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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    Found dog

  2. Chris

    THEFT, yes THEFT!

    For future uses.....put a "black light" game camera watching a road. You'll catch them that way!
  3. Chris


    Whos taxidermy shop is that?
  4. Chris

    Archery strip!

    Good luck! I saw a toad come out of there.....in a truck..... biggest deer that I've ever seen!
  5. If your in Phoenix, purchase your guns from Buds Guns, then pick Bell Road Pawn Shop (really) 25th Street/Bell....... What an easy process that was! Great price, no hassle, and had the gun in a week! I guess most of the pawn shops business is FFL gun transfers, so it's more of a gun store. I got tired of Cabelas never having guns in stock.
  6. Chris

    THEFT, yes THEFT!

    Private property? Like a ranch?
  7. Cabelas can get you a gun from another store if available. (free) I was told they can not order you anything. I did both. Bell Road Pawn transfer is $15, Buds shipping and tax = zero
  8. Chris

    Results are up

  9. Chris

    Anyone seen this bull? 436" velvet

    So, this would be in top 5 of WR elk? (typical)
  10. Redman, do you have pic of the arrow entry location? PS...NICE elk!
  11. Chris

    Tiny black flies that bite

    Okay, after a little research ...... Noseeums. Deet to repel, but I just want something to attract them and kill them.
  12. Chris

    Tiny black flies that bite

    I live in N. Phx and have a pool. I'm having issues with these tiny black flies. I can hardly see them. What are they? How do I kill them?
  13. Chris

    Anyone seen this bull? 436" velvet

    If I'm not mistaking, you draw that tag, you could go right away? Hard to pass up on this season!
  14. Chris

    Anyone seen this bull? 436" velvet

    Disappear, you crazy..... he would be chasing cows with a nose up a butt or two! Big bulls do not flip the hormonal switch OFF during the rut.
  15. Chris

    WHERE AM I???? I will join the fun

    It's not the caribbean!
  16. Chris


    Bump... WHere did you get the ground tarp?
  17. Chris


    I have one....love it. Wonderful for cold hunts. 10minutes to set up!
  18. Chris

    Trail Cam Pics

    I'm adding to my buck list ....... need to take one palmetto! Love it!
  19. Chris

    Trail Cam Pics

    Thanks! Love the palmation!
  20. Chris

    Biting the bullet

    Better hurry, the velvet will be gone in about 2 weeks
  21. Chris

    Credit hit

    Yeah, I'd like a left over sheep tag please!
  22. Bad choice in my opinion. My brother made that dumb choice and we had to follow that elk for miles. We got lucky, saw an antler sticking up, and was able to stalk and shoot again. The arrow went thru the front chest and the broadhead was near his butt. This elk could walk and avoid us without any problems.
  23. Chris

    7mm or .308?

    (not to change topic) .... sweet avatar nralifer !
  24. Chris

    Archery in your backyard?

    I'm at Tatum and Bell, north of me there is a big desert area for walking. But they do post signs saying "no shooting of guns or bows." So I'm guessing, unless posted, it's okay. I use to shoot a portable target at GCC all the time, and never had anyone say anything.
  25. Chris

    A few pictures to pass the time

    Why the hole in the ground?