Gear Donation

    Remo has donated several things to our camp Gary. He is a great guy who likes to give.
  8. This year was a lot like other years where i wanted to hunt antelope but didn't get drawn--sound familiar to all of you? ;-) Any way i got a landowner tag from a guy who did not have a buyer and i was on my way to Clovis--all i can say is i am happy i bought the tag. It is one of those things when you go blind into the night! Never been to Clovis but i knew i would have a good time one way or the other. I had helped my good friend Marshall in unit 21 Friday and Saturday and we didn't see a buck that was over his ears so we decided not to shoot one...tomorrow i will be with him again and i know we will get it done. Back to the next part of the story--my son in law Tom and i left Phoenix at 6 am and 700 miles later we rolled in to the booming town of Clovis new Mexico with about an hour of light left. We went to the ranch and got our bearings strait and seen a few good bucks and had one picked out if i didn't see a better one...we spent a restless night at the Best Western and when the alarm went off at 5 am we jumped up and got it together and headed out--a cup of coffee for Tom, a Mountain Dew for me and a Egg McMuffin and we were cranked up and ready to hunt! We passed by one buck that was a shooter but i wanted to see more and at 7:30 am standing on my tool box in the back of my F250 and looking through my 15's on a tri-pod sitting on the cab of my truck (the ground was as flat as i have ever seen) and suddenly there he was--the one i wanted. He was about three miles away and i need a better look so off we walked sun at our backs and rifle ready for that magic moment! We were about 500 yards out and i knew we could get closer so we got low and kept that sun boiling at our back and it was good enough to get 258 and then the does started to worry--butts started to flair--they were doing the snort wheeze and i knew i had about 3 minutes to shoot--i got the Remington .280 ready and settled on the spot and as i squeezed the trigger the rifle barked and i was somewhat startled (which i hear is good) and all we could hear was that sssswwwwappp of the bullet smacking the buck and the game was over--just like that and at 8:20 am and 700 miles behind us this buck was mine.
  9. TLH

    Free: Garmin GPS II+

    You want to donate it to our unit 23 youth deer camp man?? I will give it to a kid so he can learn how to play with a GPS!!!
  10. TLH

    Maps for Sale

    I'll take em! How do you want your money? Paypal? Money Order? Check?? Let me know and i will get it to you. I know you will be gentle with the maps! LOL!
  11. TLH

    What the heck..??

    Your friend Mark sounds like my kind of guy! Well done! Yea, he is a good guy--6th degree black belt in Marshall Arts and pretty much doesn't like people messing with other peoples stuff. I have to say that i was happy to see that USO had signs up stating they were hunting this area as firewood was hard to find and those signs burned very, very well! LOL!
  12. TLH

    AZGFD doesn't care about the youth.

    I know this young man is disappointed but i also know that the Game and Fish go well out of their way for the youth hunter. It hurts to see someone write this even if they are young as it is not true by any means. The Game and Fish will be at our camp again in Unit 23 this year teaching kids how to glass, clean and hunt animals. They will spend their entire weekend hanging out and helping kids get on deer through out the weekend. They will have their friends from other units come help and they will praise and make that young hunter feel very special no matter if that hunter kills a deer or not. This type of thing has happened to may of us and we have to swallow our pride and admit we screwed up--not the game and fish. Rules are rules and we live by them daily--that is why we are the society that we are; it makes no difference if you are 10 or 100 we all have to live by the rules! Unit 22 Mule Deer can be a great hunt if you scout and scouting is more fun than the hunt at times...be happy for what you have buddy because many of us do not have that!
  13. TLH

    Maps for Sale

    How much to ship em to me if i buy them all? Zip 85310
  14. TLH


    I am thinking someone had their polls wrong like another poll i am hearing about now but the Cats did look very good and i am going to say it--the Cats might be a team to contend this year but it is very early in the season and a lot of things can happen. I hope the Cats are not peaking so soon--that would be devistating... By the way--i like this stuff--deep down inside i want any Arizona team to do well but in the end i want ASU to beat UofA--it is what it is! LOL
  15. TLH

    What the heck..??

