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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    My sons sheep video

    Sweet, and congrats! Priceless.
  2. Chris

    Trail Cam Pics

    Just 2 ?
  3. Chris

    5B North Bulls

    I saw 60 cow elk and about a dozen (or more) elk fawns in 5bnorth.
  4. Chris

    Bighorn sheep tag

    Finding sheep may be difficult, but after that..... those boys are not too sharp!
  5. Chris

    El Chapo

    You won't be seeing him..... he has peeps
  6. Chris

    5B North Bulls

    Last week was a full moon. That tends to reduce numbers seen during the day! This week will be better!
  7. Chris

    So who has signed up to the AZ G&F Portal?

    Whoa now.....we are talking about the Az Game and Fish! Innovation is last on their minds.
  8. Chris

    Kimber Classic 8400 in 300 WSM

    (oops posted twice, not sure why)
  9. Chris

    Kimber Classic 8400 in 300 WSM

    How many rounds have been thru it?
  10. Chris

    Hopefully tomorrow is the day

    Yesterday was card update, so is it just ..... punch a button? Once they (g&f) do, how long does that process take?
  11. Chris

    Waitin' on Draw Results

    Okay, we have a like button...... how about a dislike button?
  12. Chris

    a few pics

    Bulls following cows....odd.
  13. Chris

    Biting the bullet

    Zeiss at third.... good one! (to each his own).
  14. Chris

    Waitin' on Draw Results

    So, today is the day?
  15. Chris

    2015 Elk SHow

    Great pics!
  16. Chris

    BIG front end on a 7x8 on 6/9

    I agree. They usually are 5miles or less (unless pushed bulls or pushed cows) by hunters.
  17. Interested in CZ P-01 or PCR. Cabelas didn't have these.
  18. I don't have the ED...... and LOVE it !
  19. Chris

    unit mix-up

    Not hard finding bulls in unit nine!
  20. Chris

    350 Plus Bulls

  21. Chris

    48 Elk Harvested with a bow and arrow

    Wow, great bull.
  22. Chris

    Eye candy

    From what I've seen, they'll start rubbing on August 5th or 6th....like clockwork! So I would guess the growth must stop at least a week before that? Maybe 2 ? Love the bulls! Do you need a hunting partner!
  23. Chris


    Regarding cams, one year the 4B fire was pretty big..... I thought my only camera was a gonner. I went up, after the fire was done, and it was still there. The fire split about 50 feet away and didn't touch my tree. Everything else around was gone! It was like someone was protecting it. I thought, man am I gonna get some cool fire pics! Found out, I forgot to power on the camera...... SMART.
  24. Thanks, this looks great!
  25. I'll check Buds. Any local stores recommended for FFL?