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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    I need to fish more

    I found it ! It took awhile!
  2. So now, with low risk, I can go hunt any unit, take any game, any time of the year, chase the game to me with a drone, shoot it (silencer) and put meat in the freezer, and rack on the wall. . What's the worst that can happen, 5 years of no hunting. Sad. Game & Fish, something needs to change. Do we really have 5 commissioners on a board of leadership, that think that this is okay?
  3. A quote from the late Fred Bear ...... #4 “If you are not working to protect hunting, then you are working to destroy it.” http://www.wideopenspaces.com/7-fred-bear-quotes-every-hunter-know/
  4. Chris

    Archery Coues in the Snow

    Just curious, with the snow, do the deer go to tanks. If so, how often?
  5. Other outfitters on that ranch? I thought Chad was the only one with that option. That's what I was told when I had a unit 10 tag, 4 years ago. Forget outfitters, I'd like to hear from the Oro cowboy.
  6. Chris

    Another ram in Northwest Arizona!

    Congrats on the ram! The survey was so bad, why are they allowing any tags. This is sad.
  7. Chris

    Big guy in Unit 5b south

    I keep hearing of a big bull in 5b south. Anyone got pics? I believe he is still alive... PM me if you want.
  8. It's been awhile since I've had to get an alignment, but I know most small shops cant handle 4x4 alignment for some reason..... Any places in NE Phx area? (tatum / bell) CHEVY
  9. Chris

    44BN Hunt

    Congrats on getting and fulfilling the tag. Priceless.
  10. Ugh.....what a joke penalties have become. It certainly gives us some options does it not! This seems to encourage poaching! G&F peeps, you can chime-in here anytime.
  11. How about (since poaching is supposed to be bad) the G&F make it a lifetime ban? Because right now, it's like getting a misdemeanor ...... and why should it be? The penalties for poaching should be a deterrent, and they are not.
  12. Start south of Long Lake about 3 to 4 miles....big ranch there is great start ! They are thick there!
  13. Chris


    Just say you need the receipt for warranty.
  14. Any favorites? I see Cabela's has a few different ones. Just want to stop the dog from going postal with the neighbors dog!
  15. Chris

    No bark Collar recommendations?

    I see various models..... How much do I need to spend for the Tritronics? (I see it's Garmin, so I'm not sure).
  16. Chris

    No bark Collar recommendations?

    I don't think the "shockers" are all that nasty from watching Caeser the dog whisperer said it's a very mild shock, just bothers them.
  17. Chris

    Recognize this Yavapai County bull?

    Wow, big 3rd's. No later pics a couple weeks later? That time of year, he should have been coming back daily.
  18. Chris

    Plate carriers / armor carrier

    Are plates LE and military sales only?
  19. I have a new .270 ..... would it help? What do they do? How much money? Gunsmith recommendations for such?
  20. http://www.gotxring.com/hunting/ http://www.gotxring.com/backyard-balistics-article-eliseo-tube-gun/ http://www.pierceengineeringltd.com/category/tube-guns/rifle/tube-guns
  21. Chris

    Please explain, tuning the action

    No, it is a new rifle.
  22. Chris

    No bark Collar recommendations?

    Okay, whats "tone" and shocker? Both on the collar?