    A few years back my bro in law had a tag in 6A and we had a tree stand up in a tree on a good tank--went to hunt it and there was a guy in the stand but it wasn't my tree stand--we asked him what he did with our stand and he said he had no idea what we were speaking of--mark has a temper and he told the guy to come down and get whats coming to him--i told Mark we need to find out what is up and i asked the guy if he was hunting alone or if he hired an outfitter--he was hunting with an outfitter by the name of USO--and he was very sorry if they had done something with our stand--so Mark and i backed off and waited for USO to come get their boy--when the guys showed up Mark asked him what he did with his stand and the guy said his boss took it down and threw it in the hole--Mark said well--you are going swimming and get my tree stand! He did and Mark made him get the stand out of the tree and throw it in the hole--he did.
  16. Thanks all! Casey, we did use that rangefinder and it worked perfect! I will get with you next year and let you know what area we will be looking at for landowner vouchers...it was a lot of fun! TJ, unfortunately Marshall did not tag. To his credit he had a criteria and we only saw two bucks that fit it and we couldn't get on either of them. Unit 21 is the toughest hunt i have been on for antelope. All the bucks we saw were either right at the ears or under the ears and Marshall did not want to shoot a baby buck...i say good for him! He hunted his butt off and he did not fill his tag---i feel as if i let him down in some way. Thanks again!
  17. TLH


    Lance, you sure you want to start right now?? ha-ha! We are a long ways off until the day--and you know what day that is. We did look bad for most of the game but we did show guts and came back--just made a lot of mistakes. But this is part of being an Alumni of whatever school you are from and i understand...i wore the Wrestling Uniform a long time ago so i have to be a loyal Devil fan-- Good luck to the UofA i am sure it will be a heck of a game when we meet again!
  18. TLH

    Leica 900 scan

    I will take it...email me address and i will send money order arizonaoutfitter@cox.net
  19. TLH

    LOST/STOLEN Quest Primal Hunting Bow

    So happy for you buddy!! Please let us know how you do on your hunt!!
  20. TLH

    LOST/STOLEN Quest Primal Hunting Bow

    I have a Primal you can use if you can't find yours man. If it is the same draw and all you can take it and kill a bull with it. Just let me know. I hope the person who took it realizes it isn't theirs and brings it back to the range.
  21. TLH


    How many rounds has she had down her throat? Is the barrel in good shape? I am interested but need to know a little more about the rifle. Thanks!
  22. TLH

    Rage two blade broadheads

    Whitey--i'll take em'. Lets meet up this week sometime ok. Thanks, Terry
  23. TLH

    Computer desk 4-sale - Sold

    Brad, I got $40.00 bucks if you will take it. If so let me know and i will come out and get it from you. My name is Terry Herndon my number is 623-696-5579. Thanks!
  24. TLH

    California SB1221

    Donnie, i will say this and i will go get my banquets ready--i am not going to the meeting as MDF i am going to the meeting as a bow hunter in Arizona--you seem to be stuck on my new job and that is OK. I am sure i could find all the answers to your questions but the McDowell's has nothing to do with deer populations but it has everything to do with loosing a resource that many of us have hunted for 30 or 40 years. Good luck staying out of politics Donnie! Maybe i will see you at a project somewhere this year sometime.
  25. TLH

    California SB1221

    But Donnie all of this you have written is political. That is all i am saying. Politics is when one person sees things differently than the other. The issue with the McDowell Mt's is not all about deer--it is about Javelina, coyotes and all of the other hunt able wildlife but really the biggest issue is that someone is wanting to take something away from us as hunters and that is the gist of it all. The more you type your side to this issue and disagree the more you are getting deeper and deeper into politics. You are where i was about 10 years ago--i hated anything to do with politics but as i got more and more into what i love i realized that if you do not fight for what you believe then you are the problem and not the solution. I know that politics drive wedges between people but it is what makes this country better than the rest---we actually do have a chance as long as we can get passed the rocky roads we go down and back each other. One thing i do disagree with is your comment about Orgs...you are dead wrong if you think a group of 5 or 10 folks can get as much done as an organization--it just doesn't happen. Now, do we want to fight for the chance to use a resource that has been used by hunters for 100's of years and go to the meeting or do we want to say that it doesn't matter and sit on our hands and let them take another piece of hunting land from us?? It is political but it is important--at least to me. I will be there... Theodore Roosevelt was a politician and he is the reason we have what we have today--politics have done more for wildlife than anything else Donnie---it just isn't a fuzzy feel good thing and no one likes it that I know.