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Everything posted by TLH

  1. That is sweet man!! He made a nice shot didn't he?? It is very nice when a client can make the shot!!
  2. TLH


    There is! I will post the locations before the 1st.
  3. TLH

    Ever see this?

    Holy scrotum Batman--that is just nuts!! That is a brute Tyler--did your leg give ya any trouble??
  4. TLH

    Find the Deer (now with awnser)

    Man, that grass is tall! All i can see are their backs above the grass.
  5. It was just a matter of time--this is no surprise to me and it shouldn't be to anyone on here or in the USA unless they have been under a rock. There are a lot of very good people in Mexico but there are a lot of really bad people too (just like here in the USA) If these bad people can make a buck off of rich people then they will start kidnapping people at a higher rate. (Just my opinion here)
  6. TLH

    Arizona Weather

    I have a pretty good tag too EH--muzzy hunt in the Whitetanks starting on Dec.15th--should be a kick in the pants man!! Stan, too bad for the young one--maybe next year??
  7. TLH


    Hey all! I am looking to buy a good used encore frame--if any of you have one or know of someone please let me know. Thanks!
  8. TLH

    Air rest

    I wonder what would happen if you stuck that thing in the dirt? Would it gather all of that graphite stuff up on it like the old magnets we used to play with when we were kids?? I dunno, me thinks me stay with the WB or trap door.
  9. Pretty darned slick lady Shortpants!! By the way, i am still saving my money for one of those Yamahammers you have!! Maybe by Feb next year!! Will ya still be dealing with them?
  10. Desertbull--yes, i believe i was a part of that conversation when it was going around--he has his right to not like youth hunts all he wants--it won't do him any good but he can have opinion just the same. I have a few folks out there that think the youth hunts are a bunch of bull--all of them have no kids, are not married and have no idea why it is so necessary to get the kids going down the hunting road--i understand that and leave it at that--i don't get into arguments with folks that have strong beliefs and i do not judge them for those beliefs--it keeps life simple. I will stick to what my Mom told me a long time ago--"Worry about those things you can change and don't spend a minute on the one's you can't" It has kept my life simple and i like it that way--that all said, i do get into it with some of the folks at the AWF because they need to be enlightened sometimes!!
  11. AZ Guide--you crack me up!! Chris and i have never met and i assume he is a good guy because he is a hunter and an outdoors man--i think that about anyone that i meet on AZOD or here. I will meet Chris someday and maybe we will end up being friends, right now he has contributed a lot on AZOD and people like to see his pictures--my grand pappy was an Atheist and someday i will tell the story about his last days on earth--lets just say he had a change of heart the last 2 months of his life--no matter if you believe or not it made his last few months better and if there was something there when he left then he was happy--if there wasn't he didn't know any different any ways. If you all want to see the big buck pictures you can see them here: http://www.azodchat.com/forum/viewtopic.ph...&highlight=
  12. Stan, In case you didn't know it--Chris is one of my better buds--he is also the Admin over on the Arizona Sportsman Journal---he has helped with making my announcements sticky over there and we have had some interest from that site. Oh, and if any of you have not been to that site i highly recommend it!! Thanks Chris!!
  13. Howdy folks!! We will be having the ADA junior deer camp in 20C/18B this year and the camp will be set up between the 17th of November to the 19th of November. We could use as many folks as we can to make this a special hunt for all of the young hunters we will have there. Read on for the location of the camp!! We will be setting up the camp at about mp15.3 just west of the Date Creek road between Congress and Hillside. The camp is 5 miles south of Hillside. It's an open area and the camp is visible from the Date Creek road. Quail season is open and folks have actually walked right out of camp to chase a few birds. Come on up--or over--or down, whatever the case may be and have some fun with all of us folks!! Need more info?? Call me at 623-696-5579.
  14. Amanda, just one camp covering both units--we will be set up on the Southern edge of 18B--i know this might be a drive for some but this year it is the best we can do with the resources we have--we would like to have a camp in every youth hunt and this is one of my goals for the future of the J.A.D.A. Thanks for asking---by the way, did you get all of my contact info i sent to you via email yesterday?? Sorry it took so long but i have been pretty busy the past two weeks.
  15. I see Stephanie Rainey has a 3rd place prize on there. Stephanie has her own company where she films hunts and she is a part of the Hunt of a Lifetime Organization. She goes by Videoshot on the AZOD site. She is one heck of a person!!
  16. TLH


    Actually, this will save money in the long run. The building and land they are on right now will pay for the new buildings they will be building. If anything you should be happy they are building their new office at Ben Avery because this means that Ben Avery will be there for a while.
  17. How about GOODYOUNGMAN because you are!! Actually, i like Van Diesel Wolf!
  18. So far on AZOD Chris has been a total gent--he has posted some great pictures and has had dialog with a lot of folks. I can say he is honest in his assessment with size and quality of animals that are posted on AZOD. Not sure what the commotion was about on here but as long as he is as he is on AZOD he is welcome anytime.
  19. The FS is actually thinking about outsourcing what they do--where does this stand in the equation??
  20. Folks, this can really be a bad thing. I agree there are enough--more than enough--roads in the woods right now so i have no problem with not building any more roads. At this point and time there are laws in place for people but they still break them--why? because there is not enough law enforcement out there to stop them, also, people who see these people violating our land will not report them! My concern is that there may be some people out there that are set to do whatever they can to close these woods for their own agenda--three or four people or even three thousand or four thousand people shouldn't make the rules for the majority--this is where we come in--you must be a part of this or you will have to live with the consequences of your apathy. Get involved folks--it is the only way we can keep control away from the greenies in this world. It isn't a bad thing to be a little green but when you excrete green then you have a huge problem!!
  21. We got back last week but before we left we tagged this buck. He will make the books and the guy did a heck of a job stalking and shooting this buck I am the dude on the right in the picture--i won't give out the name of the hunter (because i didn't ask him if it would be alright) but the buck was named Yo Yo!! Check out how green it is over near Roy, New Mexico!!
  22. TLH

    Not hunting related

    How far back can you remember the UFC?? Do you remember the BEAST? Dan Severn?? Now he was an animal--he is also my brother in laws brother. I wrestled at ASU when Dan was the heavy weight and when he got into the UFC i thought he was nuts--once he learned how to use his hands better he WAS nuts!! Frye is another one of the old ASU wrestlers that turned to the UFC and he can flat put the smack down on ya with his right hooks and his deadly wrestling skills--great sport and i really like to watch it!!
  23. TLH

    Your First Rifle?

    Remington Model 660 in the .308 cal. Still have it and i will never get rid of it.
  24. Hi all!! Don't know if any of you know this or not but i decided to jump in with both feet and help the ADA out with the youth camps--it is my baby for the next couple of years at least to get these things manned and ready. Stan Johnson (AKA Stanley) has been the Youth Chairperson for two years and now that his boys are getting older he needs to spend that time with them. Stan will be helping with this years camps but i really need to get a few of our folks on CouesWhitetail.com to give us a hand by doing some glassing, helping with the hot coco, or help by cooking the hot dogs--really anything that you could possibly think of i need help with. This years camps will be in 36A. 18B/20C and they we will be setting up the camps on the 16th of November and breaking the camp down on the 19th of November. We are in the process of having a unit watch combined with these camps this year as they have in the past so we should have a great time!! If any of you are not hunting that weekend we would really like to have you in our camps!!
  25. Thanks Doug--it will be great having you there lending a hand!! I know the kids will be thankful and that is what it is all about.